• Its tough to have a perfect family all my relatives were smart while i was not that smart
    I was lucky to be born in a rich family i would be called dumb before but i tried my best too be more perfect as they want but i was never happy i had good grades and a good reputation
    But it was hard for me to be happy
    I went against my family i wanted to be happy and be myself i told them mom im not perfect i can never be you guys im not the same as you.. i know they were doing this for my future but it wasn't their life i started to draw sing and practice some musical instruments and finally they supported me

    Note to you🫵
    You don't need to be like the others follow your heart...it will lead you to succession never compare yourself or overthink those things ruins your happiness. happiness comes first in this world of emotions if you think that you are never enough always know that your not alone in this a lot of people go through this too and they will support you no matter what you are unique in your own way...