I wanted to take a minute to explain myself and apologize

  • @F7k-B0y All in all lovely Peoples and / normaly peoples are rare everywhere on the network it's hard to find this days peoples who just being here for a normaly convi and a normaly talk right there i feel like it's hard to trust on the internet but in the other way i think there are peoples thinking the same way as u do and thats why i am here ! i like bringing up the way of my mind and telling how i think about several things i think it don't play a matter if you are america, algerian, romanian or male or female the fact that u think in a good way makes u interessting for a good talk... :) feel free to follow me up my friend

  • @Lindsey Lindsey, I feel for you for the negative attention you've had, here. As one of many who welcomed you, I was taken aback when I saw your post stating you were calling it quits, and the included reasons for making that decision. There ARE good people here, this I know to be true. There are friends to be made, and fun to be had. I understand that proportion-wise this was more than a "one bad apple spoils the bunch" scenario, for you, and understand why you wouldn't want to stay in that type of toxic environment. Then caught this recent post. I am glad a Mod reached out to you and offered some suggestions and such, in hopes of assisting you in having a better overall experience here. There's a lot of good here, in this community, and there's enough diversity to create an experience and environment that not only occupies your time, but allows you to explore and enjoy, and find fun, potential pals, and whatever else may suit you. And as unsavory as your experiences had been you are thoughtful enough to explain and even apologize? That shows your integrity, manners, and your character. It's more than probable that anyone who harassed you, was rude, or vulgar, or worse to you won't MAN UP and say they're sorry. Allow me to be one, of hopefully many, on behalf of this community, to offer you my sincerest apologies. With much respect, and admiration, best regards. Lazz

  • @blue-eyes same way to you ! genious peoples are rare as heck

  • @blue-eyes Yeah completely agree with you ... Just be yourself.

  • @Lazz Lazz-san you have my whole respect for your words

  • @Gemini_Beta I think that comment just upgraded you to Gemini_Alpha! Well said!

  • @Lazz
    So much virtue signalling in one post...

  • @Hyde In every place ... There are good and bad people ... But the amount of them here is too much.

  • @F7k-B0y I know and i saw it and readed it ! if u wanna talk feel free

  • @Hyde Domo, domo...arigato Hyde-san!

  • @Lazz doo itashimashite wa ~ Lazz-san ne ~ ^^

  • @Lindsey I'm with @Scottish on this one, I'm glad he's said it too. You have nothing to apologise for. It's a positive thing that people like you have the strength of character to bring issues such as this into discussion rather than just put up with it blindly or disappear without saying a word as so often happens.

    I'm glad you are back, and I hope you have a better experience now.

  • @m-y-s-t-e-r-y i think it's the nature of the attention that is the issue mystery. And she would be right. Are you suggesting she just shut up and accept it? Lindsey is in charge of what she does and doesn't want/find acceptable. No one else can tell her different. Something being actively true doesn't automatically make it right. Most positive change comes from people making a stand against unacceptable things. We shouldn't just accept the status quo, that's plainly ridiculous and there are countless examples, worker's rights, women voting, environmental change, a hundred things that have come about by people having a voice and using it.

  • @Scottish Oustanding, friend. Well said.

  • @Scottish The white knight defends his damsel...

  • @blue-eyes I appreciate that, just so you know i tried to messsage you but your settings are set so only those who you follow can message you

  • @Scottish my sweetest friend, im apologizing because I was embarrassed by the fact that i allowed them to get under my skin enough for me to even give them the attention they wanted. I agree, it is very cringe worthy for some of these guys to behave the way they do and while their responsible for their own actions I also have to hold myself to be better than that. Im happy to stay and continue with the friends ive made too. yeah and i know, if a guy is dead set on being gross, he's gonna be gross.

  • @m-y-s-t-e-r-y speaking my mind. You seem to have an issue with that, you pulled Lindsey up for it too. Yet you feel free to trumpet your caveman schtick.

  • @Div thank you so much, yeah this was a piece of advice the moderator gave me too. I appreciate you reaching out.