• @mozy :+1:

  • @Indrid-Cold mozy is the daughter you never had btw! 😊

  • @Scottish Schtum, Dr Freud

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Bela-Hella said in Shine in Quarantine 🀣:

    Here are the list of my achievements in insolation period..

    I challenge some of my darlins to right down their great dilemmas not particulary my way but anything that you like to rant πŸ˜‚ and tag atleast 3-5 friends to continue this craziness coz bycovid 19..

      1. Sun exposure
      1. Succeeding to be lazy as per CDC/FDA wishes
      1. Free time to give attention to side projects in music.
      1. Gaining knowledge and familiarity of the more extreme extensive jazz theory for future application as well as learning there is a whole world of theoretical possibilities in music I had not known of; such as: Irrational Time Signatures, Hypermeter, Polytonality, Negative Time Signatures, etc. Thanks, Adam Neely.
      1. Beginning to memorize chess openings and improving end game tactics thanks to Eric Rosen, Ben Finegold, and Magnus Carlsen.
        (Halloween Gambit is hilarious)

    I'll tag these users: @H4rd4ndhorny @WtfJudith @TalkWithStranger

  • @Bela-Hella OK, I'm game. Thanks Rupin!

    1 Get up, feed squirrels, feed self, then get my birds up and ready for their day. Then internet, lunch, long walks outside. Guitar repair, checking on family. Evening: Cook supper, do house chores, later TV or a movie, more internet, Youtube vids on my phone until it's time to try for sleep. Count stars. Repeat, repeat.

    2 Shelter-in-place and STAY SAFE have become common

    3 This song:

    In reference to how Live Chat has been all but taken over by newbies

    4 I will successfully continue to fail at winning the Lotto

    5 Not applicable, no voice chatting here, for this guy
    Next up: @ClaireSheppard, @nymphette, @Vanna24, @Mia-x, and @Akkii

  • @Lazz Lazz i was telling my friends about the crack addicted squirrels we have here last night. They didn't believe me so we googled it, didn't find them but we found crystal meth addicted squirrels in the states, just be careful bro 😁

  • @Scottish No crack or meth here my friend, and these next-gen squirrels are fond only of food, especially peanut butter sandwiches and....Girl Scout cookies. I put a post up, with pics a bit ago

  • @Bela-Hella
    eyy nice thread! also thanks for the tag @Scottish lol
    okay, so...

    1. i'm actually really enjoying this whole lockdown situation. it's now socially acceptable to avoid being around other people, which is just awesome!
    2. covidiot/coronasshole are both great expressions, i approve.
    3. yes, music! also reading books is fun! and sleeping!
    4. i predict there's gonna be a baby boom AND a surge in divorces. some people are gonna be like "welp, i'm bored. time to bonk" and others are like "uh oh, i just realized that you kinda suck".
      also, the world economy is probably going to crash and collapse :/

    oh oops, almost forgot to tag people. @Thales_BG, @Lurker, @sup, @TheRisingSun, @antoinette, time to speak up~

  • Argh, this is frustrating... my reply is too long and I keep cutting it down but it still won't post. I'm sure I used to post much lengthier replies in the past πŸ€”

    1. No idea what routine is any more. I spent 3 nights in a row not sleeping til past 5am. Teeth are still getting brushed, meals are usually getting eaten, though not always at the times they ought
    2. So we can stay in touch I got Fortnite to play online with my son. I'm learning delightful slang such as "tacs" and "minis"
    3. I'm playing this daily, completely unashamedly
    4. I predict when this is over people will still be thoughtless/selfish dicks and the world'll still burn
    5. I've not gone mad, and living on my own I think that is an achievement. But cabin fever is creeping in. Still, my Halfling Blood Bowl team won a league and I saved the world from the G-virus (again), so it isn't all bad...

  • @Lazz thanks for the rep, Yes we will be all counting stars 1 day..Happy that you tag @ClaireSheppard I really this user how she strike poems and hopefully she reply to your tag.. :-)

  • @Bela-Hella Thanks for your Post Bela! Friend Claire tops my list, and yes, she is just awesome, in so many ways. Talented, too.
    By the way, there's a saying here before going to sleep to "Count Sheep." I never really understood that. I haven't ever lived near any sheep. A friend told me she says "Count Stars" instead, and I like the way that sounds, and the meaning. Before going to sleep, there's a sky full of stars that need counting, hmm?

  • @Rupin
    NO..... why’d you tag meeee? 😀
    I don’t reply topics anymore at the moment, cuz it feels like homework and I already got lotsss ://
    Maybe laterrrrr πŸ˜‚

  • @Kimberly_18 Go do your homework then. πŸ˜‚

  • @Rupin
    Wanna help meee?? πŸ˜‚

  • @Kimberly_18 What's the homework? πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

  • @Matt_Aranha I don't mean to throw a bad pun out there but during these current times; I don't think anyone should fault you if you get a bit long winded. I did on mine, lol.

  • @Lazz thanks for the tag @Bela-Hella thanks for starting this

    1. I work a lot. The virus has made getting new hires in impossible and that’s a six month process. So looks like I’m stuck with 60+ hour work weeks till next year. I’m gonna be rich......
    2. I get to ignore most quarantine rules. My job gives me a pass not that things have gone too far south so far.
    3. People apparently are getting dumber with the quarantine. Atleast here where I live.
    4. My routine is pretty much work work sleep some get on here work some more listen to music and try and run on as little sleep and as much caffeine as possible.
      So to pass on the challenge I pick @Rose_ @Bobfoot777 @happymiss @Beeskeeper @Still_kicking
