• Agree. I'm sure most people have dabbled with it but there comes a time in life where you need to leave it all behind

  • @smartalan180 said in Who likes taking Cocaine:

    Sometimes I buy cocaine to go on a night out, then all I want to do is take it all night long.

    That's all cocaine really ever did for me was make me want more of it until I stuck a needle in my arm. I had to break the needle before I decided that I would die cuz I had a ton well not a ton with a kilo in my freezer that was back in 1984. I didn't want to die but I did immensely enjoy the rush that I got from the shot and I found that smoking it (which I do not recommend for anyone) would bring about almost the same high.
    Since then I have smoked it. It is a complete different high than snorting it however the withdrawal and wanting more aspect of it is multiplied tenfold compared to snorting it.
    There are a few rules you need to make sure that you adhere to if you intend to do any drugs.
    Do the drug, do not let the drugs do you. Always have control over both the drug and your actions.
    Do not let the drug change who you are as a person.
    I do not recommend drug usage for anyone.

  • @smartalan180
    i prefer snorting dried-up cucumbers

  • @smartalan180 that stuff did me no favours, acting like an asshole while thinking I'm great, bad combination. Haven't been near it for ten years. Don't miss it at all

  • @venividivici same here, its only after the 1st few lines taste is unreal

  • @Scottish I did it years ago then started back into it, going to try hard and give it a break

  • @maytechubcn I agree, ur life is what u make it and I stopped drinking and taking drugs years ago, then got back into everything again. Its creates an unmanageable life

  • Cocaine is great if you take it few times in a year in mix with hot babe in room.But my drug of choice is molly 😎

  • i wont take anything that impairs whats going on around me. i always wana be in charge of my own faculties so i can see just what is coming at me

  • You know I think I'm going to load me a pea-sized hit on my Pipe right now and blast away forgetting about my broken heart for 5 minutes

  • Wish I had a lover to share with........

    When my wife died I just quit. Not drugs but life. I quit caring. I quit living. My life's purpose is gone and I just don't give a rats ass about anything.
    So in a effort to blast reality as far away as I can I take all of the money I used to put into our home and the bank and I buy cocaine or crack by the ounce or half ounce and I smoke my brains out driving the reality of my situation away for a few days maybe a week or so at a time.
    For those of you who are curious the answer is between 1/2-3/4 an ounce a day. Around 800-1200 dollars US per day. That's for the good stuff Wich around here is at best maybe 75%