• @Anastasia-Smith said in What was your weirdest dream..??:

    @Hero_Hunter I don't exactly remember my weird(ass)t dream(its a little hazy) however it sure did leave me feeling nauseatic. You see there was this time when I was researching about some seriously dangerous serial killers of the past(all blames on youtube) when I suddenly discovered the topic cannibalism. I did a lot of reasearch on this topic(I still wonder why. I guess I forgot curiosity kills the cat)and read the full fledged story of this German psychopath who was a cannibal and how he ate a f-ing man!(and me being me also watched a documentary made on this shit). The dream I had was kinda related to this story, I was kidnapped by this cannibal man and was kept locked in his basement... long story short I was magically saved by my brother at the end and then the dream transitioned to something else I don't remember. This experience left me traumatised for a full week. I was still a kid back then maybe 10 or 11 years old but damn that dream left me shooketh.๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ต when I think about it now I guess I shouldn't have searched about it to begin with๐Ÿ˜‚ DAMN ME and DAMN YOUTUBE!

    Indeed. Youtube is dangerous. Lot's of truths out there, but also lots of half-truths and outright nonsense. And the nonsense is especially contageous. And lots of really really horrible stuff, that should not be out there lol...

  • @Hero_Hunter you are mom

  • @Caffine

    @Caffine said in What was your weirdest dream..??:

    @Hero_Hunter also have dreamt as being followed by old women or a person out of mental asylum. A few times I was floating in air in dreams

    You must thank yourself that it's just a dream:joy: ...It feels like most of the people around me are from mental asylum..for real..:sweat: :sweat:

  • @่ก€ๆถฒ-้…”ใฃ

    @่ก€ๆถฒ-้…”ใฃ said in What was your weirdest dream..??:

    @Hero_Hunter you are mom

    Ohh wait...i'm a mom???
    At least i gave this thread a weirdo tag...!!:grin:

  • @Hero_Hunter ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @OliveOlivia said in What was your weirdest dream..??:

    @Caffine When I was younger I used to have dreams about being at school naked and I would get scared or embarrassed. Now when I have dreams that I'm naked in public I just walk around and own it ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Then be careful, you might one day be a little dizzy thinking you're dreaming and actually walk to the convenience store, owning it :joy::joy::joy:

  • I am you are

  • @petrapark3r said in What was your weirdest dream..??:

    @OliveOlivia said in What was your weirdest dream..??:

    @Caffine When I was younger I used to have dreams about being at school naked and I would get scared or embarrassed. Now when I have dreams that I'm naked in public I just walk around and own it ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Then be careful, you might one day be a little dizzy thinking you're dreaming and actually walk to the convenience store, owning it :joy::joy::joy:

    Sounds like a good Saturday to me ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • wow thats a tough one! I should create a topic just to share all of my strange dreams tbh. The craziest one though is after the first few times I was aware it was a dream, and ended up fighting demons when they realized I was aware in that place. My dad was speaking to me, and I realized he was a demon, and started rebuking him as I stared into his eyes, and I could feel the enemy trying to put that strange hypnosis on me to crush my will, and get too sleepy and weak to speak or stare back into his eyes, but I forced myself to keep staring back, and rebuke until his eyes began to blur, and some words appeared over his eyes, and I had to focus hard to incite the, but before I could finish my dream changed, and I was suddenly alone in a wasteland hearing a voice curse me, but not seeing the enemy. I was angry he would not face me, and I shouted so loudly the realm shook, and I shot up out of bed.
