• Global Veteran

    don't work on yourself😂😂

  • You will laugh on this post after 2 years maximum .

  • @TM yeah, it will be possible after my marriage... But the devil and my relatives torture me mentally.

  • @Umm_umm I am sorry you are feeling this right now. But I just know this is a fleeting feeling. I have been feeling this way too. And its challenging to remove oneself from that. But just know good days are there too. After every thunderstorm, there is light. If its thunderstorm during the day that is :D

  • @TM حسنًا ، لقد كنت هنا منذ أربع سنوات

  • @Umm_umm يا اختي المسلمة
    صلي على النبي ٥٠٠ مرات كل يوم
    (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
    إنشاء الله سيسهل الله لك الزواج

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Umm_umm are you katherine the user that got banned ?

  • @TheListener your accnt is sus , your advice looks sarcastic your arabic is poor ... (إن شاء وليس إنشاء ) 500 مرة * وليس مرات...

  • @TheListener She didn't mention that she'a a muslim !!!

  • wow, ya'll being awfully supportive to others

  • @TM u got it

  • @TM نعم أنا

  • @TM how does it feel being a keyboard warrior? I never said my arabic is good, i was genuinely helping because i saw she seems not to be okay, and i didn't know she's not a muslim. Be kind to others next time.

  • @TheListener I was not attacking you but It was obvious that your arabic language is weak and still using it ! She made her post in english reply to her in english with the same content you mentioned it will look better 🙂😅

  • @TheListener I strangled my marriage and happiness, now I have nothing to do but wait. Now I will never get my share of luck and what I am getting is also running away from me. I only have this one month.

  • @Umm_umm After that I had to try to reduce myself.. Now I am helpless.I have no way to go... Don't know why I am writing nonsense.

  • @Umm_umm nothing you've written is nonsense, i've been there, storms don't last forever, i really don't know exactly what you are going through but sometimes we have to accept whats written, despite having given it the best shot we could. Despite holding on to. We came alone we are going to go alone, and at the end of everything we'll be responsible for every decision we make, we won't get away with anything as Jordan Peterson says. Hold on to where there's hope, but if there's no hope, find a new reason to keep going. Do not tie your happiness to another soul if all you get is damage. The heart will heal and one day you'll say "i was there". You might have a bad day but that doesn't mean you have a bad life, don't ruin your mental health because of things you cannot control. If mistakes were made, repent, apologise and live again. Falling is not wrong, but raising not is. Remember what's meant for you will always find its way and whats not, never will. You deserve to be happy, you have a heart, your feelings and emotions matter. Your happiness matters. Your life matters. Don't waste it where it won't flourish. Invest it where it makes you, you.

  • @TheListener thanks my dear friend 💕 Whenever I hear so many positive things from someone, I feel good... I feel relieved.
    There are many things that eat me up inside and I cannot share them with anyone.
    While giving positive knowledge to people, I myself got trapped in a situation as if someone had cursed me. It is said that only the dead know the condition of the grave.
    I get some relief by writing my heart here, I made many mistakes in my life because my memory is weak and that's why I forgive people. But I wish I had never forgiven anyone, then my condition would not have been like this today.
    Thank you reading me 💕🙂

  • I understand, we are social beings, we share with only those who understand us, people are judgmental these days, unfortunately sometimes it comes from our near and dear ones. Some fail to understand that we are humans and not angels, we are prone to mistakes. But the best of those who do mistakes are those who repent.

    Do not regret forgiving anyone, forgiving is one of the steps to move forward, you also need to forgive yourself as well. Never regret doing good. No matter how the world treats you.