• LurkersForLife

    There was once a girl who went though alot her family was not getting along she was depressed she just needed someone there for her she loved to help people she always selfharmed she had so many cuts on her body she tryed to kill her and her friend stopped her.

    One day she meet this guy she feel in love with him they were both to shy to tell each other one day she texted him and said "I love you" and I wanna be with you and he feels the same way so he asked her out and and she said "of course" they were both happy...

    After a few weeks...

    They got in a fight he told her he hated her and never wanted to be with her so they broke up.

    she said to herself "whatever I'm done with life"

    she had a gun she almost pulled the trigger her ex sow up at her house and stopped her he said "what are you doing" she said "I'm killing myself you hurt me you broke my hurt"

    he looked at her with tears in his eyes and he said "I love you I was just mad please don't do this" he took the gun from her she was crying he looked at her and said "I love you I will never hurt you will you go out with me again please" he pulled her close to her and hugged her.

    She said "I will"...

    They were together for a year one day he fond her cuts he said "babe please don't cut I love you way to much" one day they were going out for a date they got into a car the car they got hit big truck acaraccident.

    she was hurt but not that bad and he was hurt really bad he he said to her "I love you if I die and you don't just know I love you and I will always love you your my everything babe please just know that"

    she said "I love you to baby, I will always love you" they she said to him "I just wanna be with you and I will do anything just for that.

    The boy died.

    After she got out of the hospital the girl went home up to her room and pulled out a gun she pulled the trigger...

    she had a note on her tablet her mom walked in and it said "I love you guys but i just wanna be with him I can't stand life without him"

  • @Rissa_TheBest Ohhhhhh

  • LurkersForLife

    Well, it was the time of Christmas holidays, and I was in 4th standard.
    It was just a normal morning for me. And for the rest as well. But I guess, not for someone.. As it was first day for her at new school.. New city..
    I still remember the moment, when I saw her for the very first time. Sweet innocent face with mixed feeling of excitement and a little fear, pink cheeks, soft red lips, dark hairs.. I was kinda hypnotized. She was the most beautiful gal I ever saw.. I was so fallen in love with her, at the moment.
    Luckily, we had same taxi that'd escort us to the school. I was so glad to have her there with me. God had completed my universe.. Had granted me MY ANGEL.
    Soon, we became friends. We'd spend lot of time together.. playing, building sand castles, studying..
    Days passed. My love for her grew more and more. But couldn't dare to let her know what I really felt! I was just so afraid to lose her, that I didn't want to take any risk.
    One day, we were coming back from school. That was the day I had decided to let her know about my feelings.. That how badly it would hurt me, when she wouldn't be around!
    That time, my heart was beating fast. Head was numb, with strange heaviness. My life was in her hands. I'd really die, if she just thought of me, as a friend.
    When I told her that I Love Her more than she ever thought, her cheeks had gone more pink.. Nose, a little red..
    OMG.. She was blushing! I never saw her that beautiful! She didnt say a word. Just came near to me with smile, kissed my cheeks and ran home.
    I was just frozen at the moment! Felt like it was just a dream. Yeah, it was.. Beautiful like heaven.
    That day, we couldn't spend time together, but she was running inside my head all the time.. As she always did. But I was damn happy to have her for real now.
    Next day, I went to her. But, BINGO! Her home was locked. I dint see her at school also.
    Later, I came to know that her dad was transferred. And she had to leave so suddenly.
    I was kinda paralyzed. My love was somewhere lost inside the world. And I was so young, that I couldn't go to look for it.
    All I did that time, was just that I cried. Silent moans with tears in my eyes, conveyed a lot to me. I just came to know how it felt when we miss our beloved.
    I found it so hard to overcome my loss. What I thought about us, and what had happened. But, I just had to let go.
    And life went on. I lived each day, with a hope, that someday I might see her again.
    Three years had passed. I had my image formed in school.. The Guy With Gifted Brilliance..
    SIGH It wasn't a single second though, that I let myself out of her love. All the places, held the same scent I always felt she had.. All that time, my memories hurt me the same way they did, when she left me.
    During the course, I dreamed of her death. She died in an accident, in that dream. I was so worried since the incident. Something did go wrong since then. I lived in little frustration from the time.
    One day, I suddenly saw her aunt in the city. After a formal chat with her, I came to know that she was settled in the city few days ago. When I was about to leave, she asked me to come with her to her house. I first hesitated, but when she told me it was about my beloved sweet-heart, I went with her.
    I thought MY ANGEL was there to meet me. How happy I was! After whole three years, I was gonna see her. I had so much in my mind.. Wanted to talk to her.
    I entered the house. And there she was! Holding the same heavenly smile, she always did.. But lying as JUST a portrait now. While I was looking at her picture, her aunt told me that she died two years ago. My heart skipped beating. She was describing how she died.. Suddenly something clicked in my mind. Strange! It was the same way I saw in my dreams.
    I don't know what happened that time, but darkness surrounded my head and when I woke up, I found myself at bed, with high fever. I tried to convince my poor heart, that what I heard was just a dream.. And she still lives. But nothing's worked since then. I still can't stop my weak heart from bleeding.
    They say time heals everything. But it's been 6 years since I came to know about her death. And nothing's changed at all. Except that I keep myself bleeding. My friends call me as EMO now. But I don't care. I just don't want to forget her.
    I know, that I'm walking towards darkness. But it's impossible to live without her. I'm just waiting for death to get me.
    May be I was a child for rest of the world, when all this happened, may be still I am, cause I'm just 17. But I wish to bring happiness in others' lives, until I take my last breathe.
    I know she's watching from me above. That's why, I want to spend these few left heartbeats of mine, in bringing smiles on people's face, to bring back the goodness in their hearts.. To spread love..
    cause I have no will to leave. May be I breathe, but my life died years ago.

  • LurkersForLife

    First: My girlfriend dead in front of me when we were on vacation in New York, we were Crossing the Road Together there was a Car going to hit us

    I don’t know what to do I Just froze, Waiting for Death

    but in Less than 1 Second I found that my Girlfriend take me from my hand and throw me 2 meters from the Car all of this Just happens in Less than Seconds

    and I Saw here hit by the Car, and the Blood was everywhere.

    I Wish Time is Back again, So I take here Place…but I’ll Join You Soon my baby.

  • LurkersForLife

    First Story: The death of my boyfriend, Changed my life 180 degrees, we had a good day together, but one day he gets up in the morning and sends me a message.

    It was his Last Message.

    My bae, I’m going to swim in the sea, he didn’t know that he was going to death himself.

    I waked up, then I tried to call him on his phone, no answer, 1-3 hours trying to call him with no Respond.

    there is something is wrong, I was pretty sure.

    When I went to the Sea, People were very sad, I asked them what happen?
    they told me that someone is drowned.

    It was my Boyfriend who dead, I Wish I was with You…My Life is Completely Stopped after you.

    I hope I see You Soon.

  • LurkersForLife

    Damn I always make myself sad with these....

  • Music Lovers

    @Rissa_TheBest Yup, and sometime others also sad with you... Not every sad story end with Dead... try some different... we can't lose hope so early... Ik life is so hard sometimes, or it will coming more difficulties in future, but a true fighter fight till end....
    Bcz ... "Those who try, never give up"...

  • @JamesBond007 I'll do my part to my story with @Rissa_TheBest don't end like these ones, so she can write a happier story here, what you think? Hehe

  • @DennisJM Yup Man, ik she will. I don't have any problem with sad stories, but those who give up early,,, I don't like it. Life is a fight and fight like a warrior... just don't give up...

  • @JamesBond007 when more I read these , more I want try to make a happier end , and continue form the ending, like the post credit scenes.

  • LurkersForLife

    Hmmmm, so yall want a happy story? I really don't know how to make a story happy....

  • @Rissa_TheBest after some years, you write our story, what you think Baby?

  • LurkersForLife

    @DennisJM I love that idea, and I know it will be the first and best happy story I ever will write. <3

  • @Rissa_TheBest and I'll help you to write with your both hands together ❤️❤️

  • @DennisJM <3 thanks so much baby. :) 😊😊😊

  • LurkersForLife

    Okay now on with the stories, lol

  • @Rissa_TheBest
    nice story

  • LurkersForLife

    Which one? there are many

  • LurkersForLife

    A teenage girl goes to the doctor for her yearly check up. The doctor discovers a brain tumor and tells her she has at the most three days to live. She doesn't tell anyone and goes straight to her boyfriend's house.
    *Girl: "Baby, if I had three days to live, what would you do?''
    Guy:''I would shoot myself"

    The girl kisses him and stays the night. In the early morning, she takes his gun, knives and anything else he might use to kill himself when he discovers the truth. By the time he wakes up, she's gone. She left him a note on her pillow with hearts all over it. It was a scavenger hunt that would take him two days. The last item on the list was her. After two days, he needs to find her to complete the scavenger hunt. He goes to his house, where he sees a trail of roses leading to his room. He finds her sleeping in his bed already. Next to her, there's a box and a letter that read like this:

                 My Dearest Love,

    If you have found this, I am already in heaven, looking at you. I sent you on a scavenger hunt so that you wouldn't know I was dying of a brain tumor. I did not want to see you worry nor did I want to be the cause of your death. I left you a little something in the box and I hope you can forgive me for not spending my last waking moments in your arms. I hope u can forgive me and continue on with your life
    Your Love 4ever
    I will always love you wth all of my heart. Rememeber, check the box and don't cry over me.

  • LurkersForLife

    One day a boy and a girl were driving home after watching a movie. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night.

    The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on.

    A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached out to his pocket and passed her a folded note.

    At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He severed right into the car killing the boy.

    Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note later, she unfolded it and read,
    ‘Without your love, I would die.’