• I think it's relatively irrelevant whether you believe in the spiritual entity God, tbh... I choose to believe there is someone out there, but I don't know who, exactly. I think that the teachings of Jesus are pretty important though, and that he was a pretty swell guy we should all look up to! :)

  • @topics27 CONUNDRUM. No one can really answer these questions. No matter what the aethist say with their science, or what the religious people say with their Bible's and holy books, You cannot give an answer to this question unless you give a definite answer to the meaning of the word "GOD". I myself am an Agnostic, which means I'm on the grey-side of the Religious and Atheistic scale.

    I choose not to claim or deny the existence of an all powerful being, who is responsible for the existence of everything, without proper definitive proof that you can say " God is Real' or " God isn't Real". To claim or Deny this Existence would be ignorant.

  • Freedom Writers

    I have to say .How is it important and why does it matter.Where and when did you first have this question.Also what influenced you to ask this question. There can only be two reasons one would ask this question.To either find an answere to an inner question.Or to start a debate between people to pick apart thier views and opinons. Ok since weather other people think there is a god or not doesnt matter.Also if you are the perciver who is perciving you. Sense we are experinceing life which with out thought or better yet what is called you.Will go on has for a long time. So the question is not about anything other then do you exzist. Does the person who posed this question exzist. Theres that possibilty you have an account. You ask a question that is traped with in your ego that only you can answere for your self.Depending on how much you fear death.Or how comfortable you are with your on mortality. Me I view it as ok I was not dead before I took my first breath.I was not dead before my parents ever met.But yet here I text.And the only concreate evidence you have im here are these texts or what they where called when few could read scriplture.Words of faith that I am here so to speak.So try this on how bout I decide you dont exzist.By never checking this post so you cant debate with me.I want care and you will carry on wondering about what does not matter.
    You will have never exzisted to me.And theres nothing you can do. And just like that theres your answere. You decide regardless of evidence or fact which is mans fictional ego which is made up of those that influence you most. It like your question belongs to you in your ego your life your world that you think you percive life but life is with out you seeing it tasting it or smelling it. So take away all those things.take your vision away take your sense of smell away your sense of hearing and sense of touch. Then what do you have. Just your ego perciving it self. Lets go one step further lets say you where born missing all these senses.You never having had felt,toched,anything never hearing anything never tasteing any thing. So with no words sounds or any way to have them.What would you be.You would be just life just alive just living. So for me your question poses a debate for me. Do you exzist. Scientist can say you in theory you do.
    But if one asks such a question they most be in doubt of themselves .The only
    one this question can be answerd by.
    So I dicided you dont exzist. And am sticking with it faithfully. I have figerd you this site is a delusion of my mind to go to sleep.Waking in the morning to you having never exzisted.Very simple right. But you didnt want simple you wanted either proof or a way to descredit someone. To prove a postion you had already taken yet you asked.And even a logical mind realizes on a subconsous level you new already its just you in there. But not to worry as soon as I finsh this you will feel no hurt or pain or suffering in my world where I experince life not perciving it but being aware with no ego feeling the wind tasting the food hearing its sounds as I so choose too.
    If you ever wonder why I decided you do not exzist. It was my will.

  • @Int Hey you, could you maybe tell me why you don't believe that there is somebody who created us? Don't be mad at me.

  • Do the people who believe that God exist should provide proofs just for the others to accept their belief or views? And why do they even have to prove it? Isn't it why the word "faith" exist because there are people out there who believes in something they don't even know truly exists. Don't get mad at me guys just wanted to share my own thoughts as what this discussion is for. *Peace to you all.

  • @topics27 to answer this question fairly u should quit believing in " No Limitations" which means your knowledge can never be infinite therefore will never give you conclusive facts . So Science in general besides theories is just a limited answer to what we as human beings found mysterious and unknown before , but the main point here is that most people are too pridful to understand that what they have reached is nothing compared to what they havnt reach . In other words not everything you dont have scientific proof for is just Imagined or unreal ...

  • @topics27 well I came across these type of question before also, its a long conversation not so simple each people have their own opinion about God. many bad things are happening in the name of God. so in my perspective God do not exist. I could say all are God for themselves, people want to belong somewhere and if people do not know how to live thier life with harmony and peace with themselves and with their surroundings I guess God and religion is good to make a life in stracture and order yeah..
    Long long time ago people were very bad for themselves and towards their surroundings there were no order one smart man came up with brilliant idea to get people life in order with fear and greed to get control of mob.time to time it changed before it was paganism , then Greek Egypt Hindu mythology with multiple God and again its exactly like paganism didn't workwell. Because of multiple God.time passed one more smart thought to make universal one God Buddhist, jainism, Judaism, Christian, zorastrian,yezdi, Islam.. still fighting for their group saying my God is bigger than your God..it will continue it won't stop. Only understanding is that I did adopt and accepted as God exist because my family and society and my surroundings. Basically it's not my God at all in first place so how I can adopt some else broken ideology and perspective of God innit? End of the day who is God here than myself. I am God for myself I cannot preach you as my God is your God. Funny innit?? I should be so fucked up to adopt my surroundings or some else God as my God..i accept it as it is , even I will belive you God exist only for you but for me to adopt your God as mine I will not do it.i will not disrespect your belief and faith of your God.. thats bad I guess ! So your God is yours my God is me rest peace harmony and respect

  • @p-e-a-c-h-y said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    I don't believe in god. There is no scientific proof that God is real and created everything. The Big Bang Theory, which I'm currently studying, was a NATURAL REACTION and created what we now know, our universe, our stars, and our planets. Not to be offensive, but this is just my belief. I honestly hate when people use the "bible" for scientific reasoning.

    It’s just a system. People like to live in systems. Use it to your advantage. Look at what Hubbard did to us.

  • I don't believe in a god/ a being that created the Universe. But I don't think that believing in one is bad. If it's Christianity, Islam or Buddhism, or something completely different. There are even people theorizing about the Universe not being real, but instead being a computer simulation made by higher beings.
    And if someone thinks that this sounds ridiculous, then think about your own opinion about this. For example a higher being that created all of the universe? Sounds ridiculous.

    But a Universe that exists out of pure Coincidence 13 billion years ago from a single point smaller than an atom? Sounds ridiculous either.

    Everything we theorize about what the origin of the Universe is, is just a desperate attempt of figuring out what's really going on in our world. We are such unsignificant little creatures in that uncomprehensably monstrous/enormous universe that no language could actually describe it's collosality of.

    We as a Species will most likely never figure out what the Universe is about. So, speculating is the only thing we can do. What we can't do is fight about it, that is just stupid. It would be the same as two ants discussing wether the earth is flat, or donut shaped.
    From the ants point of view the earth could be everything, it could be the whole Universe, or it could be only 1 kilometers wide, which is enormous for the ant because it's so small and because it will never be able to travle that distance in it's lifetime. The Ant probably thinks that they are the most intelligent and advanced creature on this earth. I mean they only know about all the other insects, which they are far superior of. And because they didn't observe anything else yet, they must be the most intelligent creature living on the earth, right?

    We are little Ants, trying to figure out what the Universes shape is, Some scientists believe that it's flat, others believe that it's donut shaped.

  • Maybe yes maybe no. I don’t like living in systems. So, it’s best to ignore it.

  • That is a very broad question that is impossible to answer for various reasons. God varies based on who you ask and some don't even believe in god. If you ask me, everyone that believes in God have the same God. In my opinion, God is just something people believe in for which they don't know or understand. Whether your God is the creator of all life or aliens or simply a higher being, it is all the same. No one can prove their God exists or explain why or how God exists. I for one believe that there is a higher being somewhere. That doesn't mean I believe in magic. Like God created all life and everything around it? I ask how? This isn't Harry Potter lol. God didn't just snap his fingers and create Adam and Eve. It's pointless arguing with that type as well because their answer is always "if you don't believe then you don't understand" or "you have to have faith and just know God is real" or my fav. "You have to have a relationship with God to truely understand." I am more inclined to believe aliens exist. I mean earth is nothing in the scheme of things. We can't even comprehend how big the universe is and all the planets that exist. It would be dumb to believe we are the only intelligent life forms in the whole universe. People often refer to the bible as proof that god exists. To me, the bible is a book, written by man. It has been passed through the ages and surely has been changed as time has gone on so who is tp say the bible as we know it today is even the original bible? How do we know it isn't one of the first "stories" passed on that people misinterpreted as being real? How do we know it wasn't the first law book someone created to control the people? What I often tell people is if I was around during those times and happened to write a book that got passed on through the generations, how do we know it wouldn't be worshipped today?
