• I think animals are far more smart than we know. They haven't created their own vaccinations or came up with inventions, but they're smart. Possibly smart enough to know not to do those things. I might sound crazy, I can barely even explain this properly, but I think animals are just more.
    Like climate change, they know it is happening since they are affected by it, and if they are able to they will adapt. Some people don't know climate change is real. How are we the smart ones?
    Sometimes I feel like they might know more than we do. Maybe animals aren't dumb, maybe they just know that building shopping malls and driving cars will do more damage than any benefit. Maybe they know Earth is their home and they know better than to destroy it.
    I might be dumb to think animals aren't dumb, but there are rainforests that produce poisonous plants and when an animal eats it, they know just where to go to find the antidote, which is a special clay only found in certain places. No one knows how they figured this out, but they did.
    Clearly they are primitive to us, so they cant be 'smarter'.
    But I think they are smart enough to know not to bite the hand that feeds them. And I think we are dumb enough to cut the whole arm off, turn it into a robot arm, and then be surprised when it malfunctions and we starve.

  • @OliveOlivia said in Olivia's Thoughts #07:

    I think animals are far more smart than we know. They haven't created their own vaccinations or came up with inventions, but they're smart. Possibly smart enough to know not to do those things. I might sound crazy, I can barely even explain this properly, but I think animals are just more.

    They clearly are capable of things we aren't. I think it's because they are more connected to their own nature than we often are – caught up by worldly affairs...

    Like climate change, they know it is happening since they are affected by it, and if they are able to they will adapt. Some people don't know climate change is real. How are we the smart ones?

    Yeah, about that. Animals and plants brought about at least 2 climate catastrophes, that killed almost all of them. Like plants who produced oxygen. That literally killed off billions of organisms, who need an oxygen free environment to survive.

    Sometimes I feel like they might know more than we do. Maybe animals aren't dumb, maybe they just know that building shopping malls and driving cars will do more damage than any benefit. Maybe they know Earth is their home and they know better than to destroy it.

    Animals never take more than they need. I'm not so sure that's because they know they shouldn't. But I do know, that we should actually be doing the same and are too stupid to do it :shrug:

    I might be dumb to think animals aren't dumb, but there are rainforests that produce poisonous plants and when an animal eats it, they know just where to go to find the antidote, which is a special clay only found in certain places. No one knows how they figured this out, but they did.
    Clearly they are primitive to us, so they cant be 'smarter'.

    Same goes for the indians who discovered iowasca. How the heck did those people know that exactly this combination of plants would result in the most halucigenic drug ever known to man?

    But I think they are smart enough to know not to bite the hand that feeds them. And I think we are dumb enough to cut the whole arm off, turn it into a robot arm, and then be surprised when it malfunctions and we starve.

    We are definitely dumb enough, that's for sure :joy:

  • @petrapark3r I haven't read that topic n u did replay already πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @Indrid-Cold-2 said in Olivia's Thoughts #07:

    @petrapark3r I haven't read that topic n u did replay already πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    It's good to know you are not indrid cold :joy::joy:... I prolly know you, but I'd recognize him 100% by the first reply :yum:

    Edit: Gotcha Ash... Whom are you tryin to catfish now?

  • Well, M'learned Colleague @petrapark3r is right to reference iowasca - I've often had this thought while watching my dog romp around the cornfields, or chill out afterwards: what if he's as intelligent as any human, but his experience just refined - like ours would be if we were high on a whole wheelbarrow of benzo amphetamines, or chilled out as if we'd gobbled down a fire-extinguisher full of mescaline? He's just cutting out the middle-man, and the middle-man is conceited, redundant consciousness.

  • Music Lovers

    @OliveOlivia every living thing you see rn is as intelligent as a human in their own ways. That's because of evolution, every living thing is evolved in a way in which they are best at what they do. Take an example of prokaryotes, bacterias that survive in volcanic lava and it is best at doing it. The animals who know about natural calamities beforehand know it because of their other senses, some animals like dogs and elephants can hear much more range of frequencies than a human can, that's why they know about earthquake and such stuff. No species that exist are primitive than any other species coz they also had the evolution process for the same time as any other. They are best for their habitat and they know their stuff better.

  • @Indrid-Cold That's what I was thinking πŸ˜‚

  • @petrapark3r
    no one I just text "person below this will suggest me new username" n I got this suggestion

  • humans are animals though

  • @Cunt-Fistula TouchΓ© 😏

  • well there definete more intune with nature and probally know alot we dont but
    that all animals are that smart, i do not thing so since dogs cant keep themself away from choclate but still there might be something there.

  • @alkal33 Chocolate is good! I wouldn't be able to resist it eitherπŸ˜‚
