• @thestrangest I'll start, if i had a girl I'd name her Sofia because it comes from greek, Σοφία(pronounced Sofia/Sophia, meaning wisdom). If i had a boy I'd probably name him George because I know many great Georges, George Carlin, George Orwell, George Takei... and that's all that comes to mind (my mind is creating a cognitive dissonance for George Bush) and incidentally it also comes from greek, Γεωργός(pronounced Georgos, meaning farmer/peasant)

  • I'll name my child ravneet as rav would comes from the first 3 letters of her father and meet will come from my name from the end.

  • @rhydm so you are creating your own name?

  • I'd name my two daughters Kyra and Samantha.
    Because i love these names and they look pretty cool.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sammy Kyra? That's just a name but I'm not sure if it's a Death Note reference

  • @thestrangest a female Kira ??...now thats just total waifu material .

    ..but i suspect she's basing the name on something else ...so sad ...

  • Being Hindu we name kids according to time of birth and place in short i.e according to nakshatra and zodiac signs .

    Nevertheless I like the names which have a nice meaning.
    For a girl:Veronika - This name means “ to display one's true image”
    For a Boy:Akshat - It means “the one who cannot be harmed” .

  • @thestrangest
    Woah! And why do you think its such a scary thing?

  • @stranger_danger
    What does that word mean?

  • if its a boy: Theo, i just really like that name
    and a girl: Willow, sorry @Willoww but m steal ya name, cos its a good name

  • @sammy Kira is the name of the anime "Death Note" 's protagonist.

    He kills the evil men(or what he considers evil men) in society .
    He is cold,calculation,methodical,genius.
    He gets rid of anyone who gets in his way.He has no attachment to anyone -his family ,girlfriend etc..He uses anyone he can get an advantage of.
    He wants to become the God of the World.
    He almost succeeded.

    Was he the hero or the villain ..now ..that's a matter of interpretation.

    The name Kira is infamous in the anime world as is the name "Death Note"for being one of the top rated anime of all time & being an archetype of evil genius .
    If anyone wants to get into anime,it's something they should start with.
    It just draws you in.

  • I haven't even decided yet if I marry or not.

  • if I had a boy, it'd be Frankenstein. because Frankenstein is an awesome boy's name.

  • I like the names

    Jonathan Schwarz .
    Scarlet Knight.

  • @violetttttt here, have an upvote for that effing cute gif

  • Music Lovers

    @violetttttt fists bumps self I hope issa cute baby. No Willow namesake can be ugly, ya hear??!!
    Also, I would name a girl Teresa. (Derp)
    And a boy Tomas
    But none of that matters because i don want any kidss

  • @azriel said in What would you name your kids and why?:

    I haven't even decided yet if I marry or not.

    You can still imagine what you'd name your kids in the scenario. Be creative

  • Anything from ketchup to kiwi sounds good.(Nicknames)

    I'll name my kid(If I ever live to reproduce my own XD)
    Boy- Raghav/Rey
    Girl- Azriel/Aurora (australis/borealis upto her.)

  • Music Lovers

    Boy - paras (if you have seen harry potter then i would like to tell you that in the hindi version , the sorcerer's stone was called paras and it is a symbol of immortality and power )
    Girl - pavitraa (it means pure and sacred and i really like this name)
    Well these were hindu names .... If we talk about english names then :
    Justin - (coz it's a cool name and i used to like justin bieber when he used to have clean shave and healthy body)
    Grace - (coz it is a very graceful name)

    PS - I really loved the question .

  • @cutie-cat tnx

    P.S i like Grace too