• @Cunt-Fistula ranch dressing really speaks to me sometimes, "Put me on your pizza" it says

  • @petrapark3r But how exactly are supposed to listen and know what to say when the person youre having a conversation with says simple things like Yeah, okay, me too, and short stuff like that?

  • @wet-teri Why do you think alcohol makes it easier for people to communicate?

  • I'm okay, don't worryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  • @OliveOlivia said in Conversations...:

    @petrapark3r But how exactly are supposed to listen and know what to say when the person youre having a conversation with says simple things like Yeah, okay, me too, and short stuff like that?

    If somebody doesn't want to have a conversation with you, you won't have a conversation with them :shrug:...

    But if they actually would, then you need to start with right state of mind, like being completely open to the other, and completely accepting. Then you listen mostly and you speak a few words every now and then when your heart tells you to, to show your appreciation. But not like a robot. Not just mirroring. But it helps to use your own words to show what you understood. And then you just watch them open up and blossom in front of your eyes... Well maybe there are some hard passages, where it seems that the conversation drifts off and becomes mundane. Try to somehow guide it back to a more meaningful path.

    Meaningful is not serious btw...

    Well, that's the best I can do in such a short timeframe. Cheers

  • @OliveOlivia pm me and youll know what a real conversation is

  • @Leoweirdo said in Conversations...:

    @OliveOlivia pm me and youll know what a real conversation is

    pm me and ill teach you how to be less creepy.

  • @OliveOlivia said in Conversations...:

    @wet-teri Why do you think alcohol makes it easier for people to communicate?
    I wouldn't say communicate. But I will say that alcohol does seem to open people up and make them say things that they probably wouldn't if they weren't a little bit on the tipsy side. As for communicating with alcohol it's probably not very helpful for getting the point across.

  • @OliveOlivia in my opinion most meaningful conversations are triggered by key situations: an event, a remark, an action. starting a conversation without that or not knowing the person you are trying to reach to, can be very hard. thats way finding someone realy special in an random chat, is harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

  • @OliveOlivia said in Conversations...:

    Is it easy for you to have a conversation?

    Yes and no.
    It's very easy to have deep and meaningfull with certain people and the conversations can vary and cross different subject and never get boring but no, that's not common and I often find my conversations be about the weather or what they are doing... :shrug:
    Let's say that I rather have a small group of different interests and I go to them whenver I wanna have a conversation I want and have it right there... Wanna talk about sports - gym buddies, wanna talk about work - work buddies, wanna talk about life - closest friends but someone that can have all that + weather talks are very very rare and should be treasured...
