• your last pair of chromosomes are specifically for you gender

  • In the words of a great author "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Dr. Seuss.

  • In the words of a great author "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." - Dr. Seuss.

  • @brandflakes but there are and that's a fact. Intersex is a thing where someone could be born with breasts and a penis or vice versa. Not everything is black and white.

  • No not at all, and can you go against you nature of sexuality, If some one say it's wrong ??and you eol lieng yourself and pretend to be some one else than you And love is love do not matter what you love even a goat or a horse .. Finland, Romania , Hungary Scotland ithink I am not sure but I heard and read when I was teenage ,legally allows to marry a animal sheep horse or a goat.

  • @knownsense not in Scotland man! Please do your research before spreading crazy rumours. Same sex marriage, yeah that's legal and so it should be. But the animal thing? No man! That's fucked up, get outta here! 😁

  • @Scottish Baba why like this ?? why are you so serious and personal what I shared it , I clearly mentioned that I am not sure but I read when I was teenage..

    Any way you to need accept as it is it would be wonderful to learn and grow and to know things which you are not aware of it .. my bad I apologize if I hurt your sensational feeling

  • @knownsense you're a strange character. I don't need to accept anything actually. You should get your facts right before you open your mouth. I live in Scotland and we don't marry livestock. I can't imagine they do that in the other countries you mentioned either.

  • @Scottish
    Ask yourself why are u so agitated with whom and for what ?? Really just few words Getting in your viens, lot of attachment towards few wordsand it made you feel hurt for you senstional feelings which you created for yourself ? Ask yourself is it make sense to get attached so much for words ??
    Please Google it for sure it is written something fact about animals and human wedding

  • Scotland belong to UK United Kingdom right ??

  • @knownsense why don't you fuck off with your fake guru shit? How about you ask yourself why you're unable to be corrected by someone with local knowledge, why you can't accept it graciously and why you have a need to spout your pseudo philosophical drivel?

  • @Scottish oh poor ignorant boy got offended by few words , I think you have a bad experience with gurus got fucked by ass with beliefs of yours as a ritual with guru now you assume all asense or non sense not able to digest for yourself..Scotty boy who got fucked by goats .
    Take it or live it Baba and take all your shit for you and go away

  • @knownsense i just think you're a pompous idiot is all. And i note that your cloak of philosophy is quick to fall revealing you for the asshole you are.

  • @Scottish u think your non sense is effecting my Brian or my senstional feeling , I wasnt talking to you dear Scotty boy like to fuck goats , I was talking about love to some one so why are you so serious chill pill and have a full power no shower 24 hours smell like flower do you know how to do it and go to guru 😁 I'll teach you or come to India

  • @knownsense can you teach me how Scottish people have sex with live stock Sorry goats and horses or any animal holy cow would be wonderful

  • @knownsense I suppose it would make a change from your traditional indian pastime of gang rape huh?

  • @Scottish who told you I ma a Indian ??

  • @knownsense oh god you are being so personal now hey hello boy who like to fuck goats, for your kind information it's exist in your tiny itty bitty country too friend

  • @knownsense do not make sense to deal with people like you who don't have any comman sense.
    peace love respect.. I enjoyed arguing with you and had really fun in my brain thinking about it. So thanks to make me laugh and we shall speak soon..
    one more thing I am really sorry to hurt you sensations which you consider as feeling getting attached to idealogy is just a words spoken,a sound forgive me for that have a wonderful morning