• @sumof1 No I'm not

  • @sumof1 but why would that even matter. Would what I'm saying be wrong just because I'm gay?

  • @sumof1 I'm going to eat. Ttyl

  • @thestrangest THEN WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN WASTING MY TIME. I said i want the decisions they had to make and how they weighed each of their options if you aren't gay then why the fuck do you even care. Such a fucking waste of my time.

  • @thestrangest Once again learn to fucking read.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    I'm back. Fyi i intentionally write god with a lower case G. if you didn't know, now you know jigaaa
    @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    @thestrangest THEN WHY THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN WASTING MY TIME. I said i want the decisions they had to make and how they weighed each of their options if you aren't gay then why the fuck do you even care. Such a fucking waste of my time.

    BITCH WTF. WHY WOULD YOU CARE? Do you think only gay people can talk about homosexuality?

    Even if i was gay i wouldn't just answer your questions straight ahead, I'd first respond to the assertions inside the questions. When you ask "why did you chose to be gay" I'd first explain why being gay isn't a choice, when you ask "how do you go against your religion in such a way" I'd first explain why religion is BS like i said and then why somehow my supposed religion is comparable with me being gay because there are no homophobic verses in it or that the clearly homophobic verses SOMEHOW don't mean what they mean(which is stupid but any attempt to justify religious nonsense is destined to be stupid), you know ...something like that. The same goes for other questions. If you're a homophobic theist then i can critique your belief in god without too, caring if such critiques are welcome or not. I can say many things that are extremely relevant, if you really just want gays to answer for some reason then ask questions that only gay people can answer/ deconstruct and debunk the assertions inside

  • @thestrangest But did i ask you to explain why being gay is not a choice? No i didn't mama. Mama why you gotta waste my time with shit i din't wanna know just stop responding and go have a latte or something

  • @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    @thestrangest Once again learn to fucking read.

    Once again. I wouldn't just not answer because you only want gays to answer, if you are bashing any group of people(with assertions) for what they can't control then I'd provide what evidence i have against your assertions

  • @thestrangest How does learning to read have anything to do with gays? The way you jump to conclusions is truly incredible you play the game of assumption.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    @thestrangest But did i ask you to explain why being gay is not a choice? No i didn't mama

    Do i care if you did not? You said that it is and i explained why it is not. Would you like it if someone says "FUCK BLACK PEOPLE" and then after you explain to them why there is no good reason to believe that any race is better than another they said "i didn't want any such explanation and did not ask for it" That's retarded son

    Mama why you gotta waste my time with shit i din't wanna know just stop responding and go have a latte or something

    A latte? Oh latté, yeah that word is weird. Anyways you didn't ask for anything specific so don't tell me you did and that i didn't provide what you asked for

  • @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    @thestrangest How does learning to read have anything to do with gays? The way you jump to conclusions is truly incredible you play the game of assumption

    You told me to "learn to read" because you are suggesting that you said that you want only gays to answer your questions

  • @thestrangest I said that because you keep failing to answer my question because you can't even realize what i'm asking for

  • @thestrangest and fuck your latte, i pissed in it

  • @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    @thestrangest and fuck your latte, i pissed in it

    I have never drunk a latte

  • @thestrangest don't you mean 'drank' bitch

  • @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:

    @thestrangest I said that because you keep failing to answer my question because you can't even realize what i'm asking for



  • @thestrangest no it's not

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 said in Stop being gay - I will not put a longer title TWS:


    WHAT IS YOUR REASON, what do you want to hear from a gay person? Why they are gay? So you can try to shame them and tell them to not be gay? Because that would just repeat the cycle when i come along and explain why it is ok to be gay