• @damncuteguy girls are more emotional because boys are supposed to be dead inside

  • Although men are equally emotional than women, both sexes react differently to problems. Women tend to suffer from more anxiety and depression disorders, because they are afraid of not making the grade in a society that requires them to live up to men, and at the same time fulfill their family and social duties. Men, on the other hand, tend to suffer from antisocial disorders and to abuse drugs, and keep their emotions to themselves because they relate sensibility to weakness and they believe that they lose their value as men, if they dare to say what they feel.

  • @damncuteguy Well ,Boys r more emotional dan girls but we control our emotions better dan em.

  • @zazzles
    I is dead.

    I is a zombie.
    I wants brains.
    You are safe. :thinking_face: :thinking_face: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:

  • Maybe. Men could be described as more emotional than women, too. It depends on the type of emotion, how it is measured, where it is expressed, and lots of other factors.

  • Gamers

    they are not emotional, i think the word you are looking for is dramatic

  • I'd say “Yes” girl are more emotional By a long shot. The reason — Every woman of childbearing age has monthly additions to her bloodstream of hormones when she has her period. The result is more emotionality and PMS, which men never have. I think it's also the main reason why there should never be a person who's prone to PMS as POTUS, with her finger on the nuclear trigger and another thing that average women cries somewhere between 30 and 64 times a year. For a man it’s only 6–17.

  • @damncuteguy "Of the two genders, there is a stereotype that women are much more "emotional" than men. While it is certainly true that by nature women are more focused on their emotions and refer to them more commonly in conversation than men, both the genders will experience emotions and emotional reactions to different stimuli and situations. What is interesting is that men and women can experience their emotions differently, and for different reasons. With so many potential emotional responses possible, here we focus on some of the more significant differences between men and women and their emotions." For more go to

  • Music Lovers

    vice versa most times

  • @damncuteguy I think that boys are more emotional than girls bc they hold it in more and it eventually catches up to them

  • I think that both genders are equally emotional, but women tend to express their feelings more than men. I believe that that is because the society tells men from the beginning to hide their emotions because they're men, whereas in women expressing emotions is something the society encourages them to do.

  • @cheesecake-lesb hahahahaha im not langhing im just smiling got it ?

  • I used to hold it in until one day I started crying everynight. I'm back on my feet though now.

  • @orightmate one day or everynight

  • @cid-cid "used to everynight"

  • @orightmate Last time I cried is like one month ago. Before that it was like two years ago.