Share your problems with Sir Devil

  • find a hobby. it could be anything. keep working on it

  • @alwaysstranger you have survived till now. you are doing great. Being alone is sad. but I am sure that your life would get better. Because you deserve it. We all deserve a better life. Cherish the relationship with your sister. Live your life like you did all these days. Work hard on whatever you do and believe that everything you do is worthwhile in the long run and soon, you would find yourself in a better place.

  • @letta hello there.

  • @burvochi-2kx at least you're probably in a better position financially and mentally than me. I'm only 14 and I've been through more shit than all the Catholic children combined (because they get molested). I didn't get molested but i went through other bad shit and the thing about Catholic children was a joke

  • @alwaysstranger I know it was hard for you. being young, the adults may even dismiss your problems as nothing. But endure. Hold on to your life. Soon, you would grow up and would be able to stand on your own. Right then, the problems you have now would be nothing but a distant memory in the back of your mind.

  • @sir-devil everyone deserves a better life but not everyone gets one

  • @alwaysstranger If you continue with your life and work hard on what you like, you would be happy with your life. You just have to find what to really like and work on it from now. Like is what we make of what fate gives.

  • @sir-devil dude relax I'm not going to kill myself and "the adults", wtf is that, I'm not by the way my problems are too big for "the adults" to ignore. I've grown a very thick skin after what I've went through and I'm very intelligent which is one of the reasons i don't have friends (because most people my age are retarded, not really but i hang out with teachers so compared to my classmates i feel like they're retarded)

  • @alwaysstranger okay. sorry about that. I don't much about you, so I assumed.
    So, you like the company of your teachers and most of the people your age are retarded. So, are they not accepting you?

  • @sir-devil You mentioned that you were intelligent. So, I suggest you learn more about a subject that you like. Since you are in a good relationship with your teacher, you could even ask their help. Learn new things. Although they may be that useful now, once you hit the college, the knowledge you would possess would make you able to get more respect from the other students and since a college is much more diverse than a school, there is a greater chance of you meeting something with similar interest.

  • @alwaysstranger So, for now, pursue what you like. When people say things like, "School Days were the best of my life", it's just their nostalgia speaking. So, don't trouble yourself with these. You are preparing a much bigger phase of your life and I want you to be prepared for that and the "problem" that you had, should have made you much more matured and made you realize what fate could offer. So, now that you had endured it, the problems that would face later in your won't affect you that much. hence, you would be much better in your life, if you are prepared enough for it.

  • @sir-devil it's not that they're not accepting me but its just that i feel lonely in my head because noone dreams as big as me or has the same interests as me or thinks like me i don't belong in a group of people who never thought about answering the question "what do you want to be in the future" more than 10 min and i just need 1 or 2 friends that are similar to me and talk to to me more than once a week to stop feeling lonely but I've never had that because soon will be the 7th time i move out of where i live since we're refugees and we haven't found a safe space and good place to saddle in 6 years

  • @alwaysstranger I am sorry for what had happened in your life. You deserve better. If you feel lonely, you could talk with me. At least you could tolerate me until you find a friend that you won't just let you go. I may be a stranger but I could keep you company.

  • @alwaysstranger and dream big because it is what that's makes us who we are. Dream big and work on that dream because no matter what, the effort we make won't go wasted. I believe in you.

  • @sir-devil said in Share your problems with Sir Devil:

    @alwaysstranger You just have to find what to really like and work on it from now. Like is what we make of what fate gives.

    Dude please stop giving me shitty advice, the reason why i don't have close friends IS because i know exactly what i want to do in the future but nobody around me cares about they're future so when i talk with people like that i loose interest because we have nothing to talk about. And when i do find people like me i move out anyways so it's just a matter of time, i just have to suffer through this period of time

  • @sir-devil how old are you?

  • @alwaysstranger 20

  • @sir-devil cool

  • @alwaysstranger I'm sorry again but that was an older message and I changed my opinion after reading your previous messages.

  • @sir-devil and this is the first time I had tried giving advice to strangers. So, please tolerate and endure me... I just want to help in some way that i can
