• @Genny Smartest. Sooooooo many reasons why this is a better idea, if we don't know any more about the two.

  • @Genny the smartest bc the hottest made of 75/100 plastic btw the smartest can be hot too

  • @Jeeeeeeedd Me Too Bro RIP

  • I'd rather marry the smartest person alive. Looks fade.

  • @Genny clever one can still be pretty.. so yes clever.. just needs a nice looking body

  • smart hot i dont care il take you for your person nality

  • Well! I recently realised that I need to marry after a certain point. I'll need someone to share my thoughts and emotions with. But I am neither a smart person nor at all hot. So, if I choose a smart or a hot person, we're likely to end up in separation unless my companion is tolerant enough in handling my dumbness. I need someone who will understand me and whom I too will be able to understand and love from the deepest core of my heart. Marriage, according to me, is the coalescence of not just two human souls but the one in which our families also merge. Further, it's a conglomeration of two hearts that do not perceive emotions differently. Marriage is also not a broken piece of paper that contains oaths and promises. Marriage is one of the world's most sacred ceremony that provides a social sanction to the two souls! So, rather than choosing someone who is hot or smart, I will prefer someone who will also be my best friend....

  • Banned

    @anonymous92 if you dont value your vows then marriage isnt for you. You dont throw away something that is broken yyou aim to fix it, and need to realize true love isnt just a touchy feelings, it about commitment to each other, if lose that then ya marriage is just a piece of paper and hats when divorce comes in.

  • @Shintaryuu thats so true

  • @Shintaryuu That is exactly what I wrote. I never said that vows are not meant to be followed. Instead, if you read my comment, I mentioned that marriage is not a broken piece of paper constituting vows. You are absolutely true and I appreciate your perception about marriage. Emotions tend to fade away with time, so a marriage cannot sustain if efforts are not made from both the sides to be in that coalescence and to enjoy each others company. Not just that, beyond the scope of this enjoyment, efforts are important to feel each others' shortcomings so that the other person can help. A lot of mutual understanding and mutual respect makes a marriage successful. In my earlier comment I wanted to convey that I wouldn't seek someone too hot or too smart, but a person who has the capability to make me better each day by understanding me and inspiring me with her goodness. And I too have to try to make her happy by respecting her efforts and try to make equal efforts to understand her mind. For this, our mental frequencies and emotional coefficients should match. Otherwise there may not be much harmony in that marriage and, if such is the case, in dearth of mutual understanding, a marriage is destined to separation/ divorce. In my opinion, a divorce is one of the most painful events that a person can come across if s(he) really loves her/ his spouse.

  • every smart people will choose smart one
