Share your problems with Sir Devil

  • @paypalboi I can't do much there. I can only give some suggestions. Tell me, why are you broke?

  • I may not be active all the time, due to my exams but still, I check the messages and notification every day. So, if you guys have something to ask, ask away. I would reply ASAP.

  • So, my exams are over and I am going to online more regularly.
    Okay, with that aside, Hello guys! Anyone want an ear for your problems?

  • @sir-devil hello sir devil. Owing to your popularity, we are asking your help on this.

    @kek is causing problems for other users. For e.g @AlwaysStranger who is our most top poster on the site.

    We don't hate @kek or anyone. We just want you to guide @kek and resolve this sittutation for the good of Tws community.

  • @talkwithstranger I respect you but you must see that there's little I could do here. The methods I use only work if they wish to change. @kek is a grown adult. He is aware of all the things, he is doing. I can talk to him but in his mind, I am nothing. I mean, I haven't done anything significant to gain his respect. So, even if I talk, I don't think that I could influence him to change.

    Even, if he changes, I don't think anyone would trust/accept him in here. He is universally hated in this community and his recent activities are not helping it either.

    So, let me think if there's another solution to this issue other than just banning him.

  • @talkwithstranger
    Youre mistaking the situation only because you suck it up for the active posters on the site, you dont care about who is right or wrong, you only look at the people who give you more clicks.

  • @sir-devil said in Share your problems with Sir Devil:

    @talkwithstranger I respect you but you must see that there's little I could do here. The methods I use only work if they wish to change. @kek is a grown adult. He is aware of all the things, he is doing. I can talk to him but in his mind, I am nothing. I mean, I haven't done anything significant to gain his respect. So, even if I talk, I don't think that I could influence him to change.

    Even, if he changes, I don't think anyone would trust/accept him in here. He is universally hated in this community and his recent activities are not helping it either.

    So, let me think if there's another solution to this issue other than just banning him.


  • @kek said in Share your problems with Sir Devil:

    Youre mistaking the situation only because you suck it up for the active posters on the site, you dont care about who is right or wrong, you only look at the people who give you more clicks.


  • @alwaysstranger
    First of all, youre talking to a dude on the internet.
    Second of all youre cyberbullying most people on this site.
    Third of all, the policy of this site is as relevant as a child in africa.

  • @talkwithstranger GET HIM OFF. HEY @Depressed-Salad , @jamjam , @Kanuna , @Lucifer_ ...... and i want him to stop terrorising and bullying so BAN HIM AND ALL HIS 17 OR 18 DOCUMENTED ACCOUNTS!!! , what the fuck is the point of having pollicies if people can brake them and it's no issue

  • @kek

    Freedom of Speech is a big part in the internet, i can say whatever i want to anyone.
    Blackmailing is illegal, but there are loopholes around it, for example, sometimes it is considered as a threat.
    Or sometimes it could also be considered as a joke, a gaf, a goof if people laugh.

    Your life revolves around a site made by pakistanis that live in ireland, you're pretty sad of a life by itself.
    Secondly whatever you say is so annoying that even reading it i imagine your pre pubescent annoying voice through my computer.

    Who cares i have 13+ accounts, 7+ accounts, 20+ accounts? Nobody, only you.
    You have 0 friends for a reason, Thats why you come here.
    So you come to an online chat, threatening and telling people to kill themselves in private chat because youre on the internet, if i can go to jail because of screenshots then you will be killed pubicly for what you have done.
    Also, you can either say your statements are wrong and stupid for using them as a statement or i can also re-twist the statements to use them against yourself, there is a thing called "inspect element", not only, anything said by anyone on the internet or in real life will never be used against him (unless already under arrest just like the miranda rights in the US) because of the universal freedom of speech.

    You also believe anything anyone tells you which really makes me question in what category to put you in, i think its worse for a person to be stupid and think that they are smart than a dumb person think that they are dumb and admitting it.
    So take your shit off and leave, because after numerous tries to leave me alone you kept bothering me, and harassing me, and after contacting the admin of the site, he didnt do anything, the reason?: since this is a small site and makes none to 0 money they cant afford to ban a user that is active and posts even if he/she is cancerous and toxic.

    I will have to contact a few people to make this stop, unless you apologise and leave me alone.

    Yours truly, Kek

  • @alwaysstranger What I trying to say was that after a certain point, banning someone would become useless. He would just come back one way or another. At this point, there's little one can do. Even something like YouTube can't do much if someone decides to do that. The best example for that would be Keemstar. He was racist, toxic and even did things like swatting. He was banned by YouTube for this and within a month he just created a new account. YouTube banned it too. In response, he just created another account and so this cycle continued for a while, till he found a way to abuse a loophole in their policy and stopped that account from being banned.

  • @kek said in Share your problems with Sir Devil:


    Freedom of Speech is a big part in the internet, i can say whatever i want to anyone.
    Blackmailing is illegal, but there are loopholes around it, for example, sometimes it is considered as a threat.
    Or sometimes it could also be considered as a joke, a gaf, a goof if people laugh.

    @kξk said in Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger:

    I will call one of my friends who is studying programming so he can then find you and swat your home, potentially faking an email from your mother/father and firing them from their job, he also told me he could hack devices and retrieve any information inside it.
    This is your last warning from me.

    Sure dude. That joke is hilarious. And the time you released @Depressed-Salad 's private info is funny too. (I'm being sarcastic)

    Your life revolves around a site made by pakistanis that live in ireland, you're pretty sad of a life by itself.

    "You're pretty sad of a life by itself" i don't get offended by people who can't spell but thanks for the insult.

    Secondly whatever you say is so annoying that even reading it i imagine your pre pubescent annoying voice through my computer.

    Who cares i have 13+ accounts, 7+ accounts, 20+ accounts? Nobody, only you.

    Wrong. I'm sure @TalkWithStranger , @Depressed-Salad , @Lucifer_ , @jamjam ... are also pretty annoyed. You keep coming back after being banned and i know of 7+ fake accounts you created just so you can up vote all your posts and get permission to downvote ppl.

    You have 0 friends for a reason, Thats why you come here.

    So you come to an online chat, threatening and telling people to kill themselves in private chat because youre on the internet, if i can go to jail because of screenshots then you will be killed pubicly for what you have done.

    Lol. There's a clear difference between you breaking EU privacy laws and me telling you "go kill yourself" which i don't remember doing but k i might have but of course i didn't say it as an order but as an expression of how much i dislike your existence. Infact when you made a post saying you felt horrible (which is a couple of weeks after i might have went on a rampage on you) what did i do? Of course. I saw that you were actually feeling depressed and saying "i need someone to talk to" and i sent you links to meditation tutorials. It's kind of ironic that you're saying that i have no friends and then making posts saying "i need to talk to someone"

    Also, you can either say your statements are wrong and stupid for using them as a statement or i can also re-twist the statements to use them against yourself,

    Admitting that you're a manipulative person? Pretty good

    there is a thing called "inspect element", not only, anything said by anyone on the internet or in real life will never be used against him (unless already under arrest just like the miranda rights in the US) because of the universal freedom of speech

    Yeah dude but how does this have to do with anything I'm saying

    You also believe anything anyone tells you

    which really makes me question in what

    category to put you in, i think its worse for a

    person to be stupid and think that they are

    smart than a dumb person think that they are dumb and admitting it.

    Put me in the category of ppl who don't use around 6 lines to say something that can simply be said in 2 wirds "you're stupid".

    So take your shit off and leave, because after numerous tries to leave me alone you kept bothering me, and harassing me, and after contacting the admin of the site, he didnt do anything, the reason?

    Maybe because i don't brake TWS policies and that i never got banned? You got banned billions

    since this is a small site and makes none to 0 money they cant afford to ban a user that is active and posts even if he/she is cancerous and toxic.

    I know that. You're talking about yourself good job. And they can afford banning you, don't worry.

    I will have to contact a few people to make this stop, unless you apologise and leave me alone.

    Hell no. Apologies for what? Pointing out that it's outrageous that you are still on the site after the horrible things you've done. I'm not gonna stop until all your accounts are banned and if you come back with another account it'll be ok until you do something that shows TWS that it's you and then unless you stay nice and act reasonably you'll get banned again and again and again...

  • @sir-devil said in Share your problems with Sir Devil:

    @alwaysstranger What I trying to say was that after a certain point, banning someone would become useless. He would just come back one way or another. At this point, there's little one can do. Even something like YouTube can't do much if someone decides to do that. The best example for that would be Keemstar. He was racist, toxic and even did things like swatting. He was banned by YouTube for this and within a month he just created a new account. YouTube banned it too. In response, he just created another account and so this cycle continued for a while, till he found a way to abuse a loophole in their policy and stopped that account from being banned.

    We can at least ban the accounts which we know exist until we find the one he made to come back. And until he starts acting reasonably we'll continue doing the same thing. I can name at least 8 of his accounts and with the help of some of my friends i can name a couple more

  • @kek Freedom of speech is indeed a big part of the part but that doesn't mean that you don't have to follow the rules and policies of a site. It's his site and he can do whatever he can and he can give this power/authority to someone he trusts. Almost every single site has some kind of policies that every user must follow

  • Okay, guys, I am online. If someone wants to share something, I'm here...

  • @sir-devil I'm always hurting in the inside like my heart and I get scared of things too much I have too much anxiety and I feel like crying a lot but sometimes I can't and Idk what's going on with me I feel broken but Idk why

  • @katie123 did something happened in the past to make you feel that way?

    If yes, can you please elaborate on that.

    If no, as you have said that you don't why you feel like this, it may be due to dissatisfaction with life or you may have lost the motivation that you once had for progress. It may even be due to some kind of medical condition. Some of them are known to invoke depression or anxiety. Talk with a friend about these issues. Go out with them. If nothing works, I suggest you meeting a therapist or a doctor. Our issues must be addressed to the right person in order to find a solution.

  • Hi, guys! I am online!

  • @sir-devil
    So if you really are interested in hearing about others problems so here are mine.
    Well i have family issues .. my "so called relatives are selfish and always interfere in my life and want to know everything i do and control it in a way. Even though i have told them mutiple times that i don't need their help. So what do you suggest here? I do have more issues but i can't really express them in words without feeling terrible about sharing it on chat.