• @OliveOlivia

    It’s wonderful that you are trying to better yourself. The purpose of life is to progress, prosper and improve from every aspect. Life is not life when we become oblivious to reality, morality and humanity, not considering our purpose, and how we can be better people or... how we can bring a smile on somebody’s face today, or even what we have eaten and how this may affect our diet. We need to be aware, of what we’re doing... why we’re doing it; many people, nowadays, are not unfortunately.

    So it’s nice to see someone making such efforts. What I would suggest is, go ahead and live life to the fullest, making yourself better, but only change what you can change and what will be good for you to change. Don’t try to change yourself, who you are and the the little things which make you you, especially for other people. If you want to attain a good body, exercise and eat healthily! Keep it natural and simple, and do so safely. We shouldn’t chase perfection, because although they say that nobody can be perfect, everybody is already perfect - just in their own ways. Sooo... BE YOURSELF, AND LOVE YOURSELF. 💕

    Be yourself

  • @OliveOlivia Ahem, first things first... ideal is a VERY subjective word when it comes to bodies. Please don't fall into the trap of listening to society and the media.

    I'm pretty certain you are more than you realise, and that others see that too. In time you also will, but self-realisation tends only to happen naturally.

    Just because you cannot see change does not mean it is not there. Keep being kind always, but not at the expense of your wellbeing. It is impossible to fill from an empty jug. If somebody disrespects you remove yourself from them and their effects. Be aware of the effect you can have on others, yet do not become that which makes you uncomfortable.

  • @YoYoLizHere said in More Open Thoughts:


    Life is not life when we become oblivious to reality, morality and humanity,

    I agree, these things are all apart of what makes up life, but sometimes I feel like being oblivious would be easier😂

    We need to be aware, of what we’re doing... why we’re doing it; many people, nowadays, are not unfortunately.

    I looove that you said this cause this is what my main focus has been on! Im trying to make myself more aware of what I do and why I do those things!

    So it’s nice to see someone making such efforts. What I would suggest is, go ahead and live life to the fullest, making yourself better, but only change what you can change and what will be good for you to change. Don’t try to change yourself, who you are and the the little things which make you you, especially for other people. If you want to attain a good body, exercise and eat healthily! Keep it natural and simple, and do so safely. We shouldn’t chase perfection, because although they say that nobody can be perfect, everybody is already perfect - just in their own ways. Sooo... BE YOURSELF, AND LOVE YOURSELF. 💕

    Be yourself

    Thank you reading this reminded me of the Firework song by Katy Perry 😂 Very nice and self loving:)

  • @Matt_Aranha trying to find the balance of life is hard 😂
    Would you say you've found that balance?

  • @OliveOlivia Mostly. I don't always need it though, sometimes I purposefully stretch myself too far in one direction then suffer for it, knowing I'll have to compensate later.

    What can I say, I can help anybody but myself 😂

  • @OliveOlivia

    It's always a breath of fresh air when we see new users engage in this comunity, especially when they bring such interesting topics, so props to you for making this community more interesting, at least for me as this is my cup of coffee kind of subject.

    Being the best possible version of ourselves it's a great aim and I believe we should all be that kind of person, but don't feel discouraged when you try hard everyday and see no results, because most ppl that strive perfection often can't see thei own achievements and evolution... they are so thirsty for improvement and perfection that they are never satisfied with what they achieved and think they never improve, so when you think you haven't made any progress towards your goal, the simple fact that you wanna be a better "you" then the "you" from yesterday will automatically be progress as you will improve when you WANT to improve :sweat_smile:

    Regarding the other fundamental part of your topic, I go by the following motto, treat others the way you want others to treat you, I believe that answers your own questions right? I believe there is no better way to treat others then to have them the same way you'd like them to have you... If this ppl are rude, unkind or a bitch to you might as well give them a good ol' middle finger as they don't deserve your time!

    Keep up with that resolve and above all never forget to LOVE YOURSELF :blush:

  • @OliveOlivia So, love, how should I start?

    Sorry to anybody that will feel triggered in a second, but I'm going to cite the bible: "The fear of the lord is the beginning of all wisdom". I can't believe I am bringing God into this, since I usually try to give advice in a way that profits anybody even those who have no connection to Him. But I feel that this one time I cannot help but call the christian world view for help. Even if that does not ring with you, you might appreciate the thoughts behind. Maybe if you try to replace the word "God" with "Love" you have a chance of getting the idea... So anyways...

    Fear of the lord means to be humble. To know that you are always going to be stuck being this much. That you alone cannot be good. It is only the beginning of wisdom, because when you begin to let Him guide your life, you will change for the better. The moment you stop being humble – which we humans do like all the time – you leave the path of wisdom. But as long as you let Him bring you back, as long as you keep getting up, keep asking for forgiveness He will be the love inside you.

    And here you also have the reason for doing it: By being kind – but not just kind, actually letting love guide you – you give your actions meaning. What you do is more meaningful than all the deads of the cruel people around you combined.

    When someone disrespects you... Show them the other cheek. This does not mean to just continue to be kind to them, far from it. When someone hits you on one cheek and you show him the other, you show them their iniquity and you show them that one does not have to react unkindly no matter how unjust the world is.

    Needless to say, when you have God inside your heart, all the evil in the world really cannot compare. You are simply giving out from the great treasure chest you have in your heart. For God has given (and forgiven) you so much more than they could ever do evil to you. And you know, that despite everything, He loves them so much more than we could ever imagine, He loves them just like He loves you. And just as He is changing you right now he will change them, he will warm their cold heart, and you get to be a part of that.

    Sadly not all will change though, the room that God prepared for them in His Heart will forever be empty...

  • Hey the major problem with you is that you unusually think too much and think about every minute details. First you don't need to take life that much seriously. And fir this you need to keep your mind free and keep it calm.. now the question is how can you achieve that..?? The one way of achieving is by meditation and by exercise.. initially you find it very tough to do that but later you yourself start seeing the progress..

    No coming to the second part of your questions..how you need to react in situations of disrespect and disregard. For this I would say do what your heart say. And don't keep your grudge over small things and every other person. You can only control your behaviour and you do what you think the right thing to do(assuming yourself as the receiving end).. revenge or giving befitting reply will never allow your mind to stay in peace. But ignoring do keeps you in peace...

  • @Lurker said in More Open Thoughts:


    It's always a breath of fresh air when we see new users engage in this comunity, especially when they bring such interesting topics, so props to you for making this community more interesting, at least for me as this is my cup of coffee kind of subject.

    Being the best possible version of ourselves it's a great aim and I believe we should all be that kind of person, but don't feel discouraged when you try hard everyday and see no results, because most ppl that strive perfection often can't see thei own achievements and evolution... they are so thirsty for improvement and perfection that they are never satisfied with what they achieved and think they never improve, so when you think you haven't made any progress towards your goal, the simple fact that you wanna be a better "you" then the "you" from yesterday will automatically be progress as you will improve when you WANT to improve :sweat_smile:

    Do you think there is a way to escape that mindset so one can tell if they really have improved or not?

    Regarding the other fundamental part of your topic, I go by the following motto, treat others the way you want others to treat you, I believe that answers your own questions right? I believe there is no better way to treat others then to have them the same way you'd like them to have you... If this ppl are rude, unkind or a bitch to you might as well give them a good ol' middle finger as they don't deserve your time!

    ahh yes, the good ol' middle finger always does the trick 😂

    Keep up with that resolve and above all never forget to LOVE YOURSELF :blush:


  • @petrapark3r said in More Open Thoughts:

    @OliveOlivia So, love, how should I start?

    Sorry to anybody that will feel triggered in a second, but I'm going to cite the bible: "The fear of the lord is the beginning of all wisdom". I can't believe I am bringing God into this, since I usually try to give advice in a way that profits anybody even those who have no connection to Him. But I feel that this one time I cannot help but call the christian world view for help. Even if that does not ring with you, you might appreciate the thoughts behind. Maybe if you try to replace the word "God" with "Love" you have a chance of getting the idea... So anyways...

    Fear of the lord means to be humble. To know that you are always going to be stuck being this much. That you alone cannot be good. It is only the beginning of wisdom, because when you begin to let Him guide your life, you will change for the better. The moment you stop being humble – which we humans do like all the time – you leave the path of wisdom. But as long as you let Him bring you back, as long as you keep getting up, keep asking for forgiveness He will be the love inside you.

    but if we constantly steer off the path of humbleness then are we ever humble? and if we or I follow this love inside, why do we keep failing?

    And here you also have the reason for doing it: By being kind – but not just kind, actually letting love guide you – you give your actions meaning. What you do is more meaningful than all the deads of the cruel people around you combined.

    but me being kind only means something to me, to others, to cruel people, kindness means nothing. Im just supposed to trust that me being kind once, even if its in a single interaction, that it is enough?

    When someone disrespects you... Show them the other cheek. This does not mean to just continue to be kind to them, far from it. When someone hits you on one cheek and you show him the other, you show them their iniquity and you show them that one does not have to react unkindly no matter how unjust the world is.

    Needless to say, when you have God inside your heart, all the evil in the world really cannot compare. You are simply giving out from the great treasure chest you have in your heart. For God has given (and forgiven) you so much more than they could ever do evil to you. And you know, that despite everything, He loves them so much more than we could ever imagine, He loves them just like He loves you. And just as He is changing you right now he will change them, he will warm their cold heart, and you get to be a part of that.

    Sadly not all will change though, the room that God prepared for them in His Heart will forever be empty...

    thank you for this, I will try to lead more with this love inside!

  • @YoYoLizHere u horny or nah lmaoo my bad if u not??!!!

  • @OliveOlivia said in More Open Thoughts:

    Do you think there is a way to escape that mindset so one can tell if they really have improved or not?

    If you know of a way let me know, cuz I'd love to have that answer for myself as well :joy:

  • @OliveOlivia said in More Open Thoughts:

    but if we constantly steer off the path of humbleness then are we ever humble? and if we or I follow this love inside, why do we keep failing?

    We will never be perfectly humble no. But being human is not about being something, it is about becoming. That in itself requires humility ;-) . Being human is a process rather than a state. And if you stumble along the path of humility, and go left here, and go amiss on the right there, but always return, you will still grow eventually. The problem lies with not returning to this path, because you give up. That's where God's mercy comes in. He'll always help you get up again...

    but me being kind only means something to me, to others, to cruel people, kindness means nothing. Im just supposed to trust that me being kind once, even if its in a single interaction, that it is enough?

    It is a balancing act. You should not let them use you, you should show that you have have teeth, but then decide not to bite. This is actually the humble way. Because if you had no teeth you'd just be weak and you'd have no choice. That is not humility.

    Even if it seems so you cannot say for sure that kindness means nothing to people. Maybe not now, but possibly one day, when the scales fall from their eyes. There have been countless examples of former non-believers who took years and years to see god's kind actions in their lives and begin to change their lives.

    Did you know that religious conversion is the most successful cure for alcohol addiction? (it's no wonder that the 12 step programs originate from christian churches) And if someone converts they usually don't do that after a single act of kindness from a believer.

    Sorry about the examples from faith again, but in this case they really are good examples and there are literally millions out there...

    thank you for this, I will try to lead more with this love inside!

    The hard part is that it requires trust, beforehand. It is like taking a step in the dark over a cliff and not knowing that you will be caught by this love. But you will.