People really dont read, to the first comment the poster isnt coming out his dad has been cheating. To the second commenter, grinder is a gay meeeting app like tinder and he literally said in the post his dadet the person. To the original poster, im older qnd in a long term rwlationship witth children. If it was my pattner i would want to kjow they were doing this behind my back. And if i knew my chile knew and didnt tell me then that would hurr me and make me feel made a fool of. But firstly u should gp to ur dad with what u hsve found and tell him it is better coming from him telling ur mum. If she chposee to stay with him then she cant blame you gor being the persob who has blown her life up. Secondlt if he dpesn thwn you have to. To stop your mum goint through this becaude u wont be able to even put it out ur head and ur rwlationsiop with ur dad will become ruined in the process. Also he shoulfnt expect his child to have to burden themself keeping secrets its not fair