Even at 32, I've never been able to observe that I could consider a girl/woman as someone who does deserve me. I'm feel more proud of this than desirous of condescending; yet I continue to think on it more and more whenever I'm not concentrating on one of my theoretical research problems. Am I wrong anywhere? Any suggestions/recommendations/prescriptions???

  • I am rewriting what he had written. I was so enlightened by it and found it so eye opening that I registered on this site only to react to the imbeciles he was talking to.

  • @Donald-Huebner
    hey, simmer down there pal. @pe7erpark3r tried his best to offer advice and help to vnair.

  • vnair4u had written:

    Nice naive remarks, full of ignorance and signs of having been created by someone who lives in a dream world that may get shattered and destroyed as and when this someone's Godfather lifts the curtain and opens his eyes. Have you ever thought about the fact that even these kinds of things occur in the world:

    1. The editor of world's premier journal of physics says to a scientist that the paper that was supposed to present the scientist's theorem or theory to the world will be rejected because the world has not a single scientist who is ready to state that he or she is capable of reviewing the particular research paper. The editor apologizes and rejects the paper. The scientist now has to solve a political problem: to force the scientific community to begin to hold that this imbecile strategy cannot be accepted inside science. I find it pretty obvious why it cannot be accepted, but if you're in doubt you may urge me to explain in detail.


  • vnair4u then wrote:


    1. Do you have any idea of how buying and selling between private companies take place?? Of course, there is a well known peaceful manner in which everything is happily done in an online meeting or a meeting in person where the seller candidly sells and the buyer easily buys and the agreements are signed. But there's another scene. In this scene, a big fish (company Z) forces a small fish (company T) to sell itself off (to Z). Picture this. A person WeeNayhar runs a private company ALPHA. Company Z has been forcing ALPHA to sell itself off to Z for the past thirteen months but ALPHA isn't doing it. One night WeeNayhar is traveling on the road on the side of a riverbank in a cab belonging to a particular radio taxi company Y. Z has persuaded or forced Y to do what it does. The driver stops the cab. WeeNayhar loads his gun and dials Y's number. The people at Y say that they do not have any record of WeeNayhar traveling at that moment in one of its cabs. WeeNayhar puts the phone down and starts dialing the local police number. And the cell phone networks vanish, at least for him alone if not over an entire area in the neighborhood of the point on earth where WeeNayhar happens to be present at that time.


  • vnair4u then wrote:


    1. ... and so on and so forth ... Just lay low, try not to judge something that you've no idea about. You're the instruction takers and abiders. We are the instruction makers and challengers. You're sure lesser than the champions. We know we're greater than the champions but we are declared the challengers because the champions are blocking the forefront and violating all rules and ethics. You're the ones who always yield at the forefront. We're the ones who force the forefront blockaders. And if we fail to force, we still don't yield. For we know we're right and it's us who truly deserve to win. We fearlessly say: "to hell with you all!!!" It's us against the world, Okay! Don't try to vomit nonsense when you know nothing. You guys got no future. And that's why you all got no trouble. It's trouble and not fear. It's a great sense of responsibility and not fear.


  • vnair4u then wrote:


    We're the guys who were raised by parents who told us all our life that we need not worry about anything. And that we don't need to do any job. For they had all that we'd ever need. We're the guys who were raised by parents who taught us that one must not give birth to a child if he or she is gonna tell his/her child that the child will have to find a job or create his own business when he/she grows up. We're the guys who were raised by parents who still tell us that we can marry anytime and our sons will never have to find a job or create their own businesses (out of compulsion, I mean.) But we are more responsible than our parents. We believe that one must not give birth to a child if he or she will be unable to assure his or her child that this child will never have to share a public destination like an airport or the road.

    I know how much money I must have to be able to give that kind of assurance to my child. I wasn't born in the house of Mittal or Gates. So I have only three choices: become as rich as is needed, or never marry, or become irresponsible. The third one, I'll never do. That's why I said "I will remain single until I become very rich and get at least one private firm of mine listed in the stock exchange".


  • vnair4u then wrote:


    Trust in life itself! Wow!!! As if it made any sense. As if we'd never have wished to. Who will you trust? Until when? God never appears in the world. Not even when a live lamb dies crying for help in the slaughterhouse. Humans are dominating this world. Who will you trust once you surpass the most powerful humans of your field? My child (I mean your experience and not your age)! Try your ultimate best to try to not to trigger a spark in me. Okay?!!! Believe me, you haven't yet! But I'm afraid that your ignorant vastly oversized overconfidence - rather false confidence about being capable of pretending to be confident - might succeed in doing that very soon.


  • vnair4u then wrote:

    Don't make me speak in a manner that none of us want. I haven't yet done that. Maybe I'll start ignoring your words and leave this hell of a domain that's perhaps too bad to not have the incorrect dubbed correct and vice versa, but the point is that I haven't yet done that and I wish to not do that (in this audience, I mean.)


  • @Donald-Huebner
    cool story bro

  • vnair4u then wrote:


    You're living in a dream world Okay! So don't come to me talking about reality when you've no idea of it. It's you whose eyes are closed, not ours. The forefront blockaders are working night and day restlessly like Sauron's eye of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. They take no ones' instructions. They, like us, like to force the opponent if they can and to go to hell with the opponents otherwise. The forefront blockaders are growing powerful at an alarming pace. The forefront blockaders will keep doing that in order to ultimately deprive the people of the world of their property and assets until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. You'd better wake up and realize that the birds who can fly have to hunt for grains. But the ones who can't fly are gifted a dream world where they get free grains. But why? And until when? The reason is that the chicken is ultimately slaughtered and all the investment is retrieved from the pocket of someone who doesn't yield to the guy who had been giving free grains to the chickens all their life. The chickens didn't even know where they all were to be taken in order to be slaughtered. Go teach your TLIG to alive babies of the chickens who've already been slaughtered. I'm far bigger a fan of God than you all but I know his hands are tied. It's high time you all try to start to fight and to think about being responsible.

    May God Almighty grant you prudence. And protection until you don't seek prudence.

    May peace be upon the poorest on the Earth, as long as it can be, in God Almighty's theory.

  • @sarah_the_magpie said in Even at 32, I've never been able to observe that I could consider a girl/woman as someone who does deserve me. I'm feel more proud of this than desirous of condescending; yet I continue to think on it more and more whenever I'm not concentrating on one of my theoretical research problems. Am I wrong anywhere? Any suggestions/recommendations/prescriptions???:

    cool story bro

    You're pathetic. It's impossible to explain the prudent things to imbeciles. I think even I'm making a mistake interacting with you all.

    I came here on this site only because it had vanir4u's eye opening words. Now that he isn't here anymore, I don't feel like staying at this place full of imbeciles devoid of the very spirit of discourse.

  • @Donald-Huebner
    ok, bye then

  • @sarah_the_magpie said :

    ok, bye then

    Hopeless! I should've been wise enough as vnair4u to leave this place before writing any new word.

  • @Donald-Huebner said in Even at 32, I've never been able to observe that I could consider a girl/woman as someone who does deserve me. I'm feel more proud of this than desirous of condescending; yet I continue to think on it more and more whenever I'm not concentrating on one of my theoretical research problems. Am I wrong anywhere? Any suggestions/recommendations/prescriptions???:

    If you believe that your TLIG stuff makes you find trust in the world, it's only because you "always yield at the forefront". "You'd better wake up and realize that the birds who can fly have to hunt for grains. But the ones who can't fly are gifted a dream world where they get free grains. But why? And until when? The reason is that the chicken is ultimately slaughtered and all the investment is retrieved from the pocket of someone who doesn't yield to the guy who had been giving free grains to the chickens all their life. The chickens didn't even know where they all were to be taken in order to be slaughtered. Go teach your TLIG to alive babies of the chickens who've already been slaughtered."

    Mr. vnair...

    About leading: only those leaders in history have brought good, who had a spirit of servitude. Only if you understand that leading means serving the people whom you lead, will you actually make the world a better place. You might amass riches, and you might gain a lot of power, but you will invariable make things worse for everyone, if your ideal is not to serve, but to be served.

    I have also not changed topic, I have offered you other ways to get closer to the truth I am talking about. It is the smart thing to do, for argueing will not get me anywhere. As it would be the smart thing, to let yourself be challenged by the things I've talked about.

  • It's high time you all try to start to fight and to think about being responsible.

    We are doing exactly that, we are talking & thinking, challenging the ideas that make the world a worse place and further ideas that make the world a better place, for all. And we risk being wrong, which is part of actually thinking. We are putting ourselves out there, as you did too. And we invite you to put more of yourself out there and not hide behind your achievements and your conviction that you're better than everyone else. We are not better than you Mr. vnair, but neither are we lesser than you. We are all in this together.