• @Sij , drugs or some other painless way. Carbon monoxide poisoning maybe. Sleep and just not wake up. What a sad topic though. 😒😐😬

  • Replace your blood with Pepsi

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Sij i think it would be the fastest way with sleeping pills instead of a shot or something like that ~

  • @Sij by blowing air in anus

  • Pentobarbital + nitrogen filled plastic bag

  • @Sij i think i might go for choking myself to death on a pair of Ingrid Bergman's panties Sij! I think it would work pretty well, panties were fucking enormous in the forties and fifties, a few tent poles and you could camp.out in the fuckers 😁😁😁

  • @nightshifter yeah, i thought a hose from the exhaust and handcuff yourself to the steering wheel myself but then i posted something stupid instead. It's a habit of mine, think sense, talk shit

  • @Bhamaiye33 who knew suicide could be such fun lol 😁

  • @Scottish that's instant death . but very painful . so suggest don't really attempt this try another option 😂

  • @Sij
    a cyanide tablet should do the trick ;)
    why are you asking tho sij? isn't morbid obesity going to end up killing you soon anyways?

  • @sarah_the_magpie can you buy those over the counter where you are sarah? You're not allowed to buy more than 2 packs of aspirin at a time in the supermarkets here. I once watched a guy have a meltdown, brandishing his bulk size box of laundry powder, ranting that he was hardly going to wash all his clothes and linen just before he topped himself. It was hilarious, Scotland is endlessly amusing

  • @sarah_the_magpie said in If You Were to Commit Suicide, How Would You Commit It?:

    a cyanide tablet should do the trick ;)
    why are you asking tho sij? isn't morbid obesity going to end up killing you soon anyways?

    i thought the same as i was reading it

  • how about not giving your friends suicide advice, eh? and maybe not to your enemies either...

    Don't jump in front of a train, that's like killing more than one person (you'll ruin the life of the train driver)...

    And remember: dying is the easy way out. That's why when you say: "I'd die for that person" is not as strong as "I'd live for that person". So find somebody to live for.

    Also you might want to look for God :yum:, for he tends to give meaning to people's lives (at least to mine He did). Trusting God makes it easier to live for the people you love, because then, even if they don't like you, you can still pray for them. It's what I do for those I love :shrug:...

    Oh and btw. prayers do work, but not as most people think. Take the Our Father for example:

    Our Father, Who art in heaven,
    Hallowed be Thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come.
    Thy Will be done,
    on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. Amen.

    God loves you, and what He wants for you most is basically to love, to love Him, your neighbour and yourself. And thus when you pray you ask for getting closer to God, and for those you love to get closer to God. No He will not give you the new Ferrari, or heal your leg injury, He will instead give you Love (= Himself).

  • I’d slit my wrists and bleed out while OD’ing on something fun.

  • @Rajeev2021 hot bath, razor, and my fav music

  • @Sij I cam tell you but I suggest u need to come out of the this gloomy loony doomy thought process ..I know people who like to kill themselves they never ask they just do it !!
    Best way painless way to do with complete awareness is hara Kiri.. Japanese honour killing the self .. but how ever you will come back again as human to this word with this same hate and to fullfil desire which is not fulfilled.. if you do not want to come back as human you need to burn yourself set s fire alive get fried as chicken very painfull way no coming back as human ..but will carry same hate in your next given form what you choose to be after human form so its better breathe, let it go , observe..without likes or dislikes !!

  • I would commit suicide in the most painless way.
    Maybe some gas that would kill me in my sleep & I wouldn't wake u next day.
    And, yeah, I would surely leave a suicide note behind to punish all the people who are the reason behind my death.

  • @mikeJB you should try, hot bath of dirty teenage panties in it , with used tampon stuck in your throat and choke to death with favour porn?

  • @Pepsigurl hypothetically if you kill yourself , people didn't made you committee suicide, it's you choice to kill yourself but no need to blame your surroundings because of your a stupid act 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣