• @mikeJB , problem is you never had family all you know to put hands in pants , Dude I grew up with women around me some did had chance what to do ?? I know what to talk and where you white boy !!:

  • I really have a doubt you are phedo, and now I shall dig you more about you know every lock has a key , nothing is secure dearie , I have my source here so I shall not speak what I do mikeJB LOVELY TO MEET YOU 🤣😊🙏

  • @knownsense please change your name to NONSENSE, for it is what you speak

  • @mikeJB indeed some sense isn't it ?? My non sense getting in you veins. fo you fact true based on cut copy paste knowledge of yours so yeah I will thank you ,I admit and know I speak non sense up to you how you make sense of it dumb white boy !!

  • @knownsense going to ignore you now because you are simply boring at this point

  • @mikeJB exactly same thing I want to write but I will contact you not in this site ok take care ,

  • @knownsense you will contact me "not on this site"? how then? i have news for you. if you try and come to me in person , you better be armed

  • I understand u met some stupid boys, its okay i can understand but why categorising as Indian boys.
    Nothing to do with being Indian thats just bunch of boys being stupid fcking boys. Whom we have met across alot that's why I understand. Im a girl too That's why i can understand what shit boys might have said to u but giess what even lot of boys have said shittier stuff and they were from all over the world. Mostly states and Australia and Pakistan but i never thought like as if all the boyz from are like this or categorized them its just they are stupid boys can belong to any country, caste,or color. Its about the upbringing and values and not being about Indian
    Infact it's due to westernization of our civilized culture. 🙏🙏🇮🇳

  • @mikeJB so guys if this clown on the internet wants to make the trip and come to my home, since i do own a firearm and know how to use it, he prob wont be back online after that visit. just sayin. he should just ignore me, and go stalk someone else. someone mention that to him

  • @emilyyyyy
    Americans dont even bother writing they just send dickpics to u right

  • @love-n-bailey-classes yes but in her case she asks for them and enjoys them

  • @mikeJB
    I m not saying that she asks for it, the point is it can be any other stupid guy belonging to any nationality no need to categorize.
    We Indians are far ahead in many things from the rest of the world and if people don't know they can jist google the facts.

  • @love-n-bailey-classes so you are better than everyone else eh?

  • @mikeJB
    We Indians don't believe in downgrading anyone. I am juat talking about facts and not categorize people and be so prejudice.

  • @mikeJB sending threats😂.... But who cares... Yawns again

  • @reviewer_1 actually i was told "i will contact you but not here". so how else is he gonna do that? just told if he tries to show up, expect a battle. YAWN

  • @mikeJB , gun ha!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, do not worry I. Not going to come near you house sneek through you window bro chillpill calm the fuck down ..
    do one thing , roll your gun as thin as you can shove it up in your ass ok.. once up one a time I was working in IT as , forget it you no need to know.. there was something called cloud 936 windows, ever heard of it , poor Americans never know how to connect unseen dot of tech-no-logic. all they know Technology works good, very happy and were proud to have gadgets bling bling !! I have I rock gadgets it's from a port or harbour do not have name..
    Hey all you dick cum face fuckers ,
    My tongue do not have a bone and I am very much aware of it , I know how to twist and turn with my Consciousness , also sharp as Katana , strong as Viking blade, Valkyrie mode Alt+F4 ..my words are enough to hang yourself upside down and make you to spit up on your face ok !!
    So now you are insecure isn't it, I shall get back to o you okie white boy untill then Adios mother fucker

  • @knownsense you are talking to someone that has dabbled in network security for over 15 fucking years. pentesting, routing, switching, network structure, etc etc if you are thinking of some lame ass hack attempt..puhlease. you are a rookie. i will even offer you up damn ip if you need it. have you learned how to bypass an SPI based NAT router? damn fool. please go kill yourself already

  • @mikeJB Why like this white boy ?? don't you know I speak non sense ?? Why cumma talk like a dog now go sleep take a chill pill ok

  • @mikeJB all you can do cut paste copy and sync send it all good