• They matter UNTIL you're in love. I'm sure you've noticed many couples who are madly in love yet clearly are not on par with one another in the looks department. Looks matter most in the initial courtship.

    But I can tell you one thing: the most attractive person eventually becomes ugly.
    Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
    If your significant other faces an accident or a disease would one leave them because they are ugly?

    Would it matter if the girl you love looks like this
    alt text

    or like this
    alt text

    or like this
    alt text

    or like this
    alt text

    All that matters is the loving and caring Monica inside.
    alt text

    P.S. Average looking guys have absolutely nothing to worry about. If you're not downright hideous and you play your cards right, you have a very good chance of winning over the girl and having a long-lasting relationship.

  • Yes they do...
    You get attracted to that person obviously on the basis of looks.
    Never saw a girl falling for theories and formulaes created by some scientist
    So yeah it all starts from 'looks'

  • @sammy true heart doesnt matter nowdays only enjoyment and looks matters

  • Honestly I prefer books that do not have covers so that I only see the name on the side of the book. That means the book is usually warn. Warn meaning a lot of people have read it meaning itโ€™s a good book! Smarties!๐Ÿ˜œ but when it comes to relationships I am very old fashioned. Yes looks do start off because you have to find your partner attractive. But after you get past the looks a relationship is basically the same thing as a book. You are flipping through a different page every day. Finding something new. Something you didnโ€™t notice before. Something that makes you understand them even better. And when you think your done just reread the book again. You will catch new things that you never noticed before. And yes that book had a cover and the cover is what us hoomans call love. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™ˆ

  • When I buy a book, rather than the cover I let myself be guided by the opinions of the people who already bought it, from the critics or by my own intuition, but that doesn't apply to people. Soo, although the important thing in a bf/gf is the personality, looks also matter, it's impossible to maintain a relationship if you do not feel minimally attracted to him/her.

  • @Willoww The English idiom "don't judge a book by its cover" is a metaphorical phrase which means "you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone".And I usually judge a book by reading the synopsis :D
    But yes in a relationship looks matter in the initial stages but we all know that inner beauty matters more than outer beauty. People who are able to find both are lucky asf.

  • Gamers

    yeah looks dont matter, but on the same time i am not gonna fall for a baboon, so it would matter a bit, but once we go far enough she can go ugly, i mean it wont matter then :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • @willoww the cover draws you to the book, the content/summary on the back makes you actually invest time and money to read it. Same with relationships.
