• @TWSBot why do you avoid eyecontact?

  • Frequent awkward eye contacts.
    Can't handle friendships/relationships properly.
    And what @artsycristy said!

  • @artsycristy that happens when person loves too much....care too much.....and when it not comes in return it hurts

  • @OliveOlivia

    1. sleeping less in night
    2. reading half , never completed any book

  • I stay quite when the person i'm talking to is expecting an answer from me, for the question i don't like....I won't be mad, i won't be arguing.... If someone asks me about the bullshit things...i will stay quiet and look dead into his eyes!!..

  • @Matt_Aranha said in What are your bad habits?:

    @OliveOlivia I keep making the effort with people who don't make the same effort back. People who've walked away from or betrayed me I've forgiven only for them to repeat their behaviour. I show too much compassion and understanding to those who I would never dream of treating the same way and who would not reciprocate the effort if I were to treat them the way they had.

    Now I know there is an argument that compassion is not a flaw, and I do believe it is a strength, yet when it leaves you open to be taken advantage of so you find yourself constantly walking difficult lines it is an unhealthy habit too. I wouldn't change though; if anything the world needs more of that to give those who need it some hope. Be the change you want to see in the world, so the saying goes...

    Don't forget however to show your teeth. They need to see, that you're not weak, but that you consciously decide to do good when they don't. Be the mirror for their iniquities.

    • blaming myself all the time
    • catching new bad habits really fast (like if I stay in bed one day too long, I can be pretty sure I'll do the same stupid thing the rest of the week)
    • taking forever to get rid of those new bad habits
    • being freakin' easily discouraged


  • @OliveOlivia
    My bad habits are numerous and some I should quit and others I will when I get ready to do so.
    Most people assume that I want to stop certain things but I don't. Just because it's a bad thing doesn't necessarily mean it isn't usefull to a certain extent. There are some things that I do to escape the reality of my existence. They would definitely be considered bad and habit forming. But they serve their purpose and I don't need anyone that hasn't walked a mile in my shoes to tell me how I should live my life.
    In fact most of the people who I know have had a breakdown or so over things much smaller than the things I have been through.
    I don't go around telling them what they need to do about it.
    If you really want to know what bad habits I have me

  • @petrapark3r said in What are your bad habits?:

    Don't forget however to show your teeth. They need to see, that you're not weak, but that you consciously decide to do good when they don't. Be the mirror for their iniquities.

    Absolutely. It's like, inaction because of indecision is very different from a conscious strong choice not to act. And when it comes to showing my own teeth, well I tend to skip a stage and use them straightaway - if people have tested me to that point and not noticed they're getting near a limit, I don't do them the favour of giving a warning šŸ˜‚

  • @Matt_Aranha said in What are your bad habits?:

    ... And when it comes to showing my own teeth, well I tend to skip a stage and use them straightaway - if people have tested me to that point and not noticed they're getting near a limit, I don't do them the favour of giving a warning šŸ˜‚

    šŸ˜‚ not sure this is what i meant though. if you're bottling up things and then exploding into their face thats not a good thing either IMHO. I think its good to take people to the sides and tell them they are on the wrong track before things escalate. That already shows you got teeth.

  • @OliveOlivia chatting is the only bad hapit. I keep chatting even while having sex with my GF. Once she reaches orgasm, she sleeps. Then I will continue to enjoy sex and if I find girl for chatting, then I will be chatting with her

  • @Sam501 said in What are your bad habits?:

    @OliveOlivia chatting is the only bad hapit. I keep chatting even while having sex with my GF. Once she reaches orgasm, she sleeps. Then I will continue to enjoy sex and if I find girl for chatting, then I will be chatting with her

    How can any of you be satisfied if you chat during sex? Sex is much more fulfilling if you give yourself fully to your partner, attention and all...

  • @Sup


  • @OliveOlivia Hating myself to death :)

  • @petrapark3r said in What are your bad habits?:

    I think its good to take people to the sides and tell them they are on the wrong track before things escalate.

    I do šŸ™‚ in a very calm manner. Smiling, politely, amicably even, with no teeth involved. I certainly don't do bottling up, if I did I'd explode. So I express, communicate, and if they don't take me seriously... well they tend only to make the mistake once. It takes an awful lot to get me to react though. I'm too chill.... šŸ˜

  • @Sup
    what makes eye contact awkward?
    If Im in public and I make eye contact with the same stranger more than twice I get an urge to fight them. Its like.... instinct. Be careful with your awkward eye contact! šŸ˜‚
    Also I'm not sure if the third one is a bad habit šŸ˜‚

  • @Indrid-Cold-2 How do you only read a book half way through?šŸ˜‚ Are not curious about how it ends? Do you just lose interest?

  • @Hero_Hunter said in What are your bad habits?:

    I stay quite when the person i'm talking to is expecting an answer from me, for the question i don't like....I won't be mad, i won't be arguing.... If someone asks me about the bullshit things...i will stay quiet and look dead into his eyes!!..

    This is probably the best and worst thing anyone can do in that situationšŸ˜‚

  • @petrapark3r bad habits are hard to quit but as long as you keep working towards stopping them you eventually will.
    I think you need to love yourself more and start giving yourself more appreciation. Self love is important!

  • @wet-teri Youre right, people shouldn't tell you what you should and shouldn't do. I don't know what your bad habits are so Im not sure how bad they are, but the people that do try to tell you what to do are probably only doing it because they care. They aren't trying to tell you how to live your life or what you should and shouldn't do, they just want to make sure that you'll be okay, and the best way to ensure that is to help people quit their bad habits. So please don't be mad at the people that care about you, that's the wrong direction to point your anger towards sis.
    I understand what you mean by escaping reality, I do that too but in my own way with my own 'bad habits', it can be very relieving and fun. I don't think anything is wrong with it as long as you are able to come back to reality and still function properly !
