• @X_boss_X I’m not sure 😂

  • Banned

    @Apricot hmu 😂

  • Lemme just clear this up for you all when i was concieved my mother passed away. I then live with my dad and my little sister for 16 year till my dad passed away due to lung cancer 2 weeks before i turned 17. When i was 17 i lost my girlfriend of one year one month, she had been cheating on me with this other prick Josh Snowden in the 7th month of us dating and i didn't know it but that happened for a total of 4 months before i finally found out and dumped her now she was my first ever girlfriend i shared alot of first experiences with her. I lost my pop when i was ten and the funny thing is he died the same way as my dad from lung cancer. Now bring to when i was 15, three months before i turned sixteen my Best friend Rohan he kills himself by hanging himself in his own bedroom from a ceiling fan. That friend of mine i had been best friend for a total of 7 years. And only till just recently 5 weeks ago my little sister and my great pop died in a car crash. Now i live an orphanage and i am in Great pain plz understand that thank you.

  • @James17 wow, I’m so sorry james, omg I have no words left to actually say, except I luv ya and I’ll be here for you ♥️

  • @Xx-chels-xX Its ok i try to be strong each day but the pain gets worse

  • We love you James.. talk to us when you are down ok? I will lend you my ears.. I know you are stronger and will be able to go through all this.. you will have a great future, James! Hugs

  • @James17 aghhh man I love you so much

  • @Belle123 thank you soo much and appreciate that alot thank you for your respect and kindness

  • please love yourself

  • @Kp_corleone cheers for the support aye ill go do that 😂

  • Dear @James17
    If you still feel that nobody cares for you, then please look again at all the replies to your post by the loving people of this community.
    You might find yourself alone at times, fed up of your relations, lack of achievements, other people, the society, of yourself and even your life. These are the testing times. Remember that they will not last, and will eventually pass by.
    So many folks have turned up for you, James. All are ready to hear you out as nobody wants you to suffer. as @Sam420 said, remember your family and friends (the new online ones, too :) ). You'll surely realise that a lot many people care for you. :D

    Kudos to @sarah_the_magpie @Xx-chels-xX @Sam420 @سمير @garret-theresa @Belle123 and all the others for supporting our bro, James.

    Bless you, @James17 Wishing you luck and good health 😊

  • Why would you want to do something like that to yourself? Has something happened to you that is causing you to think like that?

  • @VassiaD a lot has happened to him and it’s actually so sad ☹️

  • @James17 James, nothing good or bad lasts forever mate, life is a series of ups and downs. You're having a lot of your downs now, that means you're due a lot of ups. Don't miss out on them, find some coping mechanisms, write, paint, walk until you're exhausted, go somewhere isolated and just fucking SCREAM your heart out. But don't give up, you have so much ahead of you. I tried to kill myself when i was a year or 2 younger than you, could see no happiness, no future. I'm glad i failed because there has been so much in my life that is awesome. I know at least one other person who replied here went through the same thing. Survive man, and pass on your wisdom to ease someone else's pain when the time comes

  • @GreyWind Thanks my friend i kinda realise that, part of the reason im still here they have made a huge difference to the pain in my life and for that i truly gratful for all there kind words, help and support.

  • @James17 Right, death is easy but to survive... now, that is hard. But that is how life works. Everything is temporary. You and I are temporary. So, please, live your life, find the solution no matter what and one day, when the time runs out for you, hope you have lived a happy life. A life where when you look back, you regret nothing. A life where you meet many different, unique people, face hardships and live long enough to see your love circles growing. Live long enough to laugh at all the problems that was so hard at first but then seem so small. Trust, betrayal, love, hate, living then dying. Things keep happening with no remorse from time. But, I still hope for you to put a face on and be determine to get through it all. I'll believe in you.

  • @James17 Hey dear, don't ever think like that. I don't know what problems you have. But think about your family and friends. Life is a beautiful thing. Try to cherish it. Talk to your family. Try to face the problem and try to solve it. Don't waste your life for nothing. I also have so many problems, but still I'm trying to figure out how to live happily. So please don't think about the problems just try to focus on your future. Please.

  • @James17 I understand your feelings dear. But still you have your life. Try to love it. I'm not saying to forget everything. Just try to move on. You still are young. You have your whole life. Now try to concentrate on your studies, your ex cheated on you right? So prove yourself to her that she made a big mistake leaving you. Make your sis and dad proud. They will be seeing you from heaven. They will be happy when you live your life successfully.

  • @James17 Time can be a great healer. Don't be scared of the pain. Accept it, let it steel your nerves. It won't happen quickly, but you can take one day at a time. Try to find new interests, speak to people here, but above all don't be afraid of yourself. You are strong, even if you don't feel like it.

  • @James17 it's not the end I been where you are. It gets better I'm hear for you and love you need to talk I'm here