Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.

  • @thestrangest


    I don't want to repeat myself. He is describing the ideology behind the religious people but doesn't describe why religion was the reason, Bush made the ban.

    it explains how the secular side answers no to the first question of "is an embryon human life" and how religious people answer it. Fuck

    Yeah, so. In the bush's statement, he talks about the statements given by ethicist. In here he talks about the statement given by religious people. Just because they are similar doesn't mean that they are the one and the same. If you are saying that they are, then that means you are committing a fallacy.

    Btw, I don't think that he said outright that the ban was due to religious people or did he?

  • @thestrangest No, we are not. Not until you give something of significance or you quit.

  • @sir-devil ARE WE DONE?

  • @thestrangest So, are you quitting? If yes, then we are done because I can go on like this for a while.

  • @thestrangest said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:


    Nice little words, you got there. ahem ad hominem

  • @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest So, are you quitting? If yes, then we are done because I can go on like this for a while.

    NO I'M NOT FUCKING QUITTING. you made me debate you on something that i had ZERO expertise on for 2 hours+ and I'm not FUCKING stopping now

  • @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:


    Nice little words, you got there. ahem ad hominem

    Uhm uhm. Not an ad-hominim since i wasn't responding to an argument

  • @thestrangest or trying to prove anything by calling you a dense motherfucker

  • @thestrangest Oh was I the one who made you?

    If you don't know about something, you shouldn't argue against or for it until you properly research it.

  • @sir-devil well it is an ad-hominim but just not n ad-hominim fallacy

  • @thestrangest okay, I'm new to this fallacy game. I actually need a guide for that.

  • @sir-devil well i feel like i did a good amount of research throughout the debate. Starting from having 0% expertise i think i now know around 20% which is still shit but enough to explain this to your lazy ass in 3-4h

  • @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest okay, I'm new to this fallacy game. I actually need a guide for that.

    Yeah you should watch videos

  • @sir-devil I'll link you some

  • @sir-devil these are probably all the videos you'll ever need

    Introduction to Critical Thinking:

  • @thestrangest Ah... Slow Internet. I couldn't reply on time. What I meant by that statement is that I needed to refer a guide which I'm keeping by my side in another tab.

  • @thestrangest Wow! That's great news.

    lazy ass

    This must be an ad hominem because that statement implies that I'm not doing proper research or not giving enough materials in the argument.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest Wow! That's great news.

    lazy ass

    This must be an ad hominem because that statement implies that I'm not doing proper research or not giving enough materials in the argument.

    It is implying that the debate was not necessary if you had done deep enough research. Is this being used to imply that something you said is wrong? No therefore it is not an ad-hominim. If it was implying that you are wrong BECAUSE you are a "lazy-ass" meaning that you didn't do your own research then it is an ad-hominim

  • @thestrangest Where did I not do necessary research? I was the one who disapproved many of your statement with proper citation and research. Ad Hominem means using personal attacks to undermine one's argument and your statement is implying that since I didn't do the necessary research, my arguments were improper and not good, which is undermining my entire argument.

  • @sir-devil in other words if "lazy ass" is ALWAYS an ad-hominim (meaning attack on character" but if it isn't used to say that an argument is valid, unvalid,strong or weak then t is not AN AD-HOMINIM FALLACY