• @Rythemblu Perhaps if this topic picks up someone will be able to offer an interpretation. Elements in dreams are said to have real life meanings, though not often or exactly what the dream content was based on

  • @Lazz hey Lazz I'm down with this idea, it's a damn good one. So i had a dream the other night where i was strapped to a rack whilst my limbs were surgically removed one at a time. I was to be kept alive as a paraplegic. Fuck knows what it meant but i was extremely relieved on waking and realizing it was just a dream. What about yourself? Did a recent dream evoke the idea for this thread?

  • @Scottish Whoaaaa THAT'S a dream and a half. I can imagine waking would be most welcome. My dreams have been messed up for months (long story) but I guess I've been feeling somewhat nostalgic about chat places long gone. I've had a couple dreams, in the past, that have stayed with me a long, long time, though. And dreams can be just fascinating

  • @Lazz yeah endlessly fascinating and trying to interpret them can be fun and interesting. I can still remember certain dreams from decades ago. I personally have always suffered from nightmares, some of them recurring. They have returned for the last few months after a four and a half year absence in which all my dreams were bloody good fun and action packed. I've rarely had sexual dreams ever which is something I've always wondered about.

  • @Lazz yeah Lazz, could also be partly due to that wistful feeling that can arise as the nights draw in and the end of another year approaches, tends to be the time of year when people are most reflective, well certainly me anyway

  • @Scottish Understood. As an integral part of my own Halloween "ritual" I sit in the dark and quiet and just reflect on the soon-to-be-over year. And look forward to the soon-to-come feasting and merry-making

  • @Scottish Nightmares can be horrifying, to be sure. I feel for you. I don't actually recall any particular dreams, these days, but I've just spent months on several medications. When I DO dream, lately, it's always just meaningless random flashes of disjointed images, one after another. Like flipping channels on the TV. Very annoying, that.

  • @Lazz yeah Lazz i can imagine, mine always seem to have a plot and structure to them, kinda playing out like a movie so the good ones are epic and the bad ones disturbing.I like to think about them in depth when i wake, it helps me remember them in detail otherwise i only retain flashes of them which is frustrating

  • @Lazz well I'm gutted that this thread didn't take off Lazz, i was really looking forward to it, i thought loads of people would have jumped on it, dreams are one of the most fascinating phenomena that exists.

  • @Scottish Lost the battle, but the war isn't over as yet. Sometimes it takes a while, and I've got time.

  • @Lazz yeah here's hoping Lazz, it ain't over til the fat lady sings man! This posthas piqued my interest more than any other thread on here so i really hope it gains traction

  • @Scottish Well, I may be able to offer up one of my messed up twisted dreams, That might draw a few in.