• @brod3e and god doesn't exist

  • Music Lovers

    @topics27 I don't believe in God. My parents are Christian, but I decided that there is no proof that God truly exists. I know that we came from somewhere, and I'm still trying to figure that out.

  • love is god

  • @kumar12 love is just a bunch of serotonin, adrenalin and dopamine levels rising in your brain 😑

    God is what some people claim without proof, created everything and when there is no proof behind something there is no reason to believe it

  • Gamers

    In my opinion, God is exist but we dont know what He looks like. Yes he created this world and there are many some proofs that He really exist.. But what im thinking that all things we heard are from human itself. Yes.. the prophet. Human is desperate and lost without them (Prophet). They guide human to become better and better. All Prophet in this world sacrifice their life to choose to abdicates to others. They are real hero and responsible for human life. Their belief system are applied until now likes all the law in each country. Without their teaching, we are still in ancient times, and without their guidance we are killing each other without reason.. Yes we are still killing our own races in the name of religion. I think we should stop that because our ancestor and our prophet not allowing it.. We are living in this world, we are their chosen one. We are responsible for what we live now. Like God said through Bible "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Yeah that tells us that at right now, we must not thinking about what we dont know, and what you must do is showing your attention to the environtment. And, if you do believe 100% or not if God really exist, don't defend It. Because God doesn't need to be defended. What you should do is to defend the poor and tormented. That's all my opinion...Thanks.

  • Gamers

    @trose18 sorry for my bad grammar... thanks

  • @trose18 usually I'd respond to people and tell them that they're wrong but your grammar is too bad, I'd feel bad

  • Gamers

    @thestrangest can u fix it ? thanks :D

  • Gamers

    @thestrangest I'd appreciate if u fix it.. :D

  • @trose18 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    In my opinion, God exists but we dont know what he looks like. Yes he created this world and there is a lot of proof that he really exists.. But what im thinking is that all things we hear are from humanity itself. Yes.. the prophet. Humanity is desperate and lost without them (Prophets). They guide humanity in becoming better and better. All prophets in this world sacrificed their lifes to choose to advocate(advocate???) to others. They are real heroes and responsible for human life. Their belief systems are applied until now like all the laws in all countries. Without their teachings, we are still in ancient times, and without their guide we would kill each other without reason.. Yes we are still killing our own races in the name of religion. I think we should stop that because our ancestor and our prophet do not allow it.. We are living in this world, we are their chosen ones. We are responsible for what we do now. Like God said through the Bible "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Yeah that tells us that right now, we must not think about what we dont know, and what you must do is show your attention to the environtment. And, if you do believe 100% or not that God really exist, don't defend It. Because God doesn't need to be defended. What you should do is to defend the poor and tormented. That's all my opinion...Thanks.

    There you go, i tried to fix what you said as much as possible.

    Of course i disagree with 99% of what you said but i can't argue with you because you're too incomprehensible, sorry.

  • Gamers

    @thestrangest thanks XD

  • Gamers

    In my opinion, God exists but we dont know what he looks like. Yes he created this world and there is a lot of proof that he really exists.. But what im thinking is that all things we hear are from humanity itself. Yes.. the prophet. Humanity is desperate and lost without them (Prophets). They guide humanity in becoming better and better. All prophets in this world sacrificed their lifes to choose to advocate to others (ex: Moses, Noah, Nachman of Breslov, Yusuf, etc). They are real heroes and responsible for human life. Their belief systems are applied until now like all the laws in all countries. Without their teachings, we are still in ancient times, and without their guide we would kill each other without reason.. Yes we are still killing our own races in the name of religion. I think we should stop that because our ancestor and our prophet do not allow it.. We are living in this world, we are their chosen ones. We are responsible for what we do now. Like God said through the Bible "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Yeah that tells us that right now, we must not think about what we dont know, and what you must do is show your attention to the environtment. And, if you do believe 100% or not that God really exist, don't defend It. Because God doesn't need to be defended. What you should do is to defend the poor and tormented. That's all my opinion...Thanks.

  • @trose18 you're welcome

  • I think its absolutelly useless and endless arguement, coz there can be neither evidences nor refutations of the God existence. The only we can do is just to tell our opinion, no more. Opinion costs nothing without a justification. So the god exisense is not a question deserving a discussion. Dont waste your time. If you dont know something it means only that smth is unknown, no more, but not that its caused by God

  • @topics27 idk if God exists or not but religious people are the biggest assholes on this fucking earth

  • god is an extremely sexy very well hung shemale that never stops cumming in me

  • @raez said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    god is an extremely sexy very well hung shemale that never stops cumming in me

    Had I known this before, I wouldn’t have rejecting Christianity :(

  • I'm agnostic, so i don't know 🤷

  • I am a Christian, So I do think God is real. There is no way that I could prove it to you. Heck- I could make a comment a mile long and someone would disagree with me. So, All I can say is that God is real. I'm sorry that I don't have a way to prove it to you.

  • I think it's relatively irrelevant whether you believe in the spiritual entity God, tbh... I choose to believe there is someone out there, but I don't know who, exactly. I think that the teachings of Jesus are pretty important though, and that he was a pretty swell guy we should all look up to! :)
