• @NekoNat I heard it before on discord you talked to me a lot because of it and you know what i think about it
    but still even you're only that young she can't say who u love even maybe she is in fear about you she can't forbid you who you like or who you talk to but i guess that's something you know i am sorry to hear you have such problems with all of that
    if you need me you know where to find me

  • @Hyde thank you once again for all your help and support ^^

  • @NekoNat Oh I am sorry I thought she meant ur partner will cheat on you. I am not that good in english sometimes I make mistake in understanding. I apologize. ur right

  • @pardis2001 She meant both. She just said one of you.

  • @NekoNat I am still sorry. This is not a good thing to hear.:(

  • @pardis2001 No, It's never nice to hear. The lack of general support from my very closest family isn't exactly nice either, but I suppose it must be worked around.

  • @NekoNat I can say I have a similar situation to u. my family only supports me financially. They never trust me with anything and always think I am lying to them. I have an important exam this year and they just walk and say u will be nothing, ur gonna ruin the whole family, u are a shame to this family. Sometimes I think do I really deserve this? Am I this bad?? What have I done?

  • @pardis2001 but either you nor nat-chan are bad peoples you are just in a wrong and false situation and maybe in the wrong familys i guess it's never easy to have such a life ~ so even i had a hard life i guess it was nothing against to the things u two have and must go throught because my mother and father helped and supported me even my mother wasn't the best to me always i am happy i had same in a way even i had nothing from them either i was all lonely and alone at home i got support for my music and also my way on school but thats all because mentaly they not really supported me a lot ~ the same way u have to go i suppose so keep fighting ! both of you @NekoNat and also you ! you're simply really nice persons thats why you got so much unhappy moments with your family !! but still i like u both :)

  • @pardis2001 I see. It seems there's only room for support in one single area, even you then see the double standards forming when it suddenly doesn't suit the moment.

  • @Hyde thank you once again. I guess there are just different ways of neglecting support and trust. Sadly it cannot be changed, only fought against. I'd hate to cut contact with my parents to have them quit trying to control me, because despite this, I of course still love them.

  • @NekoNat I guess loving them is normaly also when they don't show support or trust still loving is normaly also when the hit you nearly to death loving is normaly to a point ! it's family after all even they don't really show it and controlling is the wrong way even they're your parents and you're young but still u have to find your own path and nobody can stop your way because it's your future like i told many times before even they're maybe thinking thats a way of showing u support and love that's definitfly the wrong way they go
    and your father don't have much butt in the pants like it seems also your mother say wich way must be and her way it always the right way i guess that's how it sounds to me ! my mother did the same to a way also my father they confused me a lot i was not really able to say wich is the right way but i saw my parents loved me so i done the things they want (exept showering xD) i grown even more aduld in my youth as i wanted but hey i think it didn't made me a bad human being at all ! in the end we all end up like we deserve it and i am sure u will end up happly because you deserve it ~ also the most good peoples with a good character have to fight a lot thats how life's going but in the end everything is for a reason and pays off ! :-) thanks for being such a lovely person and being here if someone needs and wants support ! i will support u to the end <3

  • @Hyde Thank you Haido-kun! I really do feel your support. I am happy I am not entirely alone in this ^^

  • @NekoNat You're not alone right i am ever being here :-D
    you will do it ! fight on :star:

  • @NekoNat heyyyy

  • @yash1234 Eyo

  • @NekoNat follow bk