• Here are a few tracks from Milwaukee's own The Shivvers. Sadly, these guys didn't break big, with other bands like Scandal already on the scene, but man, they were great, especially live! Give a listen, and as always, enjoy!

  • @Lazz absolutely love all 3 of these songs Lazz, thanks for the heads up, they are going on my playlist, I'll be playing these guys forever, instant favourite, cheers dude 😊🎸πŸ₯πŸŽΆ

  • @Scottish Glad you liked. Too bad these guys didn't take off. They sure had a sound

  • @Lazz yeah, fun, poppy, a little punky, and a very strong emotional feel. And sorta timeless, 60s vibe, 70s feel, a bit 80s but also fresh. Loving them. It's like if bruce Springsteen was in a band with the ramones and they had debbie harry on vocals, best new music I've heard since the last stuff sarah the magpie introduced me to. Now that girl.has taste

  • Nice selection Lazzz, dang it brings back the past for sure.

  • @AXES The lead guitarist, a guy named Jim, ended up working at a guitar shop (back home), and I used to know him...but that was long after the Shivvers days.
