• Hi angel,

    Were you using ad block before?

    We try our best to only show useful and family safe ads to people.

    Our site is free to use, so ads are imp for us to survive.

    Do you have any special issues or on any page , please share?

  • Yes I am still using adblocker, but I think you are experimenting with deferred ads using javascript. Besides probably affecting your SEO score, it is a terrible user experience. the page jumps and wobbles as the ads load. Here are some tips to make them slightly less annoying:

    1. Have a fixed height on the container which is expected to have ads, so when the ads load, the page doesnt shiver in excitement.
    2. Space ads out a bit more. Maybe another 10px margin between them would help ease their effect on the eyes.
    3. Instead of having 4x1 and 3x2 widgets, maybe a 1x1, 2x1 or 2x2 widget would be easier on the eyes. Same height, longer width.
    4. If possible overlay text on the image to keep their real-estate usage to a minimum
    5. Banner ads usually work better than such widgets, even in terms of clicks
    6. I know adding a bunch of ads is very lucrative coz then u have higher chance of clicks. But it is very difficult to gauge the negative impact of frustrated users, before it is too late. So start small, and work ur way up. Use ur best judgement to see when to stop adding more ads.
    7. This link has some very valuable analysis and suggestions | https://www.pixelmattic.com/blog/best-news-website-designs/
    8. Do some reading of your own on ad placement.

  • @angelofdeath Great feedback angel! We love users like you!

    1. Have you noticed the shivering on desktop or on mobile?
    2. Is your feedback related to ads after ad block or normal ads?
    3. Regarding some other points, we would love if you can take screenshots for your suggestions and issues and send us on to [email protected] we will be happy to pass on to our tech team to fix them.
    4. Have u been using tws long time now?
    5. Have you noticed any other issues on overall site beside ads?

    We are impressed from the wisdom of our knowledgeable users. :)

  • I appreciate the appreciation.

    1. Have you noticed the shivering on desktop or on mobile?
    2. Is your feedback related to ads after ad block or normal ads?
      After ad blocker
    3. Regarding some other points, we would love if you can take screenshots for your suggestions and issues and send us on to [email protected] we will be happy to pass on to our tech team to fix them.
      I am not going to do the testing for you. But you can scroll down this page to my reply and then refresh the page. The content will jump up and down multiple times.
    4. Have u been using tws long time now?
      Yes its been a while
    5. Have you noticed any other issues on overall site beside ads?
      Nothing pops up in my head as of now

  • @alwaysstranger You saw bad ads after turning on ad blocker or on normal site?

  • @alwaysstranger im using adguard adblocker and i see an ad were a female is looking at another females upper body under historical photographs....if thats not a bad ad...then be it that i never commented on this post.

  • @AlwaysStranger


    It was a public pc so someone probably used it before you for making some inappropriate searches and that may have affected the ads.


    ad were a female is looking at another females upper body under historical photographs

    That is pretty common lucrative ad, after all its purpose is to make one click on it.

  • @lucifer_ no its not a common a pc..its my personal laptop...and no i didnt search anything inappropriate on this...also i dont have a vpn and inappropriate content sites are blocked here..so its pretty useless trying to even search anything inappropriate and i dont have the technical knowledge to unblock it either...so im sure the reason for that 'historical photoes nearly destroyed forever ' ad is not because of what you think it is.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @khaleezi91
    always stranger used a public pc so the inappropriate ad thing was for him.
    also ads dont know if its a guy or a girl so they are mostly girl pics to make one click on them there is a higher chance people click on them if its a girl pic.

    P.S: I didnot know you were a computer noob. :P

  • @lucifer_ im a doctor the only computer application we were taught was biostatistics which uses chisquare ,pvalue and probility ,hypothesis calculation stuffs...of which i now rememebr only how to derive conclusions....:P:P:P..so yaa..a total computer noob here...but fret not..my bf is an IT proffessional...eehahaha....