• This post is deleted!

  • They can't ban Ragnar, coz he creates great content.

    Ragnar didn't remove ur 400 posts.

    Fuck kek. Nobody gives a shit about him.

    If people r jealous from u, it means u r doing good work. They r jealous of ur reputation.

    If someone bans u for no reason tell the admin.

    Ragnar mustbhave banned u for a reason but he has already warned.

  • @girlnextdoor said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    They can't ban Ragnar, coz he creates great content.

    I don't want him to be banned. I said that already at the last line of the shit you just read. Did you even read everything. I want him to be unmodded

    Ragnar didn't remove ur 400 posts.

    Oh he definitely did. Those posts got deleted the sane 2 hours where he doenvoted me 700 times and banned me.

    Fuck kek. Nobody gives a shit about him.


    If people r jealous from u, it means u r doing good work. They r jealous of ur reputation.

    Well. I had 400 posts deleted and 700 rep points lost AND banned for the first time by a guy and he's still mod

    If someone bans u for no reason tell the admin.

    I did. He did say something but rag is still mod after PERMANENTLY deleting 400 posts of my previous account, banning it and downvoting it 700 times

    Ragnar mustbhave banned u for a reason but he has already warned.

    His reason is that he was using fake accounts ( @Groot and @general-aladeen to get fake up votes and got higher than me so i got mad and did the same + doenvoted some of his posts. He did have a reason but it was a shitty one

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @girlnextdoor by the way. Raggnar did confess to the down votes and the admin knows he banned me but the admin wasn't present when ragnar angrily confessed on mod chat that he also deleted 400 posts of mine (a mod mods saw it and told me before rag deleted the confession)

  • @girlnextdoor got it?

  • He is real because if he wasn't I would've never been born.

  • I don't think so. According to science, it isn't logical for there to be a 'God' but no one really knows for sure.

  • MiaMarie98 Science also says that a fetus isn't human until 4 to 6 weeks which what science is pretty much saying is people are worthless and nothings until they are 4 to 6 weeks.

  • @taitertot2 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    MiaMarie98 Science also says that a fetus isn't human until 4 to 6 weeks which what science is pretty much saying is people are worthless and nothings until they are 4 to 6 weeks.

    Wait what? lol, that doesn't even make sense. Science has never said such things about "people being worthless"... not to mention that's contradictory. If a fetus isn't a person like you claim, then how are they worthless if they're not even people in the first place?

  • @miamarie98 So what you're saying is you weren't even a person in the first place when you were still being formed in your mother's womb.

  • Depends . Yes and no

  • @taitertot2 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @miamarie98 So what you're saying is you weren't even a person in the first place when you were still being formed in your mother's womb.

    No, that's exactly what you're saying lmao. Read above please.

  • @miamarie98 That is what science is saying.

  • Like I said, Science has never said that so it's irrelevant.

  • Science said that when abortion became "the next big thing" depending on where you are.

  • I don't think you're understanding me or anything for that matter. No one has ever spoken scientifically anything like what you're claiming. You're welcome to redirect me to an informative post proving so, but otherwise it's just flat out irrelevant and nonsensical. Believing there is a 'God' is simply a belief. There's no proof to suggest there is one other than a book that was written a long time ago and no one even knows who wrote it. So, there you have it.

  • @miamarie98 You said you believed in science but science has proven that at some points in time that there is a God. Science has also said that abortion is ok and that the fetus is pretty much worthless. Now I'm gonna let you believe what you believe. I'm gonna believe that there is a God and I'm gonna go against science and stand for Jesus. If you want to continue this argument/debate/conversation, message me. If you don't then ok.

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  • Lol that's perfectly fine you're welcome to believe what you want. I'm just sticking to facts and what has been proven and what obviously hasn't which I guess you still haven't comprehended. Thank you for proving me right by the way on the abortion thing. That's a great article and very informative. I learned so much today.
