• @m-y-s-t-e-r-y acceptable.

  • @Silhouette This is very important. All the flags go to mods inbox so they can see them right away. Thanks for playing your part!

  • @Equinox what ??

  • @sarah_the_magpie said in People of TWS, we need to have a conversation.:

    today, three upstanding members of the tws community decided to leave. as a community, we should introspect on the reasons. there is something wrong here.

    i feel like a decision has to be made by the @Global-Moderators & @TalkWithStranger concerning the nature of TalkWithStranger.com. is this site going to remain a cool little meeting place for people to make new friends and engage in lovely banter, or is it going to become a trashy sexting site with nasty ads and perverts lurking around every corner?

    i have issues with the way this site is moderated, i really do. i honestly do. i know of four individual people who've left this site because they couldn't handle the amount of creeps on this site.

    If you are being creeped out by anyone, there is a block button, and you never will have to talk to them again.

    they have all left by now, while all the pervs are still here. what is the priority here? getting all these little messed-up creeps and catfishes to use this site in order to maximize that sweet sweet ad revenue?

    Catfishes aren’t our problem, unless they are asking for pictures or money. There is also a flag button that you can use to give us a notification about someone.

    @Global-Moderators, please tell me whose side are you on, because at this point i'm not even sure anymore.

    i think that the priority should be making this place a safe & fun environment. no more harassment, no more toxicity. of course, we all need to check our behavior. i'll be the first one to admit that i haven't always been the most welcoming & friendliest person on this site. i will try to be kinder in the future, and provoke less drama.

    in my opinion, we need more moderation. this place needs a major cleanup. we need stricter rules of conduct and they need to be actually enforced, not simply treated as suggestions as they currently are.

    What do you suggest?

    seriously, no one in their right mind is going to want to join this site if they see 1000X topics like "i'm bored & horny" in a row. let's stop this madness.

    @Div did post a solution for this. https://chatrooms.talkwithstranger.com/topic/29511/ignoring-the-h0rny-posts-and-i-lost-this-and-this-posts-from-your-unread-recents/7

    i love this place. i love the community here, and i love everyone who makes an effort to keep this place alive. you are all wonderful people. but we can't continue like this. today's events proved it.

    i would like to hear suggestions from everyone here. how could we make this place better & more welcoming? please people, let's brainstorm and make something positive happen. let's not give up on trying to turn tws into a better place.

  • @KETholic

    If you are being creeped out by anyone, there is a block button, and you never will have to talk to them again.

    tbh blocking solves nothing. back in october, i was harassed by a user who wrote insulting replies to my every comment for at least a week. i blocked him, but it didn't stop him from writing the replies. i flagged him and i was told by a mod that he was allowed to do it, and i was a jerk for flagging him.
    so no, blocking doesn't work.

    What do you suggest?

    it would be nice if the global mods actually enforced the Community Rules & Content Policies. i've occasionally mentioned these rules in my flag descriptions, just to remind you guys that they exist

    thanks for replying tho. you and @div are the only global mods who cared enough to respond. even if my tone is negative, i do appreciate it.
    i guess the other mods don't feel like these issues are a problem, which makes it easier to tell whose side they are on.

  • @Akkii That dude I blocked now because he never sent the photo so obviously I was correct about him. His name is Shaina24 so be aware.

  • @TalkWithStranger Well then something is not working properly because I have a lot of people messaging me that I do not follow back. They follow me I do not follow them.

  • @Desian
    alt text
    have you enabled this setting?

  • @sarah_the_magpie I'm going to be honest I did not. But I was unaware of that as an option so it is now selected. Thank you.

  • @Desian lol i asked for the name so that other girls can be cautious of that person too....i don't have nothing to worry as fortunately or unfortunately only girls have to face these creeps....

  • @Akkii Yep. But now that I found out about that option lol should be less to deal with now.

  • @sarah_the_magpie said in People of TWS, we need to have a conversation.:

    tbh blocking solves nothing. back in october, i was harassed by a user who wrote insulting replies to my every comment for at least a week. i blocked him, but it didn't stop him from writing the replies. i flagged him and i was told by a mod that he was allowed to do it, and i was a jerk for flagging him.

    I’m sorry on behalf of whomever mod did that.

    so no, blocking doesn't work.

    it would be nice if the global mods actually enforced the Community Rules & Content Policies. i've occasionally mentioned these rules in my flag descriptions, just to remind you guys that they exist

    Okie dokie

    thanks for replying tho. you and @div are the only global mods who cared enough to respond. even if my tone is negative, i do appreciate it.


    i guess the other mods don't feel like these issues are a problem, which makes it easier to tell whose side they are on.

    They do think that these issues are a problem, and we are finding a solution as we speak.

  • Here is a suggestion:

    When you post a topic the default category is "Discuss Anything". Thus horny topics go into "Discuss anything". However the default should be "Horny shit" or whatever it is called. And I have muted "Horny shit" which is one of TWS's featurs. Which should also be the default :grin:

    Moderation should just make sure that the horny topics go into the horny category. That'd be enough IMHO.

  • @sarah_the_magpie said in People of TWS, we need to have a conversation.:

    alt text
    have you enabled this setting?

    this should be the default. i think it is the default. is it?

  • Global Moderator

    @TalkWithStranger I was thinking what if we implement mute or temporary ban when a certain users disobey the rules, and they need to make an appeal in order for them to recover their account..Also we need to make a New welcome intro for every new users and attach the rules of the site..I really hope you consider this one, it might help.. also thanks to @sarah_the_magpie for opening this up.

  • Hello Sarah, since i am in a very good mood to kill people with my words, here is my thought.

    today, three upstanding members of the tws community decided to leave. as a community, we should introspect on the reasons. there is something wrong here.

    There is nothing wrong with PEOPLE CHOICE. You cant control someone else to LEAVE OR STAY coz it is HELLA FREEDOM OF THEM.
    There is no introspection, something wrong nor reasons why they have to go. THEY WANT THAT, SO YOU SHOULD RESPECT THAT.

    i feel like a decision has to be made by the @Global-Moderators & @TalkWithStranger concerning the nature of TalkWithStranger.com. is this site going to remain a cool little meeting place for people to make new friends and engage in lovely banter, or is it going to become a trashy sexting site with nasty ads and perverts lurking around every corner?

    OK screw with your idealistic, powerful encourage, young life or even your "empowering" words you have. FUCK THAT, FUCK! it is all about societies. You can not control them but you can influence them that this place is worth enough for them. You can tell them that most of us are a genuine and good person or even we have such nice friendly convo here sarcasm on.

    i have issues with the way this site is moderated, i really do. i honestly do. i know of four individual people who've left this site because they couldn't handle the amount of creeps on this site. they have all left by now, while all the pervs are still here. what is the priority here? getting all these little messed-up creeps and catfishes to use this site in order to maximize that sweet sweet ad revenue? @Global-Moderators, please tell me whose side are you on, because at this point i'm not even sure anymore.

    AGAIN, IT IS @Global-Moderators FAULT? Woa, girl. Use filters, you can manage your account. If y

    i think that the priority should be making this place a safe & fun environment. no more harassment, no more toxicity. of course, we all need to check our behavior. i'll be the first one to admit that i haven't always been the most welcoming & friendliest person on this site. i will try to be kinder in the future, and provoke less drama.

    OK, then you are welcome. You can leave this site and create your new site.

    in my opinion, we need more moderation. this place needs a major cleanup. we need stricter rules of conduct and they need to be actually enforced, not simply treated as suggestions as they currently are.
    seriously, no one in their right mind is going to want to join this site if they see 1000X topics like "i'm bored & horny" in a row. let's stop this madness.

    OK, then you can make your own "HELLA GREAT TOPIC" based on your idea

    i love this place. i love the community here, and i love everyone who makes an effort to keep this place alive. you are all wonderful people. but we can't continue like this. today's events proved it.

    FUCK THAT. IF YOU LOVE THIS PLACE, then why do you keep blaming @Global-Moderators? It means you hate this place.

    i would like to hear suggestions from everyone here. how could we make this place better & more welcoming? please people, let's brainstorm and make something positive happen. let's not give up on trying to turn tws into a better place.


  • @Nibba_Nibby
    first of all, stop yelling. using caps lock won't make your arguments any better.

    There is no introspection, something wrong nor reasons why they have to go.

    three active users leaving at the same time for the same reasons isn't a reason to be concerned about? ok


    is it wrong to assume that the owner of this site should have a personal interest in making sure that this site is clean & runs successfully? yes, it is their responsibility to make it happen.

    OK screw with your idealistic, powerful encourage, young life or even your "empowering" words you have. FUCK THAT, FUCK!

    cute. are you 12 years old? saying the word "fuck" doesn't make you look cool. grow up pls

    AGAIN, IT IS Global-Moderators FAULT? Woa, girl. Use filters, you can manage your account. If y

    yes, it is. it's their job to make sure this site is moderated. that's what the word "moderator" means. why do i have to explain all these simple concepts to you? do you even know how the internet works?

    FUCK THAT. IF YOU LOVE THIS PLACE, then why do you keep blaming Global-Moderators? It means you hate this place.

    really? is that so? so... wanting things to change for the better equals hating this place. interesting logic there, buddy.


    how very contributive and mature of you. thank you for publicly showing this incredibly irrational & mean side of you for everyone to see.

    so... hmm, let's see. i rate this lil rant a soft 4 out of 10. weak arguments and you used way too much caps lock, but it was definitely amusing at times. try again, maybe you'll score higher next time ;)

  • @sarah_the_magpie said in People of TWS, we need to have a conversation.:

    first of all, stop yelling. using caps lock won't make your arguments any better.

    First of all, it will make you answer my words and see? you answer that.

    There is no introspection, something wrong nor reasons why they have to go.

    three active users leaving at the same time for the same reasons isn't a reason to be concerned about? ok

    Why we have to concern about that? why we have to ask them to stay? give me a strong reason. I think it is all of their freedom to stay or leave, so why i have to concern that much?


    is it wrong to assume that the owner of this site should have a personal interest in making sure that this site is clean & runs successfully? yes, it is their responsibility to make it happen.

    No, it is not @Global-Moderators responsibility. Their responsibility is bridging people and making a decision in such hard situation. Keeping clean and run successfully are not the things that they should do. If you want to order that, PAY THEM :) you are not even an owner duh, lol.

    OK screw with your idealistic, powerful encourage, young life or even your "empowering" words you have. FUCK THAT, FUCK!

    cute. are you 12 years old? saying the word "fuck" doesn't make you look cool. grow up pls

    Yes i am cute like 12 years old boy now :) and thanks

    AGAIN, IT IS Global-Moderators FAULT? Woa, girl. Use filters, you can manage your account. If y

    yes, it is. it's their job to make sure this site is moderated. that's what the word "moderator" means. why do i have to explain all these simple concepts to you? do you even know how the internet works?

    Nah nah, it is not their responsibility about your whole shitting explanations above. If you want this site keep clean and run successfully, PAY THEM :) you can do donation through pay pal btw.

    FUCK THAT. IF YOU LOVE THIS PLACE, then why do you keep blaming Global-Moderators? It means you hate this place.

    really? is that so? so... wanting things to change for the better equals hating this place. interesting logic there, buddy.

    Yes, coz i know it wont happen. You have a high expectation without any "business" involved here. Then? You take this place too serious.


    how very contributive and mature of you. thank you for publicly showing this incredibly irrational & mean side of you for everyone to see.

    Oh now i am seeing an idealistic person who wants to have such a good site without any payments.
    K, right now, i am asking you, is there any platform IN THIS WORLD, without any payments like TWS? Show me.
    If you have such purpose, then you will shift this site to be business site like facebook, instagram etc. Meanwhile, it is COMMUNITY. There is no site like that about "Community". Face the reality.
    Oh one more, THE @Global-Moderators AINT PAID TO DO EVERYTHING THEY HAVE TO DO, you should be grateful at least there are several people who want to take care of this site

    so... hmm, let's see. i rate this lil rant a soft 4 out of 10. weak arguments and you used way too much caps lock, but it was definitely amusing at times. try again, maybe you'll score higher next time ;)

    Hmm. I think now i am smarter than you :) like thanks for saying i am cute.

  • @Nibba_Nibby Facebook and instagram are not business sites. They have options to create a business account but they are not business sites in themselves. They are social media websites. Sure some people believe being "Instagram" famous is a real job but it really isn't.

    I understand that no one can force someone to continue to remain where they no longer want to be. But I also get wanting to keep this place from turning into well, Tinder.

    You could possibly be "smart" but at age 12 your brain is still developing you won't know for sure just how smart you really are until you are 25 years old.

    A moderator is suppose to be a neutral party which means they are not suppose to choose another person's side just because they are close or have created a friendship with the person who is in the wrong. Choosing to leave because the con's outweigh the pro's is a choice yes but it also puts all the negatives into light for other people to start questioning it. It is alright to have an opinion of your own. But don't be a dick about it. You are 12 so maybe one day you will learn how the real world works.

    Also, Some websites do pay their moderators depending on skill set and experience. Now I am not sure if this site does or not but I am not going to assume they are and I am also not going to assume they aren't. Either way they willingly signed up to participate in being a moderator, So they should not show favoritism towards certain people or abuse their powers.

  • @Nibba_Nibby

    I think it is all of their freedom to stay or leave, so why i have to concern that much?

    it's fine if you don't care about this site. i do, but you're welcome not to.

    Keeping clean and run successfully are not the things that they should do.

    keeping this site clean isn't the responsibility of the moderators? sigh
    nibby, i have no desire to explain to you over and over again what the word "moderator" means. please google it.

    right now, i am asking you, is there any platform IN THIS WORLD, without any payments like TWS? Show me.

    ever heard of a site called reddit? or a site called tumblr? or a site called omegle?


    that doesn't mean that they cannot be criticised. it is a voluntary position, they chose to accept it. no one is forcing them to do it.

    Hmm. I think now i am smarter than you πŸ™‚ like thanks for saying i am cute.

    you aren't particularly cute as a human being. not really a word i'd use to describe you or any qualities you might have. creepy and sort-of delusional, maybe. definitely not cute tho.

    you know what? i have no desire to continue this little stupid battle any further. i'm willing to, but i'd be doing it only out of malice. i didn't join this site to argue with people like you, i came here to make new friends. this is all just so incredibly stupid. this site and all of this toxicity is legit giving me a headache. like i try to inspire people to find new ways to make this site even better and then assholes like you just have to appear and spew your hate everywhere. just log off and run as far away as possible from your computer, you autistic piece of shit. go and stalk alliley or whatever that fake girlfriend of yours was called, you fucking creep

    also, people of tws, consider this my resignation. bye. i've fucking had it with this place. i'm never coming back here again.
