• @Ashtoncoon said in Are you American?:

    Oh yeah a austrofag. You're pretty much European. Eat shit autstofag.
    I looked at your profile, and yikes. Fucking cringe for days.
    "I have metal in my veins, i'm so badass, kid"

    Oh no some pansy on the nets trying to be mean to me šŸ˜­.
    You seem pretty aggressive in your post, butt hurt no big boy hair yet? Fuck off kid. Your not the least intimadating so take ya half ass aggression and take it out on that uncle who fiddles with your diddle.

    (Btw it would be aussiefag not austrofag, work in that iq)

    You're the one who thinks hes a badass. You're not.

  • @Ashtoncoon said in Are you American?:

    You're the one who thinks hes a badass. You're not.

    Says the foolish pussy.
    Your statement can be backed up with what evidence?

    You're profile screams in edgy and you seem to think you are some type of badass. "Foolish pussy" Oh thats ironic.
    First, your username. You seem to think your cool, and edgy, and INSANE. You aren't. Then the rest of your profile and it hurts to look at it. You say shit like "my occupation is whatever i want" "voices in my head "metal in my veins" Like god dude you don't look cool. You just look like a straight faggot.

  • @Ashtoncoon said in Are you American?:

    You're profile screams in edgy and you seem to think you are some type of badass. "Foolish pussy" Oh thats ironic.
    First, your username. You seem to think your cool, and edgy, and INSANE. You aren't. Then the rest of your profile and it hurts to look at it. You say shit like "my occupation is whatever i want" "voices in my head "metal in my veins" Like god dude you don't look cool. You just look like a straight faggot.

    See this is where your clearly retarded as all fuck.
    I've posted on these boards several times about my mental health. Im scitzoaffective wank stain, I'm very much insane, once you learn to read look it up you uneducated peice of shit.

    My occupation is what ever I want, because I'm insane I'm on a government pension and never have to even attempt to look for work let alone do what I'm told so I do as I fucking please. Blow me bitch

    I'm a huge metal fan, have been for longer than you been alive, can actually use instruments and play gigs with mates occasionally, metal is in my veins faggot features.

    Your just a dick who can't make a correct statement about anything, hope you like cleaning toilets for a career, best you can hope for.

    Yeah but you seem to embrace it and thinks its a good thing, its not. You should attempt to conceal. I don't care how much you like metal, i like some metal. Saying "i've got metal in my veins" Makes you sound like a mega fag. The fact that you are 39 and act like this, is beyond sad. Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a edgy 15 year old.

    Cleaning toilets? Fuck atleast i can do something for a job, unlike your hipster ass. Also i ain't gonna be doing that, im going to be a veterinarian, and actually help people and not be a stupid like yourself.

    Just off yourself, you're wasting everyone's time and money.

  • @Ashtoncoon said in Are you American?:

    Yeah but you seem to embrace it and thinks its a good thing, its not. You should attempt to conceal. I don't care how much you like metal, i like some metal. Saying "i've got metal in my veins" Makes you sound like a mega fag. The fact that you are 39 and act like this, is beyond sad. Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a edgy 15 year old.

    Cleaning toilets? Fuck atleast i can do something for a job, unlike your hipster ass. Also i ain't gonna be doing that, im going to be a veterinarian, and actually help people and not be a stupid like yourself.

    Just off yourself, you're wasting everyone's time and money.

    Lol you will never pass a vet course, can't look shit up, can't read and go with what ever bullshit you think is right, yep should be a breeze.

    Btw vets help animals not people spaz .... Yeah you'll make an epic vet.

    Why the fuck would I conceal my mental health issues? It's part of who I am and I spend quite a bit of time helping other people out with there own problems, don't like it? cry to someone who cares cause I don't.

    And I'll say what ever the fuck I like, your having a Sook cause you don't like it, try fucking the hell off, it's a simple fix

    When I worked bi worked fucken hard, i was a butcher for 20 years and a farrier for another 5, you wouldn't last a day in either field.

    You can tell me to fuck off all you like but guess what cunt, I'm here to stay

    I can read and look up shit, but why would I spend that much time on you?

    Yeah i help animals, which in turn helps somebody out by keeping their animal healthy. Spaz.

    It shouldn't be "part of who you are". It never should be part of who you are. Its not something to be proud of. You seem extremely upset.

    Say what you want, but don't be shocked when you get called a faggot for saying it. Are you even speaking English? "sook"

    Actually if i was trained I could probably do both, its not a super complex or insanely hard job.

    Wow you sound so badass "I'm here to stay". Wow, a 40 year old man is here to stay on a website and talk to strangers while acting like a 15 year old. That is something to be proud of.

    Also what the fuck is that hair? You trying to be a woman? Once again, faggot.

  • @Ashtoncoon hairs called dreads butt slut. Not all of
    us wanna be pretty boys or skin heads, continue being a sheep
    Pfft I'm out, worthless losser is worthless

  • @Ashtoncoon are you sure about that? You couldn't even subdue vietnam

  • @Scottish
    Well a couple of things.

    1. We could have, if we wanted. We could have said fuck the laws of war, invaded the north and throw our entire weight against the NVA. It would have been over.
    2. Could you do it? No, because you really can't win a gurellia war when you don't wanna commit too many war crimes and its a large opposing force.
      If we wanted to, we could. Britain, not much of a problem, some stubborn resistance but it would fade away.
      France, Ha.
      Germany, army is to weak and people aren't willing to defend their homeland.
      Italy, kinda hard but they have a weak army.
      Spain, weak army and low sense of nationalism.
      Poland, Greece, the Balkans somewhat hard due to strong resistance.
      Russia is the hardest, but they would fall.

    HAHAHA, are you joking? Is it actually called that?
    You could just, you know. Have normal hair, that doesn't make you look a mix between a faggot and a ghetto black.
    I'm a sheep? I lol'd.
    That's right, like I said. Get out.

  • @Ashtoncoon haha, you failed to consider Luxembourg, they would whoop your butts lol šŸ˜

  • @Ashtoncoon all Iā€™m saying is you being ā€˜insaneā€™ gives you no reason to be a cunt

  • @Ashtoncoon
    hey, time to take a chill pill, buddy. please don't be an asshole

  • @sarah_the_magpie as we say in Scotland, the skin on his head's too tight šŸ˜

  • @Scottish so it isnā€™t just me who wants to toe punt him back too the civil war?

  • @princeofvibes I'm just astonished at his anger and vitriol. I suspect small dick syndrome šŸ˜

  • @Scottish Yh but heā€™s a ginger American that was a given

  • @Scottish
