• @Buryce
    First of all, just stay strong mate. Since they're starting with the Chemotherapy, I hope it is an initial stage and you get through it without much pain or side-effects. Now, I can personally not help you with it but I'm tagging certain folks who might be able to share their insights on this.
    @GSP-Patrol-The-Proofreaders @Freedom-Writers-Writing @Music-Lovers

  • Oh man... i cannot imagine what you must be going through... i hope everything works out in the end, and if possible, try to keep a positive perpective through it all. Cancer is a mean Bastard, but it is not impossible to defeat. Even though i do not know you, I really wish you the best.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Buryce

    Hey buddy, try to stay strong and never giving up! I know it's hard to keep a positive outlook when the scene is so somber and dark but positiveness atracts positive things, as long as there's hope you gotta cling to that!
    On the Leukemia subject... I've had a really close friend that went tho that and he is perfecly fine nowadays and has a normal and stable life, he beat it! Not gonna lie, it wasn't easy but with the support of his friends and family he managed, just don't push ppl away and let them help you and support you, you don't have to deal with all that alone, let the ppl that love you help you tho this process, you can do it!

    Always up for a talk and to trying to cheer up peeps so hit me up anytime <3

  • Let yourself get double checked if you REALLY have tumors.
    A lot of doctors and health institutions make a profit with unneeded chemotherapy.


    "Dr. Farid Fata, 50, pleaded guilty in September to giving cancer treatments to misdiagnosed patients, telling some they had a terminal blood cancer called multiple myeloma. He pleaded guilty to 13 counts of Medicare fraud, one count of conspiracy to pay or receive kickbacks and two counts of money laundering."

    Shit and scum like that acutally exists, so beware.

  • @Buryce Hello friend, cancer always depends on a number of factors, from your age to your habits, but myeloid leukemia is more common in young people. Current chemotherapy is much more efficient than it was 10, 20 years ago and there is now the possibility of having bone marrow transplantation (many countries have it in an international network) is difficult but not impossible by genetic blood typing. I had a college professor who survived a Hodkin Lymphoma (although it's an aggressive form of tumor). The action of chemotherapy is systemic, that is, it spreads in your bloodstream seeking to reach sick cells. Do not be discouraged, even with the onset, that it is so difficult to adapt your body and side effects. It may be a long period of treatment until the regression of tumor cells, which may be a few years. But throughout therapy and the responses of your body you can resume your daily life. Stick to the love of your loved ones and trust your doctors and nurses by adhering to the treatments and following the guidelines. You will get it !!! Trust and do not give up !!!

  • @Buryce Hello! I admire how tough you are in facing these serious matters in just a snap. It actually happens, we are not mostly aware of the happenings in what our system is experiencing inside. We feel good and look well on the outside but eventually our system will ask us to pay for what we have done/took into our body system 10/20 years ago. I know you can't grasp all these news right now, but I want you to bear it on your mind that "MIRACLES DO HAPPEN". For me, Doctors sometimes misdiagnosed patients. You need to have a second /third /fourth opinion from other doctors. If they have the same results, you just have to make yourself strong and keep fighting :)

  • I have problems. Lots of health ones especially but not cancer. I just saw your post and wanted you to know that I am hoping for your health to return and that although I don’t know you I am sending you my love and the strength to get through all that you are facing. Best wishes.

  • K so uve had a few months now. Its still kinda scary but i had it for four years and if a dumb fuck like me can survive anyone can. The thing u have to remember is too stay calm through it all. Dont constantly think oh no i have cancer my life is changed forever. It hasnt just listen to what the doctor says for ur treatment and follow it. Besides that just go live life. Good luck pal

  • Oh I feel so bad

  • I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and finished chemo last year. Unlike you, I was not blindsided. I cannot imagine the sheer shock involved in that. But you should know the lymphoma has high survival rates. You are in a serious hospital doing the very best that's needed. As hard as it is, you have to keep your head up. You have to fight the urge to give in the darkness, or else it's swallow you whole. What if you hadn't gone into the doctor with your wrist pain? What if you waited? this could be a whole lot worse. Keep your attitude upbeat and do WHATEVER you find necessary to stay upright. I write post it notes all around my house with positive sayings. But I went through all my treatment alone, and I hope you have support. Support is important.