• @Hyde I've always been fascinated by oriental cuisine. All I have seen always portraits an awesome connection with food, people... You're lucky ๐Ÿ’ช our typical breakfast would be milk and bread or cereals, very boring!
    I do like spicy food too, but cannot eat it regularly, I also have a sensitive stomach ๐Ÿ˜…

  • @jeliel I am as well my stomach really don't like to much of this hard spice (laugh) but i am happy when i can share something about food or at least talking about good food because i am kind of picky and don't like everything but at Japan food is like culture and that's why i really appericate it when peoples like food the same way as i do ! thanks for your good words~ oh milk and also cereals ? would be a try for me xD i know it from the USA when i was visiting it

  • @Hyde Last Korean TV show I saw was Oh My Ghostess and the way the main actress talks about food, it's how I feel about it!
    Portuguese cuisine is also rich, but I don't know why, there's no connection to our food, to the way it's cooked, presented... I think here, we eat because we need to.
    Only during the holidays, like Easter or Christmas, I feel the spirit of unity that food has in our lifes.

  • @jeliel it is like we need food for being alive so we are thinking food and also water are really important to us also water is a spirit of life and we think at least everything around us is god, every stone, every sand corn, every single plant and every single animal ~ we are at least are one and we are into food like made it a tradition of living.

  • @Hyde I was born in the wrong country ๐Ÿ˜… Yes, I understand and I agree.
    One day, I will definitely have to visit! - I think it will be the best experience of my life ๐Ÿ˜€
    It's dinner time and I need to go. Thank you for making my first day on this website enjoyable.

  • Feel free to countine the talk to me

  • @jeliel said in What's your favorite food ๐Ÿ˜‹:

    It's a dish called " cozido ร  portuguesa". My all time favourite since I was a kid ๐Ÿ––

    :)) if u wanna be talking again feel free to follow me up

  • @jeliel Hi How are you ?

  • @rohitSgn Morning! - Doing good, what about you? ๐Ÿ’ช

  • @Hyde Morning ๐Ÿ˜€ I think I started following you yesterday ๐Ÿ’ช still trying to understand and update my info, but I truly enjoyed talking to you. I appreciate your words ๐Ÿ’ž

  • @jeliel Iam good
    Can we talk?

  • @rohitSgn Sure :)

  • @jeliel follow back please
