• @knownsense right here bitch. i need not hide. i speak the truth. the cook with nasty spices that stick to your clothes and stink up a city block. i know because i have to smell that shit down the street from me when the wind blows! and as you can see, others are calling out your ilk for being desperate perverts hounding women on here. all FACTS . now suck it

  • @mikeJB
    All you have big loud mouth like empty vessel sound do not know to draw line. You can talk to Indians who can bare, passive and ignorant with your pethatic disgusting words about India and it's culture..
    pethatic parasite white boy come on then bring it on, I saw you pic in your dp and I can offer a job in Indian movies as creep or phedo pervet sugar daddy drug dealer or a white beggar lost in Goa seeing lot of sun good money bro, only you need to knock few teeth from you mouth and make it real. Do not worry I have my cousin and friends who are dentist so I can fix that too no need money I pay okie athithi Deva bhava, guest are like god's that's the treatment I give ... Logically you do not know what to say about India b cause no idea sir ji and I make you get an idea in logical way and make you to ask questions for your own brain ok so you ferangi sir ji !!

  • @mikeJB oh god I asked you how many time you came to india ??

  • Pethatic dick fuck

  • @knownsense rule one. if you are gonna insult someone...say it right asshole. P A T H E T I C

  • @mikeJB Mr white boy we shall start but need to know how many times you can to find yourself here in India ??

  • I start from there

  • @mikeJB so tell me how many times you were herr in India ??

  • @mikeJB Tell since when you are coming and how many times you came to India ? then I can re engineer you..
    Until then you throw your negativity towards me I take and it's non sense to my Brian to have a conversation white boy !! Do you understand man??

  • @mikeJB Screenshot_2020-05-20-01-22-46-237_com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.jpg

    Just a fact 😂... You are importing our spices and at the same time calling them smelly 😂... That's where lies the irony 😂. You are older than me that's why I am respecting you here as our Indian culture teaches that .. If you were of my same age then I would have shown you your face 😂

  • @mikeJB people like you so frustrated and hide well behind shadow , not understanding darkness or light all you know to behave trained well to act and react for image Conscious, look how wonderful I am and I am so white like a baby cockroach..
    I am very much capable to adopt my avatar of devil with my Consciousness and I am aware I am doing it to you and I do not have skin to call some race or nationality

  • @mikeJB
    Namaste white boy!! pethatic parasite ungracious little boy who like to wank on screen. Unerrect dick fuck cum face, where are you Hiding?? under mama's skirt or papa's chaddi (under pant) or hanging on Thier pubic hair ??

  • @knownsense , one who posted that line... For them, only I told.

  • @Ihateualll I agree, Indians are like some kind of hermit and even philosophers. They've got an intuitive and prospecting type. I used to follow a British Indian motivational speaker and he's got a lot to say beyond words.

  • @mikeJB, Namaste🙏 dick head brother of another mother!! how you doing ? I shall hope you are doing well inside your head? U r one small tiny little boy having a tiny dick who like to wank on screen., Just for fun scream and seek attention like small little drunk hulk, aren't you too cool for school (tws)?
    Vanna cum this is Gurukool😊!!
    how long you can hold and hang in pubic hair dude ? not good white boy , you gonna bleed to death banging you head to papa's dick or mama's pussy wall..
    may be stinky spicy curry you had in India didnt reach your crown chakra yet. I guess ? Do not worry I have technique to activate your crown chakra ok..
    I help you to fix few thing in your brain about India, oh forgot not only India few other mother lands too yeah.. u live in land all you know about land, we lived in oceans pirates, whole universe is mine and I belong there. I am racist for all being who are (Ppl )pethatic, parasite leaches like you white boy..
    come out white boy answer me !! I shall realise all you past sankara from Ur body, mind and soul..

  • @knownsense can ANYONE HERE decipher that babble?

  • @mikeJB🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣pethatic little white boy.. that's all , I see you all over in tws having big loud mouth with uncertain logic giving shit to Evey one by borrowed knowledge, what happened now? I think my dick is stuck in your throat coming through your ass!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Pethatic parasite leach white boy !!!

  • @knownsense if you represent India as their mouthpiece, then god help them

  • @mikeJB roll your pethatic rule one, as thin as you can
    shove it up in your ass, white boy...

  • @mikeJB anything else sirji, Mr cool white boy really go check with mama, may be u born for multiple father, orgies went wrong also by broken condom ?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏