• @SynapticMisfire Don't worry about what I'm doing in my 20s I can assure you I'm having my fun and making my 'stupid mistakes', well theyre not mistakes if i don't get caught 😏
    but I actually do think this is a feeling I will have when I get older.
    Got bills to pay? great, ill get a job and be responsible with money.
    Financial problems? that sucks but i know ill have a roof over my head and people to support me.
    You can throw any problem at me but I still live in a privileged first world country with an extremely loving support system that one can only dream of. I don't mean to burst your bubble, in fact I wish what you were saying were to be true, but really its simple.
    I know what kind of problems I face and potentially will face in my future, and I know the kinds that others do.
    I think I just know how to be grateful, and I've learned it at a young age. So many take what they have for granted and I'm sure I do too, but there are multiple times a day where I just sit and appreciate everything that I have. As I get older those things will only get more valuable and I will only become more grateful of what I've been given.

  • @Lurker I think we are mixing two concepts here.

    Being a "good citizen" is kind of a role you can fall into. Of course there are even different concepts of what that role actually means. For some it apparently includes doing charity, for others it only means helping your closer family.

    I personally think if you have someone who needs your help and time in your family, you are doing perfectly fine by not burying your head in charity work. In fact there might be a myriad of reasons that keeps you from doing charity work without turning you into a bad person :shrug:

    The other concept is love. You can do anything with love or without. You can help the elderly and care or you can do it without caring, maybe just for your image...

  • @petrapark3r said in Olivia's Thoughts #03:

    maybe just for your image...

    Puh. Idgaf about my image and what others think of me, ain't got time to worry about that Hahahah 😅 maybe I'm not such a good guy 😏

  • @Lurker

    Not sure if serious or trolling

    So I'll state my opinion one more time: The only thing that makes you good is wether you do what you do with love. So... Worrying about your image is a waste of time. Even doing charity or helping your grandma is worth nothing if you don't do it with love...

  • @petrapark3r

    I was pulling your leg :joy: hahahah

  • Survivors guilt, isn't it? My whole work ethic of 25 years is based on gratitude for a good childhood (that translates to me only having a single day off work, when I was literally so full of virus I was hallucinating death).

  • @Indrid-Cold You've only had one day off? In how long?

  • @Lurker said in Olivia's Thoughts #03:


    I'm really an atheist so it's really hard for me to find solace in the bible words or any other similar entity...

    The bible was shaped by our culture over millenia (if not millions of years of oral transmissions – which is surprisingly accurate: it is believed that some of the farytails we know today are around 10.000 years old and are pretty much unchanged in their core). It is the most influencial text of our culture and has shaped our thinking like nothing else. It has influenced the whole world like no other written document in human history. And this is so for very good reasons, which are to be found in it's contents... There is wisdom so deep that pushing it aside just because you don't believe in god, can only be said to be a lack of education...

    And it can be made accessible to anyone even without having faith as a precondition... Here's to JBP

  • @petrapark3r

    Nah dude, Sorry but I really couldn't care less about it.
    I have my own way of thinking and the bible and god for me is nothing more then what you described. A Fairy tale... So nah, I don't think it's lack of education or a "deep" wisdom in finding interest in something that could be nothing more then a fairy tale.

    I respect ppl who believe in god, have faith and have read and believe the bible, but don't try to convince me that the things that are written there are real and happened exacly as it was written. If I'd read it I'd take it as a fantasy story :shrug:

  • @Lurker said in Olivia's Thoughts #03:


    Nah dude, Sorry but I really couldn't care less about it.
    I have my own way of thinking and the bible and god for me is nothing more then what you described. A Fairy tale... So nah, I don't think it's lack of education or a "deep" wisdom in finding interest in something that could be nothing more then a fairy tale.

    I respect ppl who believe in god, have faith and have read and believe the bible, but don't try to convince me that the things that are written there are real and happened exacly as it was written. If I'd read it I'd take it as a fantasy story :shrug:

    That's the thing. Fairytails too survive for millenia precisely because they contain deep wisdom. It's just that our time, with it's relativism and anti-tradition and lots of other even more despicable ideological nonsense has become completely blind to all of it. Do yourself a favor and watch just one of those episodes. I guarantee that it'll at least get you thinking. And isn't that enough?

  • @petrapark3r

    Just cuz they survive for a millenia doesn't mean they contain deep wisdom, more like enough smutt to keep ppl interested. Some like that, others don't and i'm the latter case. I just can't wrap my head around it :shrug:

  • @Lurker said in Olivia's Thoughts #03:


    Just cuz they survive for a millenia doesn't mean they contain deep wisdom, more like enough smutt to keep ppl interested. Some like that, others don't and i'm the latter case. I just can't wrap my head around it :shrug:

    But. They. Do. Actually. Especially the bible...

    However you may decide not to believe me and keep your prejudice, that is your free choice :joy: