if you celebrate 4th of july tomorrow then you’re a BITCH.

  • @pussykith Well i am not giving any opinion. And correct me if i am wrong as I dont know a lot about USA.

    But what are the racism and discrimination that you have faced personally?

  • @Masih there are LOTS of blacks being killed due to police brutality. this was a hate crime, open your fucking eyes. you shouldn’t have to think whether this was based on racism or not because it clearly fucking was.

  • @pussykith what are the racism and discrimination that you have faced personally?

  • @Masih i am hurt personally when the country i live in sees me as less than. i am hurt personally when my people are killed just for being who they are and for the color of their skin. I AM HURT PERSONALLY EVERY TIME I SEE MY PEOPLE BEING KILLED TO WHITE SUPREMACISTS/COPS. i am hurting everyday of my fucking life. i am 16, i shouldn’t be protesting for my life. i should be living out my teenage years.

  • @pussykith

    @pussykith said in if you celebrate 4th of july tomorrow then you’re a BITCH.:

    @Masih i am hurt personally when the country i live in sees me as less than.

    May be many people look down upon Blacks. But it will not affect you personally as long as their attitude is not directly reflected in their behaviour when they personally encounter you. If a person isn't personally discriminating against you that will not affect you personally. What other people simply think about you won't affect you if you don't simply care about their thoughts.

    i am hurt personally when my people are killed just for being who they are and for the color of their skin. I AM HURT PERSONALLY EVERY TIME I SEE MY PEOPLE BEING KILLED TO WHITE SUPREMACISTS/COPS.

    Yes. May be many black people have suffered due to police brutality. But the vast majority of Black people(or Americans of other races) aren't directly experiencing police brutality. Vast majority of them are not directly being affected because of those incidents.

    i am hurting everyday of my fucking life.

    Yes. but focusing on sorrow, suffering and injustice will not reduce your personal mental distress.

    i am 16, i shouldn’t be protesting for my life.

    Yes you shouldn't be protesting because protesting most certainly will not reduce your sorrow and it will not bring any positive change. Sorrow is just an emotion...may be result of biochemical reactions.

    If you can get rid of negative emotions no matter what the external stimuli is, your life will become easier and happier.

    i should be living out my teenage years.

    You need to focus less on events that you find saddening because expressing anger,complaining,arguing and debating will not bring any positive change. You need spiritual opium to numb the pain of living in this world.
    alt text

  • @Masih damn how long did it take you to type all that

  • @oka-ruto said in if you celebrate 4th of july tomorrow then you’re a BITCH.:

    @Masih damn how long did it take you to type all that

    40 days: 1 day like a year, 1 day like a month, 1 day like a week and the rest of the days are like normal days

  • @Masih I'm sorry but what a load of shit you spout. Change never comes about by inaction. Non violent direct action and political protest is absolutely the way forward. Why the fuck should we accept injustice and atrocities? Why shouldn't we feel anger and outrage? Your attitude is that of a sap or a cold blooded reptile. What gives you the right to be an apologist for a regime you admit yourself you know little about? Educate yourself

  • @Masih damn O-O

  • @Scottish I am neutral and I neither support nor oppose any regime and I also believe that the USA (specially under this regime) is a false messiah and is playing a negative role in the Endtimes.

    Destroying and attacking private properties will not bring any positive change. Protesting can work only when any particular laws can be changed: But in this case laws can't be changed i.e. no significant change in legislation. Personally, i don't care much about USA's social peace as I am not from USA. I am not personally against these protests either. i am just trying to see the world from a realist perspective. I am neutral.

    Negative emotions are just emotions. Scientifically, these emotions can be reduced. Focusing on these emotions, arguing, debating, getting angry will not bring any positive change. Focusing on negativity will only increase distress. Despite saddening events, it is possible for a person to not suffer and to live a happier life.

  • @Masih i don’t need no spiritual fucking opium! i need justice for my people! you don’t understand how much i hurt! SO DO YOU FUCKING SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME HOW I SHOULD FUCKING FEEL! discrimination against blacks has been going on for too fucking long and it needs to stop. my people and i deserve respect just as much as anyone else does. so take your stupidity and go else where bitch.

  • @Masih if your neutral then you’re taking the side of the oppressor. just don’t be non-racist be anti-racist.


  • @Masih eat shit.

  • @pussykith said in if you celebrate 4th of july tomorrow then you’re a BITCH.:

    @Masih if your neutral then you’re taking the side of the oppressor. just don’t be non-racist be anti-racist.

    And yes personally I am against racial discrimination though I am quite naturally neutral about these political events.

    I am not from the western world. I don't accept guidance of the West. But I accept some good sides. I have no duty to care about these issues.

    For example, a non-Chinese person isn't supposed to care much about China's socio-political issues.

  • @pussykith Protests can change laws but it cannot necessarily bring justice specially if the particular injustice done is not supported by the existing laws of the country.

    If you want to improve the situation of you people, try to eradicate their poverty, try to establish a science research institute for them in USA and Africa so that they can benefit from it. Engage in charity for your people. Help them financially. Help them to get educated and get good jobs.

    This world is not a place for justice. This world will always be more or less unjust. This is nature.

    For example, French colonialists committed a lot of atrocities,genocide,robbery,racism etc which benefited France and the French people directly and they became very rich and prosperous because of this. They stole a lot of natural resources and treated humans like animals.
    Do you think the victims in this case will ever get worldly justice or will justice ever be done against these colonialist who did innumerable horrible things? No.

    Because worldly justice is impossible. These people will be punished after death. Every soul will get justice after death. Everyone will be rewarded and punished depending on what they did in this world. Everyone will get justice.

    But we should also try to achieve worldly justice as much as possible.

    Afterlife, Day of Judgement, heaven and hell are very real. Humans will find out very soon.
    You are free to disagree with me :D

  • @Masih i’m not reading any of that shit because i don’t give a fuck. suck my dick.