Random Question For Experienced Artists or Pretty Much Anyone

  • @hobii what exactly do u wanna know? What colors to use? Or tools n techniques?

  • @wildwallflower I was looking more on how to know the appropriate spots for shading and lighting and which colors to use, but pretty much any tips and techniques you'd like to tell me are fine :D

  • @hobii I suck at explaining but i"ll try.

    As for the appropriate spots for shading and lighting I'd suggest you go thru a lot of reference images for clothes.
    To understand that the folds and creases that appear on a cloth depend upon the types of fabric or the type of stitching and which part to shade and which part to highlight will depend on that.
    Lets take the image u posted for example.

    0_1538340589356_New Canvaszcw.jpg

    Looks like a sleeve of a jacket to me and the fabric looks thick.
    A thick fabric will have lesser folds than a thin one. The folds on the front of the jacket will be different from those on the sleeve, depending on it's stitching.
    Study more images of clothes to learn the ups n downs of different types of stitchings.
    As for colors I'd use 3 to start with:
    Mid tone- which covers most of the area
    Shadow- a darker shade than the midtone
    Highlight- lighter than midtone
    As you're askin about black, I'd suggest dont use the actual black, use a lighter shade.
    You can add more shades later if you want more detailing.

    Uh...I hope u get it :sweat_smile:

  • @wildwallflower I'm sorry for the really late reply but I really appreciate the help! Thank you very much 😊

  • First of all your shadow is to close in shade as your object, go from darker toward the object and lighten up as it moves away. Secondly by outlining the object makes it look 2 dimensional unless that's what your looking to do. Thirdly, all of your tones are to close in shades. Make your high lights brighter and shadows darker.

  • 0_1538878046045_276ae4b2-7bd9-49b2-a55e-bcb97a3bdf32-image.png

  • @kimmyflower Thank for the help! I'll make sure to follow what you said. I appreciate for taking your time improving my drawing. It looks really beautiful with the new highlights and shade.

  • Just remember, shadows are like ghost on a wall, they vary in shade and blurry. And always darker the closer it get to the object. And if your drawing start light and go darker, then erase back some of the highlights to bring out highlights. Oh and don't forget where your light source is coming from. Nothing worse to a viewer then to have confusing light sources and shadows. Btw, love what you've done so far, hope your love for art continues because your very talented.

  • @kimmyflower Thanks for reminding me about the light source. I keep forgetting to add a light source so I know where highlights and shadow should be located. I'm really happy that you're willing to help me out.

  • My pleasure, I'm a graphic designer so I know the joy of drawing pictures... In fact I get payed to do it, how cool is that. lol So just keep drawing life around you and you'll see your talents start to blossom.