Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 40 years with many regrets?

  • die in 20 years with no regrets, have a better life is better than have a longer life hahahaa i think

  • I'd rather die in 20 years without regrets. What is a long life filled with what ifs and what could've been? The feeling of regret at the end of ones life must be the worst feeling to have.

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  • @evan-elderson said in Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 40 years with many regrets?:

    I guess I am different here. I would die at 40. I can live with regret but 40 years will give me enough time to maybe accomplish what I want in life, albeit with regrets. We all have regrets, therefore we all know how to deal with it.

    By detention a regret is when you feel bad for NOT doing something, so if you have many regrets that means that you didn't do all you wanted with your life, how can you do what you wanted with your life and still have a lot of regrets? you just wanna be a special snowflake cuz that makes no sense

  • We are humans its our nature to regret doesn't matter when or now. So would rather live to the fullest

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  • @evan-elderson said in Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 40 years with many regrets?:

    @thestrangest Actually, regret is feeling bad for something that is done. What you are thinking about is feeling regret for missing an opportunity (which is still something that is done). 40 years allows for more time to make those opportunities happen, rather than just 20. Living with no regrets is literally not feeling bad for anything you have done in life. Additionally, living for 40 years allows you more time to atone for the regrets you have in life, opposed to dying young with no regrets.

    Here is a dictionary definition in case English isn't your first language.

    feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).
    "she immediately regretted her words"
    synonyms: be sorry about, feel contrite about, feel remorse about/for, be remorseful about, rue, repent (of), feel repentant about, be regretful at/about More
    a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.
    "she expressed her regret at Virginia's death"
    synonyms: remorse, sorrow, contrition, contriteness, repentance, penitence, guilt, compunction, remorsefulness, ruefulness More

    Like, if you kill someone and go to jail... I bet you will regret DOING something that. Though I am not sure how having a difference of opinion makes me a "snowflake?" However, if having a different opinion makes me a "snowflake" it's better than being a mindless follower like you. I am not a "snowflake" I prefer to call it "being a devil's advocate." Sorry, if that goes over your head like my point.

    Oh damn. The definition is completely different for both "Regret" and "Remorse" in English than in French. I thought it was the same, the more you learn, though they do mean what i said in French they do not in English so you're right

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  • @evan-elderson said in Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 40 years with many regrets?:

    @thestrangest oh may bad. I thought we were writing in English.

    JIGGA, i live in France

  • I'd choose the 3rd option, because there is always a 3rd option :)

  • @gybon-blaklok in this case there is no 3rd option otherwise she would have said that you can add a 3rd option but sure. yes i am a buzz kill

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  • @evan-elderson ++i have never been to an English speaking country...

  • @evan-elderson ... which means that words that are the same in certain languages i speak as English will naturally be assumed as having the same meaning

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  • @evan-elderson i don't think that sarcasm can be easily detected through a screen nor do i believe that saying "i don't see how your response is relevant" could have been construed that way

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