• Yeah Survival of the fittest has worked countless times. Ironically if people realized that it's not the only way world peace could be possible.


    @mikeJB The Bible is accurate. The meek shall inherit the Earth.

    However, it would be wise not to confuse meekness with humility or servility.

    Meekness is about knowing your limits, knowing what you're capable of and purposefully seeking out ways to channel your spiritual strength into creativity and goodwill.

    Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-control."

  • @Silhouette meek=humble

  • @Silhouette
    you sound like a fascist, not gonna lie

  • @sarah_the_magpie I mean many of the things you've listed have been known to have bad results. I forget you said this but "peace cannot be kept by force, it must be achieved through understanding". I believe that i would take something that has never been thought of before. A genius idea that somehow makes the truths of life easy for hard headed humans to understand, if that makes sense. The reason i feel so strongly that there HAS to be a way to get humanity living the way it was meant to. Numerous noteable genius philosophers have said things hinting, to sum it up, that most humans have been taught to favor their human or emotional side of them which never ends up good. "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups". I feel like the solution to the problem will include a step by step process/plan, that will not be able to be completely achieved in our life times. However people today can plant the seed knowing that someday future generations will be able to enjoy the shade. So many people jump so quickly to saying its impossible, and then continue bashing me until I eventually surrender to their need to be right. Until i realized like what the fuck lol, why are you putting down a person whos only goal is to try and make the world a better place for everyone? So intelligent right? i feel like the intelligent human would embrace me, maybe not believing its possible, but humoring me anyways as to keep me optimistic? Anyways, I have been thinking lately that the first step in this process would be to come up with a plan to enlighten people that their own brains have them fooled into thinking they are doing things the right way, when its all just a very persistent illusion for them. Imagine with me for one second, if every single person on the planet this second, had an epiphany that peace was the answer because really it is lol no matter what you say, the only thing in our way of true peace is us. Stupid ignorant human beings. #unitehumanity! lol

    "knowing your true self is the beginning of all knowledge" - Aristotle
    " a Problem is not exactly the problem, it is the other side of the opportunity. The problem cannot be solved at the same level of thinking when it was created. A new level of thinking is required to solve any problem. ... Means new information can change our way of thinking about the situation.

    "without deviation from the norm, change is simply not possible"
    "man is the only creature that refuses to be what it is"
    "life is really simple, humans insist on making it complicated"

    "How Wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world!"

    Thank you for reading if you did read the whole thing, As always i really appreciate your feed back and again you made some very valid points. One thing I will say is that why would we have to disarm anybody? In the land of world peace i feel like their would be no possibility of any human harming another, we will have finally learned thats just not how you act :p the way i see it is the world now is a world of adult children and (behavior wise), and post world peace a world of mature adults . Have a wonderful day!

  • @B3r1n Thank you for your views, lets make common sense common again!

  • @Gid all i will say is that information is all irrelevant when it comes to solving my world peace equation. Weather there is a supreme being or not, clearly hes not coming to our rescue, its time to all act like mature adults and treat each other with decency. We dont have to agree on where we came from, but i believe it IS safe to say we ALL came from the same place. The secret to this place is to find a way to unite earth, in a real way. Not by force.

  • @Antho_vn I honest believe we ALL had to come here to learn a lesson. Personally the lesson i am taking with me when i leave here is that, contrary to the desire for individualism, its about being together and helping each other. BUT FOR REAL I CANNOT WAIT TO GO BACK HOME!

  • @nykate2490 You misunderstand. I wasn't focusing on the world peace discussion at all when I wrote that. I had seen some narrow-minded post, for lack of a better word, and decided to throw out some points and theories to hopefully move the conversation forward. I read your post about world peace and thought it was great, very well thought out, and agree with you.

  • @Silhouette YASSSSSSSSS YOU SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except your definition of what real power is. the people your referring to have false power, illusionary power. knowledge is power. They asked her, "What is true power?" She answered, "True Power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero & leader. It is when you share your truth with compassion & peace. Your power grows when you make progress in your freedom & vision. The powerful do not harm themselves or others, instead they use their energy to enrich all that they know with love." If was deturred by every immovable person I would never get anywheres lol. My epiphany occurred 10 years ago where major truths of this world were revealed to me, which honestly its a curse, do you really think i wanna argue with a bunch of people about it? Its really a drag, but thats actually what im doing right now right here, I am using all of the doubters and their arguments to hone my articulation of this idea so that i may eventually start simply explaining this process to people and having them comprehend it without to much difficulty.

    "The world is not a dangerous place to live because of the evil things people do, it is because of the people who CHOOSE to do nothing about it" knowing what i know now and having seen the things ive seen, i cant abandon this. But yes, those who you say are in power have power, but the (i have been calling them) misinformed outnumber them 1000000000 to 1. granted they would be the last to convert to better living for everyone, when the majority of the world starts to see the truth, their is nothing their "power" can do to stop it. The truth cannot change, it is still the truth even only one person believes it, this one person just has to figure out how to effectively inform fellow humans of the misinformation. and thennnnnnnn we graduate from "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" to "a group of well informed people will make the best decisions" i'm not sure of the first one but the second one was ben franklin. I will give you props though you had some very good points and moreover i really appreciate you for taking the time to write some feedback!!! It is more helpful than you know.

    Problem is not exactly the problem, it is the other side of the opportunity. The problem cannot be solved at the same level of thinking when it was created. A new level of thinking is required to solve any problem. ... Means new information can change our way of thinking about the situation.

    "The best thing you can do while we are here, is set a good example" - me :)

  • @Gid said in A philosophical discussion: YASSSSS GENIUS! so take what you said a little further... you said "if people realized" .... so then all you'd have to do is come up with an effective way to help people do the realizin!

    Thank you for your feed back!!!!!!!! I've found that you can tell the intellectuals clearly from the genius type thinking. Intellectuals take something simple and make them very complicated. A genius can take something complicated and make it very simple. (einsteins words not me)

    Thank you for your feedback really appreciate you taking your time to offer your input!!! I hope you have a great day!!

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Gid oh ok no worries! but thank you for clarifying!! never hurts to have more support!!! Also i would like to point out how you said "to move the conversation forward" I LOVE that. Moving this, idea if you will, forward is the only way anything will ever become of it! Hope you have a wonderful morning full of nothing but positive vibes! <3

  • @Sij said in A philosophical discussion:

    To make the world more peaceful, the ethnolingual and ethnic differences within people are to be erased and they need to be united under a common eternal hereditary tribal identity. For example, a highly organized religion.

    I really like this piece, you are right!!! except about the never happening part, people gotta stop using that word lol, fear not! i will not stop. :) You pretty much just reworded exactly what i've learned! these tribes are all false, created before we knew of each other based on geographical barriers language barriers etc. Again all it is, is a matter of finding a way to help people realize that a literal truth or the reality is we are all the same tribe. ummm i havent slept in a few days from writing my project, 185 pages so far lol, and im starting to have trouble responding to you guys effectively.

    My advice to you, Never say never! ;)

    Thank you so much for taking time to offer your input, i appreciate it more than youll ever know! I hope your day is filled with positive vibes!!

  • Can't read the entire topic because I'm at school, anyway do you know those ant farms where people keep ants as pets? Or those closed micro ecospheres/ecosystems that you can buy around? Do those pets that live in there realize that they're trapped? No, because they're not smart enough and it seems all normal to them.

    It's kind of the same for us, the secrets of the universe are so big and deep that our brains are just not programmed to understand, we're not smart enough for that. Maybe we really live trapped in a crystal ball and we don't realize that. Like the life of a butterfly or of an ant, for us it is nothing compared to the life of a human, imagine that on a much larger scale and it's easy to understand how the life of a single human it is nothing to the universe.

  • @nykate2490 Thanks for the kind words I appreciate it. Just read you haven't slept in a while writing some papers. Feel free to follow me so we don't have to keep tracking post down to reply.

  • @mikeJB you dont need the bible to discover the god you believe in. try just living the life christianity instructs you too. Love. Follow the 10 commandments. Be kind to everyone, even your enemies, as christ would have done. I believe that if you only look for god in that book, finding the true god just becomes more and more difficult. Here is a quote for you from Albert Einstein.

    Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.

    You were born no less or greater than anyone else and you have an extraordinary ability to see and understand things that cannot be seen with the eyes, heard from your ears, things that can only be felt with your heart and soul.

    I really hope you have a great day, my days have been pretty amazing lately, and it all started the day i started being the change i wanted to see in the world. I feel great, people love having me around because i am always so kind and considerate to everyone, and i try to be as helpful as i can to anyone in need. Do i feel like being all nicey nice every day? hell no, im only human, but ive conquered myself. My emotions do not dictate my actions anymore. I wont say i have achieved self control completely because you can always be better, but i am definitely practicing self control daily.

  • @Gid I followed ya :) and just for the record, anytime you could use some kind words, I am always here to talk to and i have an infinite supply of kindness :)

  • @sarah_the_magpie You're wrong.

    I'm not a fascist. I'm a realist. I derive my opinions from facts, not from feelings or propaganda.

  • @AllAboutGay