• @jeliel I know here at my country are a lot of it but wakayama ramen was the one of the best i ever ate cause my mother cooked it for me as i was a child :) and she teached me to cook it as well

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  • @Hyde said in What's your favorite food 😋:

    @jeliel I know here at my country are a lot of it but wakayama ramen was the one of the best i ever ate cause my mother cooked it for me as i was a child :) and she teached me to cook it as well

    Nice! - I have a hard time finding good ingredients for it in Portugal. Oriental cuisine is very appealing to me and we have plenty of restaurants to try them, but, the first time I had ramen was when I was in college, in Amsterdam, and a Korean colleague cooked it for our study group. 😍💞 so, never again have I found delicious ramen!

  • @jeliel I was born at Osaka so it was a daily food for me and also i had it on breakfast most of the time like all Japanese peoples have beside Miso soup or sushi (laugh) and of course Norii and all this kind of little things wich make our food pretty good :) but at least i am happy when i can eat all kind of food from around the world~ i really like spicy food but somehow my tummy don't like it really much (laugh) i had a memorie wich i ate spicy food at taiwan and i will never do it again after that i was at hospital with a lot of tummy pain..

  • @Hyde I've always been fascinated by oriental cuisine. All I have seen always portraits an awesome connection with food, people... You're lucky 💪 our typical breakfast would be milk and bread or cereals, very boring!
    I do like spicy food too, but cannot eat it regularly, I also have a sensitive stomach 😅

  • @jeliel I am as well my stomach really don't like to much of this hard spice (laugh) but i am happy when i can share something about food or at least talking about good food because i am kind of picky and don't like everything but at Japan food is like culture and that's why i really appericate it when peoples like food the same way as i do ! thanks for your good words~ oh milk and also cereals ? would be a try for me xD i know it from the USA when i was visiting it

  • @Hyde Last Korean TV show I saw was Oh My Ghostess and the way the main actress talks about food, it's how I feel about it!
    Portuguese cuisine is also rich, but I don't know why, there's no connection to our food, to the way it's cooked, presented... I think here, we eat because we need to.
    Only during the holidays, like Easter or Christmas, I feel the spirit of unity that food has in our lifes.

  • @jeliel it is like we need food for being alive so we are thinking food and also water are really important to us also water is a spirit of life and we think at least everything around us is god, every stone, every sand corn, every single plant and every single animal ~ we are at least are one and we are into food like made it a tradition of living.

  • @Hyde I was born in the wrong country 😅 Yes, I understand and I agree.
    One day, I will definitely have to visit! - I think it will be the best experience of my life 😀
    It's dinner time and I need to go. Thank you for making my first day on this website enjoyable.

  • Feel free to countine the talk to me

  • @jeliel said in What's your favorite food 😋:

    It's a dish called " cozido à portuguesa". My all time favourite since I was a kid 🖖

    :)) if u wanna be talking again feel free to follow me up

  • @jeliel Hi How are you ?

  • @rohitSgn Morning! - Doing good, what about you? 💪

  • @Hyde Morning 😀 I think I started following you yesterday 💪 still trying to understand and update my info, but I truly enjoyed talking to you. I appreciate your words 💞

  • @jeliel Iam good
    Can we talk?

  • @rohitSgn Sure :)

  • @jeliel follow back please