Share your problems with Sir Devil

  • Is it bad to want only good for people even if it meant sacrificing your own happiness? If no why do people look at me like I am some kind of freak saying "You're not human! You should be selfish! " And why do some people find it weird and pity me because I am always smiling saying "Your mom use to have cancer and you're still able to smile?! What a freak?!"
    Am I really that bad should I change?

  • @lonely_wolf Maybe you are afraid that if D is gay you won't be able to look at him the same way because you will know that he is attracted to men (maybe including you) and you don't want to lose that bond that you have with D (is that correct? If not plz correct me)
    I can only say that only time can reveal the truth, but try to be more open and sit and discuss the matter with him face to face and calmly so that you can understand each other and please I am begging you: do not built too much hope because the higher your hopes will be the harder you will fall. And be prepared mentally for a shocking answer so that way you won't hurt yourself nor your dear friend.
    If you need more advice feel free to contact me and thanks for hearing me out.

  • In today's era, there's a lot of stuff in the internet that could get you questioning your entire existence leading you to self-doubt and insecurities. I have a friend, his name is Tom and I am his personal friend. I would like to share his story to all of you.

    Tom is currently 14 years old. He likes to surf the internet thus leading him to understand things much quicker and made him question his upcoming future too much. He spents most of his day questioning who he would like to become, what he wants to become and most of all, if he could have a good future. He also thinks that he overthinks too much. Everytime he walks out in public he would feel like everyone is stealing glances at him. He was anxious of his looks or whether he is out of the ordinary. Due to a lot of good looking and talented peers becoming viral in the internet, he was insecure of his own talents. Back at home, he would always think of how to improve his own talents and what talents does he even want to start with.

    Tom wants to be popular, like an idol or a celebrity. But he knew that it would never come true. He is a reticent person and is afraid of speaking out his dreams. He felt like he would only be looked down upon. Tom always question himself, thinking if he's overthinking stuff and if he was already quite mature. He envies his friends that all looks like they're free of such thoughts. There is also a heavy feeling in his chest that he can't explain. It isn't an illness or something but more of a psychological problem (I think). Please help Tom be clear of such problems.

  • @tessha hi tessha please follow me

  • Ok, this is my first time sharing anything like this but, I just need someone to talk to. In short, I just graduated high school and while in high school I met this really cute boy. But he didn't like me at all, he would sometimes walk all over me, ignore me, and treat me as if I had the plague sometimes. The problem is, I liked this boy for three years and it hurts like hell. One because I already had a low self-esteem (12 years of bullying didn't help that at all). And two, every guy I met so far has either ignored me or push me away based on my looks which just makes me feel worse about my self. It sucks that Dustin didn't seem to have one care about me at all. For the longest time I didn't 100% care about guys but until 10th grade I just liked him. I tried asking him out once, but all he did was ignore me. And if I tried to talk to him he would listen for like three seconds but then walk away. The one time I got close to any kind of "real" answer level is when I asked him about something and then he replied with a half-assed answer to "Go on Christian mingle". I don't know why I found this one guy so nice ( and to like him for three years, this year in counting). Maybe it was his looks, or maybe it was the thought that maybe he's just a bad guy because he's had a shitty life and maybe I could just make it better or make him feel better. Maybe less alone, or maybe be someone he could talk too. I dunno, the point that I am trying to get at is that my heart is broken. I don't know how to fix it or get over it 100%, and that will I ever find a guy who likes me? Or was I doomed since day one to be alone? (Tbh I want to punch the guy sometimes for making me feel like such shit and treated poorly when I really tried to get somewhere).

  • @sir-devil i put a shotgun in my mouth today for 3 hours

  • My problem is I don't know how to put on my pic

  • @Sir-Devil okay thank you for this platform
    So this guy and I have been best friends for quite some time now and everything was amazing. He would call me everyday and when I missed his calls I would obviously call him back. On the phone and in person we could talk for hours on end. From my point of view and what I gathered from our friendship everything is platonic no feelings what so ever. But then two days ago I was dared to give him a lap dance and I followed through with the dare. Since then things have been off. We don't talk as much in person. He hasn't called or texted me all he did was post a screenshot of him talking to some girl on his status. Then today he posted a pic of his chat with some girl. It Iteels as if there's thing distance between us. Cause today neh we got our marks back and I did really bad (for my standards) and I told him Im feeling really sad and all but he never once comforted or given me a hug or anything. He just went about as if he didn't hear me
    I don't know what's happening
    What should I do
    Any thoughts

  • @Sir-Devil hello

  • Im 29 female. Im about the divorce. My husband cheated on me. We r separated for 2 years. I have a son 4yr. I send him a divorce notice he didn't reply yet. I met him thrice after we seperated he didnt apologies but he blamed me for his mistakes. I don't know what he is thinking. He didnt put any effort to convince me. No matter how hard i try i can't forgive him. Im looking for a job now nothing is working on. Im in complete miserable state for 2 years. Im tired of doing nothing. Im afraid of my sons future. Im scared to face the reality. I dont know how i feel im doing nothing for years. I cant even live with him and i cant live without him. I know if i go back things not same as before. But i cant help it. 6 years if marriage life just like that he forget about me and my son. I cant understand. I thought he will return to me but im wrong. I dont know what i did for that 6 years to him? Is it all my imagination? I dont want to talk to him i even blocked his number. At same time i wanna tell him how i feel im confused. How can i get over this shit?

  • @Sir-Devil since when devil got a tilte as sir ? For what joy you think should share problem ? Who's problem you are talking about ? Your problem, or other fellows problem ??

  • Just got told I'm moving in a year. Not even getting the chance to finish middle school. Also too scared to tell my friends.

  • Welcome, Strangers! I have once again returned to offer my services...