• @sarah_the_magpie do it Sarah, it's so empowering, i made that decision quite young and it's served me well. Get yourself into this mindset - (my mantra) - "I'd rather have someone else thinking I'm an asshole than ME thinking I'm an asshole", it's a much more bearable situation mentally

  • My greatest temptation is giving in to my dog

  • @Selena-G what does your dog want? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Scottish he walked in on me when i was changing so idk...ask him ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @pe7erpark3r spidey i have a whole list lol. Off the top of.my head - smoking, drinking, brooding about past things i cannot change, obsessing about death, being distant from people i should be close to, being far too soft with people i know i should be hard with, working too hard, speaking before i think, falling in love with the wrong people, considering suicide (don't freak, I'd never do it, it's just a strange compulsion i can never shake off)
    ,i could go on but that's enough for starters lol. Bit i HAVE quit drugs, don't even miss them and i tell my mum i love her everytime we speak and im generally very happy so, you know, not too much to complain about

  • @Selena-G it's best i keep my smart comments to myself on this one ๐Ÿ˜

  • @Scottish lmaooo good choice๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @sarah_the_magpie said in What is the greatest temptation in your life?:

    i wish i had the guts to say "no" more often. i just can't stop myself from agreeing to do things i don't actually feel like doing just because i want to seem like a polite & helpful person. i wish i wasn't so wimpy all the time, but it's a really hard habit to break.

    I feel you. I think I can and do say "no" more easily, but I tend to feel guilty about it often...

  • @Scottish said in What is the greatest temptation in your life?:

    @Matt_Aranha i have this exact situation with one of my sisters. She is bad news, can't really think of anything good about her, she is a liar, a scrounger, a thief, a shit stirrer, a drama queen, self obsessed, deluded, nasty, resentful of other people's happiness, jealous, manipulative, devious, blames the family for the shit situations she gets herself into even though we are actually the ones who dig her out of the
    holes she gets.herslf into, with our time, our money, our emotional and practical support etc
    , and yet i still find myself caring about her and checking in on her, fucking nightmare lol

    well some people actually are your responsibility. she's family. no helping it. except of course if not helping her would actually be the better kind of help...

  • @Scottish said in What is the greatest temptation in your life?:

    @pe7erpark3r spidey i have a whole list lol. Off the top of.my head - smoking, drinking, brooding about past things i cannot change, obsessing about death, being distant from people i should be close to, being far too soft with people i know i should be hard with, working too hard, speaking before i think, falling in love with the wrong people, considering suicide (don't freak, I'd never do it, it's just a strange compulsion i can never shake off)
    ,i could go on but that's enough for starters lol. Bit i HAVE quit drugs, don't even miss them and i tell my mum i love her everytime we speak and im generally very happy so, you know, not too much to complain about

    that is quite the list! however it's good to hear that the core of your life sounds intact, you know?

  • @pe7erpark3r

    @pe7erpark3r said in [What is the greatest temptation in your life? Like your display picture, I would like to pose myself like that display picture for real not in reel !!'

    Like, what is a thing you really want to stop but cannot keep yourself from doing it? how sweet ?? I am a one pethatic lier, so lost in my mind to Belive in my own lies, that I am not capable of doing it, when I am capable of innit ?? Really I think I should spit up on my own face I guess ??
    How does it feel to be so out of control over yourself?
    breathe observe let go !!
    Have you overcome something like this already?I can't label the feeling its all sensation but yeah I guess ?? How? I told you breathe, observe, let go ..

  • The only temptation I have in my life is I'm being tempted by temptation, wasn't for being tempted ild be fine

  • Too much attached too temptation , plus a pethatic lie to give reasons to do it ,another words too weak to stick to own words and giving reason's to surroundings and beliveing on you own lie .. just manipulation insid your head...

  • @knownsense said in What is the greatest temptation in your life?:

    Too much attached too temptation , plus a pethatic lie to give reasons to do it ,another words too weak to stick to own words and giving reason's to surroundings and beliveing on you own lie .. just manipulation insid your head...

    well don't fear and stop with the lies to yourself and to others. lying has never really made anything better in the longterm for anybody โ€“ and certainly not for everybody.

  • Redirection time.
    Greatest temptation in life?
    "It was all about the pussy, if you can get it, but a little girl like me, never fucked liked it'
    Always I can find song lyrics for every situation ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
