• As an agnostic and ex-Christian, Iโ€™m just curious to know, for all religious people out here, what exactly makes you believe in your specific religion?
    How do you know youโ€™re praying to the right god or gods?

    I donโ€™t want you to try and convince others to believe in your religion, but rather tell us what managed to convince you to believe.

    And the same question applies to atheists, what makes you so sure there are no god or gods out there?


  • @WtfFart said in What makes you believe in your beliefs? โ›ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•Œ๐Ÿ•:

    As an agnostic and ex-Christian, Iโ€™m just curious to know, for all religious people out here, what exactly makes you believe in your specific religion?

    Right now a very important thing(but not the only one) that makes me believe in my faith/religion(the religion in which I am born to) is a very weird(weird enough to not be simply a coincidence) well-documented prophecy regarding some technological development.

    But still I occasionally question the authenticity of my religion. There have been moments when I was borderline-agnostic.

  • @WtfFart I am also an ex-Christian and I am agnostic/ heading towards atheist now. For me it was my College education and the many history/humanities classes I took. Too much did not add up to me in my brain and common sense tends to take over. Later in life I read about and watched documentaries on lots and lots of cults. It fascinated me how people end up in them. I honestly think that organized religion is just a widely accepted cult now as power and control tend to take over.

    Fun topic. I really hope everyone can keep their cool and discuss rather than argue :)

  • my opinions are facts

  • @Quazi said in What makes you believe in your beliefs? โ›ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•Œ๐Ÿ•:

    @WtfFart said in What makes you believe in your beliefs? โ›ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•Œ๐Ÿ•:

    As an agnostic and ex-Christian, Iโ€™m just curious to know, for all religious people out here, what exactly makes you believe in your specific religion?

    Right now a very important thing(but not the only one) that makes me believe in my faith/religion(the religion in which I am born to) is a very weird(weird enough to not be simply a coincidence) well-documented prophecy regarding some technological development.

    But still I occasionally question the authenticity of my religion. There have been moments when I was borderline-agnostic.

    if you donโ€™t mind me asking, what religion do you follow exactly? And which prophecy came true? ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  • @WtfFart If I say that people will assume that I am proselytizing๐Ÿ˜…
    So I can let you know privately if you want

  • @Janet you pretty much summed up the reason why Iโ€™m not Christian anymore! That and the fact that I didnโ€™t want to be a part of a church that preached acceptance and love for everyone, but had so many open exceptions for who was truly worthy of that love.

  • @LakeBodom said in What makes you believe in your beliefs? โ›ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•Œ๐Ÿ•:

    my opinions are facts

    If thatโ€™s what you believe, sure buddy ๐Ÿ˜

  • @WtfFart said in What makes you believe in your beliefs? โ›ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•Œ๐Ÿ•:

    That and the fact that I didnโ€™t want to be a part of a church that preached acceptance and love for everyone, but had so many open exceptions for who was truly worthy of that love.


    The rules always get re-interpreted by those in power. It infuriates me when religious people behave against what their religion preaches!

  • @Quazi said in What makes you believe in your beliefs? โ›ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•Œ๐Ÿ•:

    @WtfFart If I say that people will assume that I am proselytizing๐Ÿ˜…
    So I can let you know privately if you want

    Nobody is gonna proselytize anyone here ๐Ÿ˜‚ (had to look that up btw) The point of this topic is for people to talk about their own religion and explain what makes them believe, without having to sound like theyโ€™re โ€œconvincingโ€ others to join

  • From a completely non-bias point of view, I guess it's all about needing an explanation to things science can't explain and allowing us to hope for a meaning in life itself. While people who don't may just feel like there isn't enough concrete evidence to show us that there is a God or Gods. On that note, there are plenty of questions about our universe and this is a big one, but it gives us hope in life after death and our pointless existence. This is a completely unbiased attempt at a quick analysis of the question. I can always go deeper if anyone wants, but that's just some thoughts on why people will and won't believe in a God/Gods.

  • fuhrer gay.gif

  • @Fuhrerใ…ค loool

  • @WtfJewdith Lets see some of your watermelon boobs.

  • @WtfJewdith i dont say that it is a false decision to not believe in god (like muslims do), i dont judge people when they did something that reverse to muslim beliefs. What i know people have human rights and i try to avoid religious conversation to people who have different religion with me so there is no specific conflict / there is no trigger to preach them or judge them moreover the hurt words coz not all people can accept what we say.

    What makes me believe in my beliefs, many things. I already have long journey about spiritual things since i was a kid. 5 times prayer is something that we must do as muslim, i do sunnah prayer too, reading or listening holy Koran, do ramadhan fasting, sunnah fasting (on monday and on thursday).

    You perhaps never heard these story:

    1. When i was 4 yo, the first time i did 5 times prayer, that prayer saved me from the death because i almost killed by "unseen creature" in the lake.
    2. When i was in 7th grade, i almost died coz of accident if i did not go pray first. So, i was on my way to go home, then i was lazy enough to do 5 times prayer but then my mom called me and said "go pray first then go home". This words and prayer save me. It was 1 truck, 1 car and 2 motorcycle accidents in front of the mosque i prayed. The accident happened around 2.15 PM, 5 people get injured, 2 people passed away, meanwhile i finished my prayer around 2.16 PM and was shocked when i saw it.
    3. When i was in university grade, the "unseen creatures" almost brought me to "another world" just because they liked me. I was gone for 18 hours when i did university program to a village as we had to dedicate our university belief. Everybody looked for me but no one found me (of coz it is another world, not in this earth). The prayers from friends and people who knows me, as well as they do Shalat Al-Ghaib and read Holy Koran makes me back in the next day. Then i got back in the next day with an old man who showed me the way to be back.
    4. Somehow, some of my dreams become true things in reality after i did Tahajjud Prayers. This is weird story af, once i wanted to join my friends trip to another city. After i did my Tahajjud Prayers around 2 AM and i finished in half hour, then i fell a sleep like a baby. I dreamt about the day i go with my friends in that avanza car. There are 5 bad things bad happens there: dispute, disagreement, persecution, thievery and molestation to 4 girls who joined there. I saw the person who did it. Then i immediately warned my female fellas about my dreams till they all didnt want to join. Just in next 2 days, that person and 2 of his fella did bad things and they molested 3 village ladies they met. They have been jailed until now.
    5. I dreamt my dying friends (say it C) who can not go because she did hurt her friend (say it B) but she can not say "sorry". She came to my dream and said many things about how regret she is coz she can not go until that B forgive her. Then, when i wake up, i called B. I humbly asked B to go to hospital with me. We tell C that she is forgiven by both of us so C can go. Just in half hours after B told everything, C passed away :(

    And many more which i really tired to type. You can assume the rest.

  • @Jumanly_Nibby said in What makes you believe in your beliefs? โ›ช๏ธ๐Ÿ•Œ๐Ÿ•:

    @WtfJewdith i dont say that it is a false decision to not believe in god (like muslims do), i dont judge people when they did something that ...

    Never liked the J-community speaking too much ,
    you're going to the gulag.

  • @Fuhrerใ…ค i will be honored ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @WtfJewdith writing. Thatโ€™s all I believe in. All I have ever believed in. Since I was like four. Writing. Worship Ken Kesey.

  • Religion is too much of a system for me.

  • @WtfJewdith
    Tbh I don't fully believe in my or any other religion. I follow my religion coz to fit in society. Don't wanna be outcast. Following religion is easy life. Being outcast is hard coz u aways need to answer why I'm like this.
    I overwhelmed by deeds hindu gods n goddess, but I don't believe if it's true. Some stories are made up. And they're made up coz we can understand complicated things better. For instance remembering all colors of rainbow is hard than remembering a word vibgyor .
    I believe only in science but it's not a religion. U can say I'm following a religion for easy life. I'm mythology enjoyer. They teach spiritual lessons which sometimes is helpful but if it is real or made up.. it's different thing.
    Btw u changed ur religion so ur parents n rest of ur family is from different religion? XD
