Run Forrest , Run!

Best posts made by SentientPotato
RE: What is the lamest joke you ever heard?
It's impossible explaining puns to kleptomaniacs. They always take things literally (it's like the lamest and the greatest kneel before it )
Latest posts made by SentientPotato
RE: Ask me anything f18
Will dancing in the blood of a thousand little lambs improve one's luck?
RE: What is the lamest joke you ever heard?
It's impossible explaining puns to kleptomaniacs. They always take things literally (it's like the lamest and the greatest kneel before it )
RE: waiting for the best one
@lady-luck god damn, is today my lucky day?
Finally there are people who want to know about me whispers Hallelujah -
RE: Give me some advice...
@cuntfuck and that's how you protect fam , way to go dude
RE: waiting for the best one
Start watching Rick and Morty ,will make you fall in love with Mr.Meeseeks and voila thinking about your ex will show an #Error404
When did this happen
Damn, this portal has gone from being weird to being weirdly complex