If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists)

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  • @thestrangest Well, teaches me to try an defend anything religious on this platform. Hahaha

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 the truth is that there probably might have been a jesus the bible stories are loosely based on but otherwise there is 0 proof for a historical jesus

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  • I created god.

  • Have you ever studied religious science?
    It is based on the fact that God (if you want, Jesus) is the sun.
    If you take it from that perspective, god might not be seen as a being but rather as a force.
    You could describe it as a higher frequency with no embodiment.
    If you take it that way, God might not have been created has always been present in the core of the universe.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @queenlope said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    Have you ever studied religious science?

    No but i can't help not to say "religious science" is an oxymoron

    It is based on the fact that God (if you want, Jesus) is the sun.

    Yeah that's true

    "The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid for the sun"
    -Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

    @Jacob55 I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest that you watch that video, believe me you will not regret it. But really, get yourself some popcorn, sit down on a comfortable couch and focus on every word and i think you'll learn a lot more than you'd expect.

    If you take it from that perspective, god might not be seen as a being but rather as a force.
    You could describe it as a higher frequency with no embodiment.

    What is this word salad, what is a "frequency" with no embodiment? A radio frequency? Is god a radio frequency? I find it extremely aggravating when people realise that the first definition they had of god was too strict therefore too easy to criticise and that's why they string together a bunch of words like "energy", "frequency", "collective consciousness" and call that god when infact that is no where near what you started with, in such case the word just looses it's purpose and becomes a needless label put on big things. What need is there for such foolery? What's more annoying is that usually when someone defines god as energy and they are shown what energy is and asked if that is the god they believe in, they say no, like, what.

    If you take it that way, God might not have been created has always been present in the core of the universe.

    That's just the same as saying that god is the universe in which case sure, god exists, you can feel his presence and you are part of him and he is part of you just like when meditating you're told to feel the world around you, how you are part of it and it is part of you(atheists meditate too and can be spiritual), but what need is there to call the universe god when you can just say "universe"?

  • @thestrangest "I find it extremely aggravating when people realise that the first definition they had of god was too strict therefore too easy to criticise and that's why they string together a bunch of words like "energy", "frequency", "collective consciousness" "
    About this, you are acutally going against a school of thought. A school of thought that I believe in and just like jesus or any other Gods, at the end of the day, they are just beliefs.
    I don't think there is any point on me trying to argue about the fact that my beliefs are the right ones or the ones that everyone should follow.
    The reason why I believe God is "energy" or just an "higher consiousness" are simple.
    I believe in a creator but I do not believe in the holly books and all the history and the beliefs that are taught around which is why I decided to start everything on my own and begin meditation.
    As a result, I did feel a flow or a connection that went through the bounderies which is why I define it as the core and I decided to interpret that this energy that flows through everything is God as God is everywhere.
    I can understand why you would think that "energy" has no link to the holly science but this is how I made the link between the sun and my beliefs:
    The Sun is God and the Sun is a Major source of energy.
    Either way, would you mind giving your definition of energy as you said people get confused when you show them energy itself?

    Nice video by the way but if you want to get in debt into the subject I would highly suggest this one:

    English is not one of my first languages so I might be making mistakes that I am not aware of, feel free to correct me if you feel the need to do so.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @queenlope said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @thestrangest "I find it extremely aggravating when people realise that the first definition they had of god was too strict therefore too easy to criticise and that's why they string together a bunch of words like "energy", "frequency", "collective consciousness" "
    About this, you are acutally going against a school of thought.

    "A school of thought" what is it called then? And if it's a school of thought then who cares? Does that mean I'm not allowed to criticise it?

    A school of thought that I believe in and just like jesus or any other Gods, at the end of the day, they are just beliefs

    Some beliefs are harmful(e.g. believing in the need for an Aryan race) and irrational(astrology) which in turn also makes them harmful(the average IQ of a theist is 7 points lower than an atheist). What is "they are just beliefs" supposed to mean

    I don't think there is any point on me trying to argue about the fact that my beliefs are the right ones or the ones that everyone should follow.

    Doesn't this mean you just admitted that you don't care if your beliefs are true or not?

    The reason why I believe God is "energy" or just an "higher consiousness" are simple.

    Well let's see the reasons

    I believe in a creator

    I don't think you have a good reason for believing in a creator

    but I do not believe in the holly books and all the history and the beliefs that are taught around

    You realise how stupid religion is but you still want to hold on to a concept/thing that comforts you and call it god when infact you can just hold on to that comfortable concept/thing and call it what it is

    which is why I decided to start everything on my own and begin meditation

    Good idea

    As a result, I did feel a flow or a connection that went through the bounderies

    your self perceived sufficient revelation which I'd argue adds no validity to your beliefs even from your own perspective because atheists have claimed to have had the same experiences(but ofcourse atheists and religious people all atribute these things to different causes, the atheist usually knows how neurology explains all these things or just that it does even though he doesn't need to) so until you give a good reason for why you think these experiences couldn't have happened without a god your opinion doesn't matter

    which is why I define it as the core and I decided to interpret that this energy that flows through everything is God as God is everywhere.

    So basically god is everything and everything is god.


    That's just the same as saying that god is the universe in which case sure, god exists, you can feel his presence and you are part of him and he is part of you just like when meditating you're told to feel the world around you, how you are part of it and it is part of you(atheists meditate too and can be spiritual), but what need is there to call the universe god when you can just say "universe"?

    I can understand why you would think that "energy" has no link to the holly science but this is how I made the link between the sun and my beliefs:
    The Sun is God and the Sun is a Major source of energy.

    so you are literally a sun worshipper, am i supposed to take what you're saying seriously? You believe the sun is god, that's just stupid, tge sun simply didn't create the universe, we know it didn't

    Either way, would you mind giving your definition of energy as you said people get confused when you show them energy itself?

    MY definition of energy? There is only 1 correct scientific definition of energy

    Energy, inĀ physics, the capacity for doingĀ work. It may exist inĀ potential,Ā kinetic,Ā thermal, electrical,Ā chemical,Ā nuclear, or other various forms. There are, moreover,Ā heatĀ and workā€”i.e., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another. After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature. Hence, heat transferred may becomeĀ thermal energy, while work done mayĀ manifestĀ itself in the form ofĀ mechanical energy.

    What we perceive as our physical material world, is really not physical or material at all, in fact, it is far from it.This has been proven time and time again by multiple Nobel Prize (among many other scientists around the world) winning physicists, one of them beingĀ Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory.

    ā€œIf quantum mechanics hasnā€™t profoundly shocked you, you havenā€™t understood it yet.Ā Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.ā€Ā ā€“Ā Niels Bohr

    At the turn of the nineteenth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it.Ā Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy.

    ā€œDespite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, theĀ veryĀ suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.ā€ (T. Folger, ā€œQuantum Shmantumā€; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)

    There is no reason to think energy as we know it is conscious, everything is energy including human consciousness(and other animals with brains) that's just a bunch of neurons and the electrical pulses neurons use to communicate with each other(as far as we know) but there is 0 good reason to think the universe is conscious, which means that it knows that it exists and can think for itself

    Nice video by the way but if you want to get in debt into the subject I would highly suggest this one:

    Go in depth*

    That video wasn't meant for you but thanks. And no i will not watch a 3 hour video (this being part 1), i watched 5 minutes and stopped

    English is not one of my first languages so I might be making mistakes that I am not aware of, feel free to correct me if you feel the need to do so.

    Don't worry you're comprehensible. I'm Palestinian(Palestine;Jesus's supposed place of birth), it isn't my first language either not to mention me never having been in an English speaking country.

    This is the first reply from you to me and you are already cherry picking which parts you want to respond to, read the whole thing man.

    P.S. optional video, it helped me feel spiritual for the 1st time as an atheist:

  • @mcurie No one created God because God was never created because God doesn't exist.

  • @layla That's what I'm saying. They - theists- don't understand.

  • God is created by parent of god

  • @mcurie said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @layla That's what I'm saying. They - theists- don't understand.

    Oi m8 what do you think of my work here on your topic?

  • You don't seem to understand what "God" means.

  • @korglife17 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    You don't seem to understand what "God" means.

    You don't seem to understand what a "rhetorical question meant to point out a fallacy in reasoning" is

  • @TheStrangest and @layla so does magic really exist or it's all fakes and tricks

  • @kaneki-kun said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @TheStrangest and @layla so does magic really exist or it's all fakes and tricks


  • @thestrangest If I could guess I wouldn't have asked you. I'm not you neither am I in your upstairs šŸ¤·

  • So I read a book (crazy right?) and it talked about taoism and everything coming from one. I'm an atheist but I'm open to the possibility of some larger force or whatever we want to call it. In the book it said, instead of coming from one maybe everything came from nothing. The example used was of the number 0 and how you can get it by adding a number to its negative counterpart. The book said the universe could have been made like that but backwards where opposites emerge from nothing. So maybe god is nothing so god technically doesn't exist?

  • Turns around, and squints eyes then says

    "oh it's @Kaneki-kun"

    walks to you, looks you in the eyes and says

    "Of course magic isn't real you protestant fuck bucket, I'm a vampire and i have never seen anyone use magic, it's all scientifically designed you daft cunt"

    P.S. Sup matey I've seen you on y99.in
