• Watch Anime Eyes

    Yea the past has a big affect on a guys future, I know how it is I've had a good relationship with one of my childhood friends for about a year and she left me for no reason 2 weeks ago so I have a hard time trusting people

  • @matthewg I am aware of that, but the thing is, bot of us shared our lives all the way back to kindergarten. I know he had trouble as well as I did, and he even let me read though a tiny book that went back and fourth between a psychology helper and his dad. (I added a new page in the back of the book where I added pictures of us and wrote that it is now years past and we've been together and stuff.. and he got so happy) Just like I let him know about how my bullying started at about 4 years and continued from then on....


    @NekoNat Let him go.

    It is a mistake to place your mental well-being in the hands of someone who refuses to reciprocate your feelings. Eventually, it will destroy you from the inside.

    You will find someone else.

  • @Silhouette That's the thing... Everyone always hates me, and I don't know what I am doing wrong. And it doesn't just feel like leftover feelings, it feels like someone just kinda... Ripped away a part of me.

  • Well you are looking in the wrong places, look at us, we don't hate you, and we don't pity you, so you can stay here for a while, or follow someone to chat too

  • @DennisJM Sure.. I just also have that one need for a hug or some physical affection. Like, he's been pretty much the only one to touch me at any rate for 3 years.... And before that, pretty much none did. I am just such a wreck I think people are scared of the work it would take to piece a bit of me together..

  • Unfortunately I live too far to give you a real hug, but I'm here to make you company if you want

  • @NekoNat I'm sure every one doesn't hate you. This i can tell you, disecting and analysing things searching for answers you aren't going to get will drive you mad, it really won't help you. If he wants to reveal his thoughts he will, doesn't sound likely though. So your best move, and i know it's incredibly difficult and painful, is to stop looking backwards and look forwards. Find some new things to do. Or at least try to distract yourself as you tread water, anything will do, just try not to obsess over things, i know that's easier said than done but keeping your mind on other things will give you your best chance of recovery. I've been doing it myself for several months now. I'm not out of the woods yet but I'm in a bètter place than if i wasn't forcing my mind to be elsewhere. I feel your pain so much. Good luck and best wishes

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    No one wants to put effort into a relationship, If I could id come give you a hug too, I live in Ohio, and i dont now where your from

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    Im always on here you can follow me and text me at any time, I'll message back almost instantly unless I'm out working

  • @Scottish Thanks.. It's jush extremely tough when most things I enjoy doing ended up having some connection or reminds me of him. I love to draw, which means I have drawn way to much of him and me, I have an entire box of only drawings of him and me. He has a realistic sketch of a picture we took at our first new years evening together. He still has it. Just like he still has a small heart shaped pillow With out initials that I have sewn from scratch. I also have a pillow he has sewn me, very poorly, but I love it.... Theres just so much...

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    I know how it is, it's hard to do stuff that ment so much with you and your other, you just have to work your way through it,I used to ride bikes and go on adventures all the time with my ex then everything happened and i had to fight to do anything after that

  • @matthewg I understand. How did you manage? Cuz rn I am open to suggestions. But I just don't want to erase memories from the only years of my life worth remembering...

  • @NekoNat I'm in the same boat. I'm making sacrifices to help myself, certain music i won't play, films or sports i won't watch. Avoiding things we did together. It's helping. All i have are these little coping strategies and distraction, otherwise I'd be buried alive with grief. Please try and do what i am doing, it will save you short term and heal you long term. I've also been spending a lot of time on here, there are some brilliant, supportive people here. Message me if you like, i will reply as soon as I'm able. And remember you are worthwhile as an individual , you don't begin and end with him. Take care

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    You don't have to forget your past you just have to overcome it, I did it with my friends by my side and music in my ears

  • @Scottish Thank u...

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    Im here if you ever need me all you need to do is message me, the pain never fully goes away but it'll be ok as long as you have someone to talk to
