Many People Talk About Different Forms Of Mental Health Issues....... So here I Go

  • When you look over the topics and threads here, excluding anything sexual, the one thing that regularly crops up is mental health. I'm not 100% sure that many people realise that depression is one of many mental health issues.
    Im gonna throw it out there, for those that have not seen replies of mine in the past, but I am someone that has suffered server depression in the past.
    From depression this lead to agoraphobia (the fear of going outside)

    For me the battle was long and hard, through times of intense joy (birth of my pride and joy), the reconnection of lost family...
    but at the time .... in my head, inside of me was this battle of is this for real? , are they taking the P* outta me?**

    But in time I learned to get over it...... I still spend many a day in a bad state, but a while back I came to a conclusion.

    That was ... *What is the point of being sad, low, down or depressed??

    *I still feel like this on a regular basis, but I keep telling myself that, despite of the medical profession, the problems I have cause and the demons that I live with.... I would rather suffer in silence than attempt to end this life.... For I have Minions, and I (regardless of how I feel) could never ever have my Minions know their Gru was a quitter, never have them think he took the easy way out..........

    This is a brief outline of what I got throw each and every day.... There are details that few other's are aware of, but this is the key elements.
    Dunno, maybe there are some out there that might share what they go through, maybe even suggest some new tricks for an old tiger.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this....

    Over to you...

  • @Durwin

    You never seize to impress and show the awesome lad you are! cheers :beer: to you my man, you are the best!
    Whenever you feel like it's hard to beat those demons, count me in to help you win over that battle!
    Keep up going at life as strong as you are!

  • @Mr-H Thanks dude. :)
    There was one thing I forgot to add to the post , and that is the one song that speaks volumes .....
    This one ;) so so fitting

  • @Durwin

    Let me show you something.

    Dolores O'Riordan died in January this year and this cover was made in her honor, it's amazing!

  • @Mr-H Thanks dude, that's a nice cover. :)

  • @Durwin you,re fighting not just daily hectic routine along the the way inner problems too the crises that you've enhanced into betterment of your own version is remarkable and be it financial/family/mental adding to the record as far as i've reached in knowing you mate i can assure you i haven't seen anyone fight so many thighs at the same time by their own self and look collective calm and keeping their composer in front of other's, sorting other's mess often and bringing joy to the once in your circle without shading ANY of everything you're walking through you're brave and on your front foot and ready to take on it without complaining, definitely you're plausible, and as i say just when you can't be any cooloer you pop your cuntass self treasure out :joy: :joy: :joy: by the way Mofo always here if you need to talk about anything :) :angel: and when i'm depressed or mentally sick i'm coming to your hospital don't think i'll let you get away with my obligations :joy: :joy: :D

  • @Adyyan
    Wow, thanks man, you a good lad you.. Abusive but all the same good at heart. Ty

  • ohh the battle and struggle of depression much more if sever. We are here for you and you are not alone!

  • @Durwin Everything will be fine real soon and don't let your inner demons engulf you..Redirect your focus when in times it clouded your mind. We all go through things like this for once in our lives, it happens. Write everything that's bugging in your mind, talk , vent it out.. or if you are not that talkative, try to do the things you love.. Listen to some inspirational songs too, it really helps a lot.. Cheers to continuing life even if you think there's no point at all.. :)

  • @Durwin The most inhuman thing I feel about me is that no matter how much I'm depressed about anything, let me rest for about six hours, and it vanishes like i have no memory of em.... It sure helps in tough times :))

  • A very useful message in my opinion

  • @Durwin Dude, why would you want to suffer in silence? Have your voice heard, make your presence felt!

    "Count your blessings, not your flaws" :))

  • @Kakashi said in Many People Talk About Different Forms Of Mental Health Issues....... So here I Go:

    @Durwin Dude, why would you want to suffer in silence? Have your voice heard, make your presence felt!

    "Count your blessings, not your flaws" :))

    Thanks dude. Regarding the suffering in silence... when you have spent years in circumstances talking to those close to you and they listen, but the don't Listen , if you get what I mean, then you have to learn mechanisms and methods to cope.

    Then after so long of this, you start to realise that you can overcome the demons inside, you can win this battle .... of course there will always be minor skirmishes in there.... but in the end .... you come out Winning ... you come out Stronger :)
